knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()) # Set WD to Root here::i_am("dev/openxl-writeLoc.Rmd") library(tidyverse) library(here) library(openxlsx) source(here("my_R/mkdata.R")) library(testthat)
usethis::use_r("xl-loc") usethis::use_r("xl-write")
= list of DFs
file = file
lbdoc::write.xlsx_gV(tab1 = list(iris[1:5, ], mtcars[1:5, ]), tab2 = list(Orange[1:3, ], iris[1:2, ]), file = path_excel("Excel_VGridTest1.xlsx"), overwrite = T #writeData_args = list(borderColour = "black"), )
write.xlsx_gV <- function(..., file, overwrite = FALSE, startCol = 1, startRow = 1, gapRow = 1, headerStyle = NULL, borders = "columns", freezePane_args = list(), writeData_args = list() ){ ls_ls_df <- rlang::list2(...) sheet_names <- names(ls_ls_df) fp_args <- rep_list_elements(freezePane_args, length.out = length(ls_ls_df)) wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook() # Iterate over Tabs (Worksheets) for (i in seq_along(ls_ls_df)) { # Take list of DF out ls_df <- ls_ls_df[[i]] # Freez pane args at each tabs fp_args_tab <- lapply(fp_args, `[`, i) # Header Style if (is.null(headerStyle)) { # Default HS hs <- createHeaderStyles(n = length(ls_df)) }else{ hs <- headerStyle } # Add Tabs openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet_names[[i]], gridLines = TRUE) # Write Grid Data in each tabs rlang::exec( # FUN writeData_gridVertical, # Args wb, sheet = i, ls_df = ls_df, startRow = startRow, startCol = startCol, gapRow = gapRow, headerStyle = hs, borders = borders, !!!writeData_args ) # Freez Panes rlang::exec(openxlsx::freezePane, wb, sheet = i, !!!fp_args_tab ) } ## Save Files openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = file, overwrite = overwrite) return(invisible(wb)) }
wb1 <- write.xlsx_gV(tab1 = ls_df12, tab2 = list(iris, mtcars), file = path_excel("Excel_VertialGrid1.xlsx"), headerStyle = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, freezePane_args = list(firstActiveRow = 2:3)) openXL(wb1)
wb2 <- write.xlsx_gV(tab1 = ls_df12, file = path_excel("Excel_VertialGrid2.xlsx"), headerStyle = list(hs1, hs2, hs1), overwrite = TRUE, writeData_args = list(borderColour = "red")) openXL(wb2)
wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "First", gridLines = TRUE) addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "Second", gridLines = TRUE) writeData_gridVertical(wb, sheet = 1, ls_df = ls_df12, startRow = 1, gapRow = 1, headerStyle = list(hs1, hs2, hs2), borders = "columns") writeData_gridVertical(wb, sheet = 2, ls_df = ls_df12, startRow = 1, gapRow = 1, headerStyle = hs1) saveWorkbook(wb, path_excel("Excel_chLoc3.xlsx"), overwrite = TRUE) openXL(wb)
Vary: x
, startCol
, startRow
, headerStyle
writeData_gridVertical <- function(wb, sheet, ls_df, startCol = 1, startRow = 1, gapRow = 1, headerStyle = NULL, borders = "columns", ... ) { # Vector of Start Rows start_rows <- get_startRow_stack(ls_df, startRow = startRow, gapRow = gapRow) ## Rep Args args_ls_long <- rep_args_len(..., length.out = length(ls_df)) borders <- rep(borders, length.out = length(ls_df)) for (i in seq_along(ls_df)) { # Header Styles ## Check if it is list of Style objects is_ls_hs <- is.list(headerStyle) && purrr::every(headerStyle, ~ inherits(.x, "Style")) if(is.null(headerStyle)){ hs <- createHeaderStyles(n = length(ls_df))[[i]] } else if (is_ls_hs) { # If supply list of header style; supply them correspondingly if (length(headerStyle) != length(ls_df)) stop("Length of list of headerStyle must equals to data frames.") hs <- headerStyle[[i]] } else if (inherits(headerStyle, "Style")) { # If not, style the same hs <- headerStyle } else { stop("`headerStyle` must be a 'Style' object.") } # Dots args_ls <- lapply(args_ls_long, `[`, i) # Execute Write !! rlang::exec(openxlsx::writeData, # Args wb, sheet = sheet, x = ls_df[[i]], startRow = start_rows[[i]], startCol = startCol, headerStyle = hs, borders = borders[[i]], !!!args_ls ) } }
