dist.Stick: Truncated Stick-Breaking Prior Distribution

dist.StickR Documentation

Truncated Stick-Breaking Prior Distribution


These functions provide the density and random number generation of the original, truncated stick-breaking (TSB) prior distribution given \theta and \gamma, as per Ishwaran and James (2001).


dStick(theta, gamma, log=FALSE)
rStick(M, gamma)



This accepts an integer that is equal to one less than the number of truncated number of possible mixture components (M=1). Unlike most random deviate functions, this is not the number of random deviates to return.


This is \theta, a vector of length M-1, where M is the truncated number of possible mixture components.


This is \gamma, a scalar, and is usually gamma-distributed.


Logical. If log=TRUE, then the logarithm of the density is returned.


  • Application: Discrete Multivariate

  • Density: p(\pi) = \frac{(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}}{\mathrm{B}(1,\beta)}

  • Inventor: Sethuraman, J. (1994)

  • Notation 1: \pi \sim \mathrm{Stick}(\theta,\gamma)

  • Notation 2: \pi \sim \mathrm{GEM}(\theta,\gamma)

  • Notation 3: p(\pi) = \mathrm{Stick}(\pi | \theta, \gamma)

  • Notation 4: p(\pi) = \mathrm{GEM}(\pi | \theta, \gamma)

  • Parameter 1: shape parameter \theta \in (0,1)

  • Parameter 2: shape parameter \gamma > 0

  • Mean: E(\pi) = \frac{1}{1+\gamma}

  • Variance: var(\pi) = \frac{\gamma}{(1+\gamma)^2 (\gamma+2)}

  • Mode: mode(\pi) = 0

The original truncated stick-breaking (TSB) prior distribution assigns each \theta to be beta-distributed with parameters \alpha=1 and \beta=\gamma (Ishwaran and James, 2001). This distribution is commonly used in truncated Dirichlet processes (TDPs).


dStick gives the density and rStick generates a random deviate vector of length M.


Ishwaran, H. and James, L. (2001). "Gibbs Sampling Methods for Stick Breaking Priors". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(453), p. 161–173.

Sethuraman, J. (1994). "A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors". Statistica Sinica, 4, p. 639–650.

See Also

ddirichlet, dmvpolya, and Stick.


dStick(runif(4), 0.1)
rStick(4, 0.1)

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