FixedNumberParam-class: The FixedNumberParam class

FixedNumberParam-classR Documentation

The FixedNumberParam class


The FixedNumberParam is a virtual subclass of the BlusterParam class. It causes clusterRows to dispatch to clustering algorithms that rely on a pre-specified number of clusters, e.g., KmeansParam.

Available methods

centers(x, n=NULL) will return the specified number of centers in a FixedNumberParam x. This can be an positive integer, or a function that accepts the number of observations and returns a positive number. If a function and n is supplied, the function is called on n and the result is rounded to obtain an integer.

centers(x) <- value will replace the specified number of centers in x with an integer scalar or function value. The function should accept a single argument and return a positive integer.


Aaron Lun

See Also

KmeansParam, for the archetypal example of a concrete subclass.

LTLA/bluster documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 5:39 a.m.