
Defines functions rangeFindVptree rangeFindKmknn rangeFindExhaustive

Documented in rangeFindExhaustive rangeFindKmknn rangeFindVptree

#' Find all neighbors in range
#' Find all neighboring data points within a certain distance of each point.
#' @inheritParams findKNN-functions
#' @param threshold A positive numeric scalar specifying the maximum distance at which a point is considered a neighbor.
#' Alternatively, a vector containing a different distance threshold for each point.
#' @param get.index A logical scalar indicating whether the indices of the neighbors should be recorded.
#' @param get.distance A logical scalar indicating whether distances to the neighbors should be recorded.
#' @param precomputed A \linkS4class{BiocNeighborIndex} object of the appropriate class, generated from \code{X}.
#' For \code{rangeFindExhaustive}, this should be a \linkS4class{ExhaustiveIndex} from \code{\link{rangeFindExhaustive}}.
#' For \code{rangeFindKmknn}, this should be a \linkS4class{KmknnIndex} from \code{\link{rangeFindKmknn}}.
#' For \code{rangeFindVptree}, this should be a \linkS4class{VptreeIndex} from \code{\link{rangeFindVptree}}.
#' @param raw.index A logial scalar indicating whether raw column indices should be returned, see \code{?"\link{BiocNeighbors-raw-index}"}.
#' @details
#' This function identifies all points in \code{X} that within \code{threshold} of each point in \code{X}.
#' For Euclidean distances, this is equivalent to identifying all points in a hypersphere centered around the point of interest.
#' The exact implementation can either use the KMKNNN approach or a VP tree.
#' By default, a search is performed for each data point in \code{X}, but it can be limited to a specified subset of points with \code{subset}.
#' This yields the same result as (but is more efficient than) subsetting the output matrices after running \code{findNeighbors} with \code{subset=NULL}.
#' If \code{threshold} is a vector, each entry is assumed to specify a (possibly different) threshold for each point in \code{X}.
#' If \code{subset} is also specified, each entry is assumed to specify a threshold for each point in \code{subset}.
#' An error will be raised if \code{threshold} is a vector of incorrect length.
#' Turning off \code{get.index} or \code{get.distance} will provide a slight speed boost and reduce memory usage when these returned values are not of interest.
#' If both \code{get.index=FALSE} and \code{get.distance=FALSE}, an integer vector containing the number of neighbors to each point is returned instead.
#' This is more memory efficient when the identities of/distances to the neighbors are not required.
#' Using \code{BPPARAM} will parallelize the search across points, which usually provides a linear increase in speed.
#' If multiple queries are to be performed to the same \code{X}, it may be beneficial to build the index from \code{X} (e.g., with \code{\link{buildKmknn}}).
#' The resulting BiocNeighborIndex object can be supplied as \code{precomputed} to multiple function calls, avoiding the need to repeat index construction in each call.
#' Note that when \code{precomputed} is supplied, the value of \code{X} is ignored.
#' @return 
#' A list is returned containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{index}, if \code{get.index=TRUE}.
#'         This is a list of integer vectors where each entry corresponds to a point (denoted here as \eqn{i}) in \code{X}.
#'         The vector for \eqn{i} contains the set of row indices of all points in \code{X} that lie within \code{threshold} of point \eqn{i}.
#'         Points in each vector are not ordered, and \eqn{i} will always be included in its own set.
#'     \item \code{distance}, if \code{get.distance=TRUE}.
#'         This is a list of numeric vectors where each entry corresponds to a point (as above) and contains the distances of the neighbors from \eqn{i}.
#'         Elements of each vector in \code{distance} match to elements of the corresponding vector in \code{index}.
#' }
#' If \code{get.index=FALSE} and \code{get.distance=FALSE}, an integer vector is returned instead containing the number of neighbors to \eqn{i}.
#' If \code{subset} is not \code{NULL}, each entry of the above lists corresponds to a point in the subset, in the same order as supplied in \code{subset}.
#' See \code{?"\link{BiocNeighbors-raw-index}"} for an explanation of the output when \code{raw.index=TRUE}.
#' @author
#' Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{buildExhaustive}, \link{buildKmknn}} or \code{\link{buildVptree}} to build an index ahead of time.
#' See \code{?"\link{BiocNeighbors-algorithms}"} for an overview of the available algorithms.
#' @examples
#' Y <- matrix(runif(100000), ncol=20)
#' out <- rangeFindKmknn(Y, threshold=3)
#' out2 <- rangeFindVptree(Y, threshold=3)
#' out3 <- rangeFindExhaustive(Y, threshold=3)
#' @name findNeighbors-functions

#' @export
#' @rdname findNeighbors-functions
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam 
rangeFindExhaustive <- function(X, threshold, get.index=TRUE, get.distance=TRUE, BPPARAM=SerialParam(), precomputed=NULL, subset=NULL, raw.index=FALSE, ...) {
    .template_range_find_exact(X, threshold, get.index=get.index, get.distance=get.distance, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, precomputed=precomputed, subset=subset, raw.index=raw.index,
        buildFUN=buildExhaustive, searchFUN=range_find_exhaustive, searchArgsFUN=.find_exhaustive_args, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname findNeighbors-functions
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam 
rangeFindKmknn <- function(X, threshold, get.index=TRUE, get.distance=TRUE, BPPARAM=SerialParam(), precomputed=NULL, subset=NULL, raw.index=FALSE, ...) {
    .template_range_find_exact(X, threshold, get.index=get.index, get.distance=get.distance, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, precomputed=precomputed, subset=subset, raw.index=raw.index,
        buildFUN=buildKmknn, searchFUN=range_find_kmknn, searchArgsFUN=.find_kmknn_args, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname findNeighbors-functions
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam 
rangeFindVptree <- function(X, threshold, get.index=TRUE, get.distance=TRUE, BPPARAM=SerialParam(), precomputed=NULL, subset=NULL, raw.index=FALSE, ...) {
    .template_range_find_exact(X, threshold, get.index=get.index, get.distance=get.distance, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, precomputed=precomputed, subset=subset, raw.index=raw.index,
        buildFUN=buildVptree, searchFUN=range_find_vptree, searchArgsFUN=.find_vptree_args, ...) 
LTLA/kmknn documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 6:03 p.m.