
Documentation Check

Tristan Mahr 2017-02-01

MySQL allows users to write short documentation comments for database tables (up to 80 characters) and for database fields (up to 255 characters). These documentation comments can be queried and retrieved like other data, so they provide a handy way to store descriptive metadata.

This script checks for missing documentation in database.


# Connect to the scores database

cnf_file <- "inst/l2t_db.cnf"
l2t <- l2t_connect(cnf_file, "backend")

We cannot document views

Views are tables that are dynamically show the results of a query. These are prefixed in the database with "q_" (for query). These view tables, and the derived fields computer in them, cannot be documented. We have to ignore these tables in our check

The following tables are views and can only have have limited documentation.

describe_db(l2t) %>% 
  filter(Description == "VIEW")
#>    Database                              Table Rows Description
#> 1   backend       q_Blending_ModulePropCorrect   NA        VIEW
#> 2   backend             q_Blending_PropCorrect   NA        VIEW
#> 3   backend                 q_Blending_Summary   NA        VIEW
#> 4   backend      q_Blending_SupportPropCorrect   NA        VIEW
#> 5   backend              q_Household_Education   NA        VIEW
#> 6   backend     q_Household_Maternal_Caregiver   NA        VIEW
#> 7   backend q_Household_Max_Maternal_Education   NA        VIEW
#> 8   backend                    q_LENA_Averages   NA        VIEW
#> 9   backend                q_MinPair_Aggregate   NA        VIEW
#> 10  backend          q_MinPair_Dialect_Summary   NA        VIEW
#> 11  backend                q_Rhyming_Aggregate   NA        VIEW
#> 12  backend              q_Rhyming_PropCorrect   NA        VIEW
#> 13  backend                  q_SAILS_Aggregate   NA        VIEW
#> 14  backend                q_SAILS_PropCorrect   NA        VIEW

In the q_MinPair_Aggregate view, the proportion correct for non-training trials is a derived value. The field MinPair_ProportionCorrect is created and computed as the query is executed. Therefore, there is no documentation available for it.

l2t %>% 
  describe_tbl("q_MinPair_Aggregate") %>% 
  filter(Description == "")
#>                 Table                     Field Index     DataType
#> 1 q_MinPair_Aggregate     MinPair_NumTestTrials         bigint(21)
#> 2 q_MinPair_Aggregate MinPair_ProportionCorrect       decimal(7,4)
#>   DefaultValue NullAllowed Description
#> 1            0          NO            
#> 2         <NA>         YES

Undocumented Tables

The following tables are missing documentation:

no_table_doc <- describe_db(l2t) %>% filter(Description == "")
#> [1] Database    Table       Rows        Description
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Undocumented Fields

The following fields are missing documentation.

# Omit strings containing a pattern
str_reject <- function(string, pattern) { 
  string[!stringr::str_detect(string, pattern)]

non_view_tbls <- src_tbls(l2t) %>% str_reject("q_")

# Get description of each non-view table. Combine them.
all_descriptions <- Map(function(x) describe_tbl(l2t, x), non_view_tbls) %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 

# Keep only undocumented rows
undocumented_fields <- all_descriptions %>% 
  # Ignore the temporary tables used for mass data-entry
  mutate(IsEntryTable = stringr::str_detect(Table, "_Entry")) %>% 
  filter(Description == "", !IsEntryTable) %>% 
  select(Table, Field, Description) %>% 
  print(n = Inf)
#> # A tibble: 17 × 3
#>             Table                     Field Description
#>             <chr>                     <chr>       <chr>
#> 1       DELV_Risk              ChildStudyID            
#> 2       DELV_Risk               DELV_RiskID            
#> 3       DELV_Risk      DELV_Risk_Completion            
#> 4       DELV_Risk             DELV_Risk_Age            
#> 5       DELV_Risk           DELV_Risk_Score            
#> 6       DELV_Risk          DELV_Risk_Degree            
#> 7       DELV_Risk          DELV_Risk_Result            
#> 8       DELV_Risk       DELV_Risk_Timestamp            
#> 9  DELV_Variation              ChildStudyID            
#> 10 DELV_Variation          DELV_VariationID            
#> 11 DELV_Variation DELV_Variation_Completion            
#> 12 DELV_Variation        DELV_Variation_Age            
#> 13 DELV_Variation    DELV_Variation_ColumnA            
#> 14 DELV_Variation    DELV_Variation_ColumnB            
#> 15 DELV_Variation     DELV_Variation_Degree            
#> 16 DELV_Variation     DELV_Variation_Result            
#> 17 DELV_Variation  DELV_Variation_Timestamp
#> # A tibble: 17 × 3
#>             Table                     Field Description
#>             <chr>                     <chr>       <chr>
#> 1       DELV_Risk              ChildStudyID            
#> 2       DELV_Risk               DELV_RiskID            
#> 3       DELV_Risk      DELV_Risk_Completion            
#> 4       DELV_Risk             DELV_Risk_Age            
#> 5       DELV_Risk           DELV_Risk_Score            
#> 6       DELV_Risk          DELV_Risk_Degree            
#> 7       DELV_Risk          DELV_Risk_Result            
#> 8       DELV_Risk       DELV_Risk_Timestamp            
#> 9  DELV_Variation              ChildStudyID            
#> 10 DELV_Variation          DELV_VariationID            
#> 11 DELV_Variation DELV_Variation_Completion            
#> 12 DELV_Variation        DELV_Variation_Age            
#> 13 DELV_Variation    DELV_Variation_ColumnA            
#> 14 DELV_Variation    DELV_Variation_ColumnB            
#> 15 DELV_Variation     DELV_Variation_Degree            
#> 16 DELV_Variation     DELV_Variation_Result            
#> 17 DELV_Variation  DELV_Variation_Timestamp

Name checks

We need to be careful about tables that share field names because they will not join correctly. For example, trying to combine an Experiment table with a Dialect column to a ParticipantInfo table with Dialect column will wrongly combine experiments and children that share the same values in the Dialect column. Which is not what we want, especially the same child is exposed to different versions of an experiment with different dialects.

Ideally, only index fields should be allowed to appear in more than one table, and we check that this is the case. We allow tables for item-level data to have repeated names (like Trial or Stimulus1), so we ignore tables with _Responses in the name.

# Get description of each non-view table. Combine them.
repeated_names <- all_descriptions %>% 
  # Ignore the temporary tables used for mass data-entry
  mutate(IsEntryTable = stringr::str_detect(Table, "_Entry"),
         IsItemTable = stringr::str_detect(Table, "_Responses")) %>% 
  filter(Index == "", !IsEntryTable, !IsItemTable) %>% 
  # Count the occurrence of each field
  group_by(Field) %>% 
  mutate(FieldCount = length(Field)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  # Keep duplicated fields
  filter(FieldCount != 1) %>% 
  select(Field, Table) %>% 
  arrange(Field) %>% 
  print(n = Inf)
#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # ... with 2 variables: Field <chr>, Table <chr>
#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # ... with 2 variables: Field <chr>, Table <chr>

LearningToTalk/L2TDatabase documentation built on June 24, 2020, 3:45 a.m.