initializeCpp: Initialize matrix in C++ memory space

initializeCppR Documentation

Initialize matrix in C++ memory space


Initialize a tatami matrix object in C++ memory space from an abstract numeric R matrix. This object simply references the R memory space and avoids making any copies of its own, so it can be cheaply re-created when needed inside each function.


initializeCpp(x, ...)



A matrix-like object, typically from the Matrix or DelayedArray packages. Alternatively, an external pointer from a previous call to initializeCpp, which is returned without modification.


Further arguments used by specific methods. Common arguments include:

  • memorize, a logical scalar indicating whether to load the representation into memory - see checkMemoryCache for details.


Do not attempt to serialize the return value; it contains a pointer to external memory, and will not be valid after a save/load cycle. Users should not be exposed to the returned pointers; rather, developers should call initialize at the start to obtain a C++ object for further processing. As mentioned before, this initialization process is very cheap so there is no downside from just recreating the object within each function body.


An external pointer to a C++ object containing a tatami matrix.


# Mocking up a count matrix:
x <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(1000, 100, 0.1)
y <- round(abs(x))

stuff <- initializeCpp(y)

LTLA/beachmat documentation built on July 13, 2024, 3:11 p.m.