#' Auxiliary tools
#' Auxiliary tools used in the optimization of sample configurations using spatial simulated annealing.
#' @param osc Object of class \code{OptimizedSampleConfiguration}.
#' @param at Point of the optimization at which the energy state should be returned. Available options:
#' \code{"start"}, for the start, and \code{"end"}, for the end of the optimization. Defaults to
#' \code{at = "end"}.
#' @param n Number of instances that should be returned. Defaults to \code{n = 1}.
#' @aliases SPSANNtools objSPSANN
#' @author Alessandro Samuel-Rosa \email{alessandrosamuelrosa@@gmail.com}
# FUNCTION - RETRIEVE THE ENERGY STATE #########################################
#' @export
#' @rdname SPSANNtools
objSPSANN <- function (osc, at = "end", n = 1) {
UseMethod( "objSPSANN" )
#' @export
objSPSANN.OptimizedSampleConfiguration <-
function (osc, at = "end", n = 1) {
# Energy state at the start
if (at == "start") res <- utils::head(osc$objective$energy, n)
# Energy state at the end
if (at == "end") res <- utils::tail(osc$objective$energy, n)
return(data.frame(res, row.names = ""))
.acceptSPSANN <-
function(old.energy, new.energy, actual.temp) {
accept <- min(1, exp((old.energy[[1]] - new.energy[[1]]) / actual.temp))
accept <- floor(stats::rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = accept))
# INTERNAL FUNCTION - PLOTTING #################################################
.spSANNplot <-
function(energy0, energies, k,
# acceptance, accept_probs,
boundary, new_conf, conf0, y_max0, y.max, x_max0, x.max, best.energy,
best.k, MOOP, wp) {
# graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
graphics::par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
n <- ncol(energy0)
l <- colnames(energy0)
a <- rbind(energy0, energies)
# Palete based on ColorBrewer (qualitative, Paired, colorblind safe)
# https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=qualitative&scheme=Paired&n=4
col <- c(
"#000000", "#1F78B4", "#33A02C", "#E31A1C", "#A6CEE3",
"#B2DF8A", "#FB9A99")[1:n]
1, type = "n", xlim = c(0, k),
# ylim = c(0, max(a)),
ylim = c(min(a), max(a)),
xlab = "Spatial jitter",
ylab = "Objective Function Value")
"topright", legend = l, lwd = 1, lty = rep(1, n), col = col)
for (i in 1:ncol(a)) {
graphics::lines(a[, i] ~ c(1:k), col = col[i])
graphics::lines(x = c(-k, 0), y = rep(energy0[1], 2), col = col[1])
x = best.k, y = best.energy[1], col = "#E31A1C", pch = 20)
# graphics::lines(
# x = rep(best.k, 2), y = c(-500, best.energy[1]), col = "blue")
bb <- sp::bbox(boundary)
if (methods::is(boundary, "SpatialPoints")) {
sp::plot(x = boundary, pch = 20, cex = 0.1)
# plot(x = boundary, pch = 20, cex = 0.1)
# plot(boundary@coords, pch = 20, cex = 0.1)
} else {
sp::plot(x = boundary)
conf0[, 1], conf0[, 2], pch = 1, cex = 0.75, col = "lightgray")
# graphics::points(new_conf[, 1], new_conf[, 2], pch = 20, cex = 0.5)
pch <- rep(20, nrow(conf0))
if (nrow(conf0) < nrow(new_conf)) {
pch <- c(pch, rep(4, nrow(new_conf) - nrow(conf0)))
graphics::points(new_conf[, 1], new_conf[, 2], pch = pch, cex = 0.75)
if (!missing(wp)) {
new_conf[wp, 1], new_conf[wp, 2], pch = pch, cex = 1, col = "red")
# plot maximum shift in the x and y coordinates
x <- c(bb[1, 1], bb[1, 2])
y <- rep(bb[2, 1], 2) - 0.02 * y_max0
graphics::lines(x = x, y = y, col = "gray", lwd = 12)
y <- c(bb[2, 1], bb[2, 2])
x <- rep(bb[1, 1], 2) - 0.02 * x_max0
graphics::lines(y = y, x = x, col = "gray", lwd = 12)
x <- c(bb[1, 1], bb[1, 1] + x.max)
y <- rep(bb[2, 1], 2) - 0.02 * y_max0
graphics::lines(x = x, y = y, col = "orange", lwd = 12)
x <- rep(bb[1, 1], 2) - 0.02 * x_max0
y <- c(bb[2, 1], bb[2, 1] + y.max)
graphics::lines(y = y, x = x, col = "orange", lwd = 12)
# plot labels for maximum shift in the x and y coordinates
x <- bb[1, 1] + (bb[1, 2] - bb[1, 1]) / 2
y <- bb[2, 1] - 0.02 * y_max0
x = x, y = y, labels = "maximum shift in the X axis")
x <- bb[1, 1] - 0.02 * x_max0
y <- bb[2, 1] + (bb[2, 2] - bb[2, 1]) / 2
y = y, x = x, srt = 90, labels = "maximum shift in the Y axis")
