dist.Pareto: Pareto Distribution

dist.ParetoR Documentation

Pareto Distribution


These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the pareto distribution.


dpareto(x, alpha, log=FALSE)
ppareto(q, alpha)
qpareto(p, alpha)
rpareto(n, alpha)


x, q

These are each a vector of quantiles.


This is a vector of probabilities.


This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1.


This is the shape parameter \alpha, which must be positive.


Logical. If log=TRUE, then the logarithm of the density or result is returned.


  • Application: Continuous Univariate

  • Density: p(\theta) = \frac{\alpha}{\theta^{\alpha+1}}, \theta \ge 1

  • Inventor: Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)

  • Notation 1: \theta \sim \mathcal{PA}(\alpha)

  • Notation 2: p(\theta) = \mathcal{PA}(\theta | \alpha)

  • Parameter 1: shape parameter \alpha > 0

  • Mean: E(\theta) = \frac{\alpha}{\alpha - 1}

  • Variance: var(\theta) = \frac{\alpha}{(\alpha-1)^2(\alpha-2)}, \alpha > 2

  • Mode: mode(\theta) = 1

The Pareto distribution, sometimes called the Bradford distribution, is related to the exponential distribution. The gamma distribution is the conjugate prior distribution for the shape parameter \alpha in the Pareto distribution. The Pareto distribution is the conjugate prior distribution for the range parameters of a uniform distribution. An extension, elsewhere, is the symmetric Pareto distribution.


dpareto gives the density, ppareto gives the distribution function, qpareto gives the quantile function, and rpareto generates random deviates.

See Also

dexp, dlnorm, dlnormp, dnorm, dnormp, dnormv.


x <- dpareto(1,1)
x <- ppareto(0.5,1)
x <- qpareto(0.5,1)
x <- rpareto(10,1)

#Plot Probability Functions
x <- seq(from=1, to=5, by=0.01)
plot(x, dpareto(x,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function",
     ylab="density", col="red")
lines(x, dpareto(x,0.5), type="l", col="green")
lines(x, dpareto(x,1), type="l", col="blue")
legend(2, 0.9, expression(alpha==0.1, alpha==0.5, alpha==1),
     lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))

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