
Defines functions assign_season

Documented in assign_season

#' Assign seasons to sampling data
#' Assign seasons to sampling data on a monthly basis or user-defined basis
#' @param data a vector of POSIXct dates
#' @param season A list of seasons. Months (1-12) are assigned to different groups based on user preference. Defaults to 12 months, starting with January. Must assign a minimum of two seasons
#' @param season_names A string vector of season names. The number of season names must match the length of the \code{season} list. A minimum of two seasons must be assigned (e.g., 'Wet', 'Dry'). Defaults to 12 months, starting with January. The number of season names must match the number of seasons
#' @param season_start defaults to 12 months, starting with January
#' @param abb logical, should abbreviations for month names be used? Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @importFrom lubridate month is.POSIXt
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @export
#' @details A function used to assign seasons to sampling data and to order the seasons. This function also allows the user to designate which season should be first.
#' @return Returns a vector of ordered season factors.
#' @author Julie Padilla
#' @concept wrangling
assign_season <- function(data, season = NULL, season_names = NULL, season_start = NULL, abb = FALSE) {

  dat <- data

  if(abb) {
    mo_nms <- month.abb
  } else {
    mo_nms <- month.name

  # sanity checks

  #Check that the vector is POSIXct format
    stop('Input data is not in POSIXt format. Reformat input data.')

  #if season != NULL, check that there are at least 2 seasons
  if(!is.null(season)) {
    if (length(season) <= 1) {stop('Number of seasons is equal to 1. Assign 2 or more seasons.')}

  #if season_names != NULL
  ##check that season != NULL
  ##check that season names are unique
  ##check that the number of season names matches the length of season
  ##warn user that no effect will happen if abb = TRUE for this instance
  if(!is.null(season_names)) {
    if(is.null(season)) {stop('Season names assigned with no seasons')}
    if (length(season_names) != length(unique(season_names))) {stop('Season names are not unique. Assign unique season names.')}
    if (length(season_names) != length(season)) {stop('List of seasons not equal to season names. Assign an equal number of seasons and season names')}
    if(abb) {warning('abb = TRUE irrelevant for user-defined seasons and season names.')}

  #If season_start != NULL, check that the season_start is either a month name or a season name
  if(is.null(season_start)) {
    if(!is.null(season)) {season_start %in% mo_nms} else {season_start %in% season_names}

  # Assigning the season
  if(is.null(season) & is.null(season_names)){
    x <- lubridate::month(dat)
    x <- mo_nms[x]
    x <- factor(x)
    x <- ordered(x, mo_nms)

      start <- match(c(season_start), mo_nms)
      x <- ordered(x, c(mo_nms[c(start:12)], mo_nms[c(1:start-1)]))

  } else {
    x <- data.frame(month = lubridate::month(dat))
    names(season) <- season_names

    seas_nm <- unlist(lapply(1:length(season_names), function(x) rep(names(season[x]),length(season[[x]])))) #this doesn't work for weird season assignments
    df <- data.frame(month = unname(unlist(season)), nm = seas_nm)
    x <- dplyr::left_join(x, df)
    x <- factor(x[, 2])
    x <- ordered(x, season_names)

      start <- match(c(season_start), season_names)
      x <- ordered(x, c(season_names[start:length(season_names)], season_names[c(1:start-1)]))

LimnoTech/limnotools documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:10 a.m.