knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()) # Set WD to Root here::i_am("dev/build.Rmd") library(here)
fs::dir_create("my_data") fs::dir_create("my_R")
usethis::use_git_ignore("dev/") usethis::use_git_ignore("my_data/") usethis::use_git_ignore("my_R/") # usethis::use_git_ignore("testdata/") # ignore private Test Data in `inst/testdata`
usethis::use_build_ignore("dev") usethis::use_build_ignore("my_data") usethis::use_build_ignore("my_R")
usethis::use_description( fields = list( Title = "My Package for Office Document", `Authors@R` = 'person("Kittipos", "Sirivongrungson", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))', Description = "This package contain custom functions that manipulate office document files such as Excel, MS Word, MS Powerpoint, etc.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Depends = "R (>= 2.10)" ) )
usethis::use_readme_rmd() usethis::use_lifecycle_badge("experimental")
# usethis::use_rmarkdown_template( # template_name = "name", # template_description = "description" # )
usethis::use_pipe() usethis::use_package("rlang") usethis::use_package("purrr") usethis::use_package("dplyr") usethis::use_package("purrr") usethis::use_package("stringr") usethis::use_package("rmarkdown") usethis::use_package("openxlsx")
usethis::use_import_from("rlang", ":=") # Must have if use rlang usethis::use_import_from("stats", "na.omit")
# Put this in R/globals.R # utils::globalVariables(c("var1")) usethis::use_r("globals.R")
Helper Functions for test -> create testthat/helper.R
If you want to use data for testing, put data file(s) in inst/testdata
The path to this data can be obtained by system.file("testdata",...,package="my_package")
For example, If I put cars.csv
in inst/testdata
, to read into R use this command read.csv(system.file("testdata","cars.csv", package="my_package"))
Path to testdata folder: put this in testthat/test-helper.R
path_testdata <- function(..., package = "pkg_name") { system.file("testdata", ... ,package = package) }
To store exported data in data/
Each file in this directory should be .rda
file containing a single object.
To store code that used for data preparation in data-raw/
# usethis::use_data(export_df1,export_df2) # usethis::use_data_raw("export_df1") # Code to Prepare data # usethis::use_data_raw("export_df2") # Code to Prepare data
How to Document a Data set
Document the name of the data in R/
as roxygen2:
#' Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds. #' #' A dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 54,000 #' diamonds. #' #' @format A data frame with 53940 rows and 10 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{price}{price, in US dollars} #' \item{carat}{weight of the diamond, in carats} #' ... #' } #' @source \url{} "diamonds"
Save all of the objects for internal use in R/sysdata.rda.
Usually, they don’t need to be documented.
# usethis::use_data(df1, df2, df3, internal = TRUE)
If you want to show examples of loading/parsing raw data, put the original files in inst/extdata
# fs::dir_create("inst/extdata")
Function: Path to Raw Data
So that User can easy access path to raw data
# usethis::use_r("example")
#' Get path to PKG example #' #' PKG comes bundled with a number of sample files in its `inst/extdata` #' directory. This function make them easy to access #' #' @param file Name of file. If `NULL`, the example files will be listed. #' @export #' @examples #' library(PKG) #' PKG_example() #' PKG_example("file.csv") PKG_example <- function(file = NULL) { if (is.null(file)) { dir(system.file("extdata", package = "PKG")) } else { system.file("extdata", file, package = "PKG", mustWork = TRUE) } } PKG_example() PKG_example("file.csv")
Write: Raw Data
# raw_data %>% readr::write_csv(here("inst/extdata/file.csv"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.