Man pages for LuisLauM/ruisu
Tools for habitual tasks (and another fancy things)

acAbbreviation for 'as.character'
addAuthorAdd artist name to (music) file
addCoordsAxesAdd labels for XY axis on a map
addInfoFilenameAdd extra info to file
addTextBoxAdd a box with a text inside
AIPData_new'data.frame' with new (corrected) AIP information.
AIPData_old'data.frame' with old (original) AIP information.
AIPShapefile_new'shapefile' with new (corrected) AIP information.
AIPShapefile_old'shapefile' with old (original) AIP information.
anAbbreviation for 'as.numeric'
ancAbbreviation for 'as.numeric(as.character(x))'
barPercentagePretty customizable barplot
brokenBarplotMake a barplot with a broken Y axis
centroidAssignerReturns centroid values from grid codes.
coastline'data.frame' with coordinates of the eastern side of the...
coastlineBuffer_m'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' object with a buffer in meters of...
coastlineBuffer_nm'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' object with a buffer in nautical...
coord_example'data.frame' with some random coordinates for running...
counterZOOLaboratory Counter simulator
digitsumReturns sum of digit from number
envir_downANDextractDownload environmental data from Copernicus services, extract...
envirScenarios'data.frame' with environmental scenarios given by IGP
getAIPInfoExtract info from AIP codes
getCoordsAxesEasy way to get the labels of coordinates from a vector.
getHarborGet harbor information from name
harborData'data.frame' with information of the main Peruvian harbors
isNearCoastDetermine the proximity to coast of points
lengthFrequencyPlotGiven a frequency table size, it generates a vertical array...
minDistanceToCoastGet the minumim distance to coast
month.abb_spanish'charcater' vector with the three-letter abbreviations for...
month.name_spanish'charcater' vector with names of months in Spanish.
newYearCurious way to show a message.
notebanks_ATMATM banknotes' optimizer algorithm
parallelMapsMake plots with parallel effect
passwordGenPassword generator
peruvianGrid.assignerWrapper function peruvianGrid.assigner
plotIsoparalitoralPlot Isoparalitoral shapes
prepareProjFolderEasy way to prepare a folder for a typical R Project
progressBarMake a progress bar
randomRectanglesDraw colorful squares
ruisu-packageTools for habitual tasks (and another fancy things) in data...
sillyTest'list' with a test inspired on Harry Potter books.
speciesInfo'data.frame' with main information about some Peruvian...
surveyTrackSimulate points for a survey track
tableAddAdd info (total, mean, sd, etc.) to matrix or table
zigguratCreatorCreates a zigurat matrix
LuisLauM/ruisu documentation built on March 26, 2024, 8:23 a.m.