Man pages for LukeCe/spflow
Spatial Econometric Interaction Models

assertions_and_primitivesA set of functions to create standardized error messages
compare_resultsCompare results of multiple spflow_models
cor_imageGraphical display of a correlation matrix
derive_logdet_calculatorA function to compute the Jacobean term in the spatial...
derive_spflow_matricesCompute the design matrices used during the estimation with...
derive_spflow_momentsCompute the moment matrices used during the estimation with...
enhance_spflow_controlDerive additional information from the 'spflow_control()'...
example_dataSimulated data for stylized versions of Germany and the USA
expand_spflow_neighborhoodDerive the OD-level neighborhood matrices
impacts_matrixCompute spatial impacts matrix
map_flowsGeographical representation of origin-destination flows
nb2MatConvert the 'nb-class' from spdep to a sparse Matrix
pair_corCorrelation matrices for OD data
pair_mergeCreate a long form data.frame of origin-destination pairs
paris_dataExample data for commuting flows within Paris
plot-spflow_model-methodDiagnostic plots for the results of a spatial interaction...
predictPrediction methods for the 'spflow_model-class()'
spflowEstimate spatial interaction models that incorporate spatial...
spflow_controlControl parameters passed to 'spflow()'
spflow-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'spflow'.
spflow_genericsGeneric functions for the 'spflow_network_classes()' and the...
spflow_mapGeographic representation of flows
spflow_model-classClass spflow_model
spflow_moran_plotsMoran scatter plots of interaction data
spflow_networkCreate a 'spflow_network-class()'
spflow_network-classClass spflow_network
spflow_network_classesOverview on spflow network classes
spflow_network_multiCreate a 'spflow_network_multi-class()'
spflow_network_multi-classClass spflow_network_multi
spflow_network_pairCreate a 'spflow_network_pair-class()'
spflow_network_pair-classClass spflow_network_pair
spflow-packageSpatial econometric interaction models in R
spflow_refitRefitting spflow models
LukeCe/spflow documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 8:20 p.m.