Test: writeData_gridVertical
wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "First", gridLines = TRUE) writeData_gridVertical(wb, sheet = 1, ls_df = ls_df12, startRow = 1, gapRow = 1, headerStyle = NULL, borders = c("rows","columns"), borderColour =c("red", "blue")) saveWorkbook(wb, path_excel("Excel_chLoc2.xlsx"), overwrite = TRUE) openXL(wb) #debugonce("writeData_gridVertical")
wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "First", gridLines = TRUE) for (i in 1:3) { writeData(wb, sheet = 1, x = ls_df12[[i]], startRow = get_startRow_stack(ls_df12, start = 1, gap = 1)[[i]], startCol = 1, headerStyle = NULL ) } freezePane(wb, sheet = 1, firstActiveRow = 5, firstActiveCol = 3) saveWorkbook(wb, path_excel("Excel_chLoc2.xlsx"), overwrite = TRUE) openXL(wb)
hs1 %>% class() hs1 %>% is.list() hs1 %>% inherits("Style") list(hs1, hs2) %>% every(~inherits(.x, "Style"))
In details:
wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "First", gridLines = TRUE) writeData(wb, sheet = 1, x = data.frame(Name = c("a","b", "c"), Val = c(1,2, 3)), startCol = 1, startRow = 1, headerStyle = hs1) writeData(wb, sheet = 1, x = iris, startCol = 1, startRow = 5, headerStyle = hs2) saveWorkbook(wb, path_excel("Excel_chLoc1.xlsx"), overwrite = TRUE) openXL(wb)
Get start row location of each df to write
Input: ls_df
, gap
Output: named numeric vector
get_startRow_stack <- function(ls_df, startRow = 1, gapRow = 0) { df_nms <- names(ls_df) ## Height of each DF ht_df <- sapply(ls_df, nrow) + 1 out <- numeric(length(ls_df)) for (i in seq_along(ls_df)) { ## First DF if(i == 1L){ out[[1]] <- startRow next } ## Start Row of DFn ### Start point + sum of height of last dfs + number of gaps out[[i]] <- startRow + sum(ht_df[1:(i - 1)]) + (i - 1)*gapRow } names(out) <- df_nms out } get_startRow_stack(ls_df123) get_startRow_stack(ls_df12, gapRow = 1) get_startRow_stack(ls_df12, startRow = 2, gapRow = 1)
test_that("get_startRow_stack()",{ expect_equal(get_startRow_stack(ls_df123), c(DF1 = 1,DF2 = 4,DF3 = 8)) })
df1 <- data.frame(A = letters[1:2], B = c(1:2)) df2 <- data.frame(C = letters[3:5], D = LETTERS[3:5], E = 3:5) df3 <- data.frame(G = letters[1:2], H = c(1:2)) ls_df123 <- list(DF1 = df1, DF2 = df2, DF3 = df3) ls_df123
start <- 1 gap <- 1 ## Height of DF ht_df <- sapply(ls_df12, nrow) + 1 ## Start Row of DF1 start ## Start Row of DF2 start + ht_df[[1]] + 1*gap ## Start Row of DF3 start + sum(ht_df[1:2]) + 2*gap
capture_dot <- function(...) { ls <- rlang::list2(...) ls } capture_dot(a = 1, b = 2, 3, NULL) capture_dot(i = iris, !!!list(a = Orange), mtcars) %>% names()
l <- list(a = "A", b = "B") v <- c(a = "A", b = "B") wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "First", gridLines = TRUE) writeData(wb, sheet = 1, x = v, startCol = 1, startRow = 1) saveWorkbook(wb, path_excel("Excel_vctr.xlsx"), overwrite = TRUE) openXL(wb)
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