# THE ORIGINAL spSANN FUNCTION #################################################
# .energyState <-
# function (fun, points, ...) {
# if (missing(fun) || missing(points)) {
# stop ("'fun' and 'points' are mandatory arguments")
# }
# return (do.call(fun, list(points, ...)))
# }
# spatial simulated annealing
# spSANN <-
# function (points, candi, x.max, x.min, y.max, y.min, fun, ...,
# iterations = 10000, plotit = TRUE, boundary,
# acceptance = list(initial = 0.99, cooling = iterations / 10),
# stopping = list(max.count = 200), progress = TRUE,
# verbose = TRUE) {
# if (plotit){
# par0 <- graphics::par()
# }
# n_pts <- dim(points)[1]
# conf0 <- points
# old_sys_config <- conf0
# energy0 <- .energyState(fun = fun, points = old_sys_config, ...)
# old_energy_state <- energy0
# count <- 0
# best_energy_state <- Inf
# energies <- vector()
# accept_probs <- vector()
# x_max <- vector()
# y_max <- vector()
# x_max0 <- x.max
# y_max0 <- y.max
# if (progress) {
# pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = iterations, style = 3)
# }
# time0 <- proc.time()
# for (k in 1:iterations) {
# id <- sample(c(1:n_pts), 1)
# new_conf <- spJitterFinite(old_sys_config, candi = candi,
# x.max = x.max, x.min = x.min,
# y.max = y.max, y.min = y.min,
# which.pts = id)
# x.max <- x_max0 - (k / iterations) * (x_max0 - x.min)
# x_max[k] <- x.max
# y.max <- y_max0 - (k / iterations) * (y_max0 - y.min)
# y_max[k] <- y.max
# new_energy_state <- .energyState(fun=fun, points = new_conf, ...)
# random_prob <- runif(1)
# actual_prob <- acceptance[[1]] * exp(-k / acceptance[[2]])
# accept_probs[k] <- actual_prob
# if (new_energy_state <= old_energy_state) {
# old_sys_config <- new_conf
# old_energy_state <- new_energy_state
# count <- 0
# } else {
# if (new_energy_state > old_energy_state & random_prob<=actual_prob) {
# old_sys_config <- new_conf
# old_energy_state <- new_energy_state
# count <- count + 1
# if (verbose) {
# if (count == 1) {
# cat("\n", count, "iteration with no improvement... p = ",
# random_prob, "\n")
# } else {
# cat("\n", count, "iterations with no improvement... p = ",
# random_prob, "\n")
# }
# }
# } else {
# new_energy_state <- old_energy_state
# new_conf <- old_sys_config
# count <- count + 1
# if (verbose) {
# if (count == 1) {
# cat("\n", count, "iteration with no improvement... stops at",
# stopping$max.count, "\n")
# } else {
# cat("\n", count, "iterations with no improvement... stops at",
# stopping$max.count, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# }
# energies[k] <- new_energy_state
# if (new_energy_state < best_energy_state / 1.0000001) {
# best_k <- k
# best_sys_config <- new_conf
# best_energy_state <- new_energy_state
# best_old_energy_state <- old_energy_state
# old_sys_config <- old_sys_config
# }
# if (any(round(seq(1, iterations, 10)) == k)) {
# if (plotit){
# .spSANNplot(energy0, energies,k,acceptance,accept_probs,
# boundary, new_conf, conf0, y_max0, y_max,
# x_max0, x_max)
# }
# }
# if (count == stopping[[1]]) {
# if (new_energy_state > best_energy_state * 1.000001) {
# old_sys_config <- old_sys_config
# new_conf <- best_sys_config
# old_energy_state <- best_old_energy_state
# new_energy_state <- best_energy_state
# count <- 0
# cat("\n", "reached maximum count with suboptimal system configuration\n")
# cat("\n", "restarting with previously best system configuration\n")
# if (count == 1) {
# cat("\n", count, "iteration with no improvement... stops at",
# stopping[[1]], "\n")
# } else {
# cat("\n", count, "iterations with no improvement... stops at",
# stopping[[1]], "\n")
# }
# } else {
# break
# }
# }
# if (progress) {
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
# }
# }
# if (progress) {
# close(pb)
# }
# if (plotit){
# graphics::par(par0)
# }
# res <- new_conf
# criterion <- c(energy0, energies)
# a <- attributes(res)
# a$energy.state <- criterion
# running_time <- (proc.time() - time0) / 60
# a$running.time <- running_time
# attributes(res) <- a
# cat("running time = ", round(running_time[3], 2), " minutes", sep = "")
# return (res)
# }
# End!
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