defaultArguments: Define the default arguments

.defaultScalarArgumentsR Documentation

Define the default arguments


Provide a consistent mechanism to handle specification of default arguments to the underlying clustering functions.






x, object

A BlusterParam object.


The idea is to simplify the derivation of new BlusterParam objects, by allowing developers to indicate that the underlying function default should be used for particular arguments. This avoids duplication of the default arguments in the object constructor; instead, default arguments can be indicated as such by setting them to NULL, in which case they will not be explicitly passed to the underlying clustering function.


For .defaultScalarArguments, a named character vector is returned. Each entry corresponds to an argument to the clustering function - the name is the argument name, and the value is the argument type.

For .extractScalarArguments, a named list of non-default scalar arguments is returned. Any arguments set to their default values are omitted from the list.

For .showScalarArguments, the values of the arguments are printed to screen. Default values are marked with [default].


Aaron Lun


.extractScalarArguments(PamParam(10, variant="faster"))

LTLA/bluster documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 5:39 a.m.