


This is a typical workflow for processing election returns:

  1. Read from the disk returns collected from states or administrative jurisdictions in assorted format
  2. Shuffle the data around to match our schema
  3. Standardize certain values that refer to candidate names, federal or state legislative office, or party
  4. Assign observations to one of our releases (e.g., the U.S. House dataverse)
  5. Add state, county, and candidate identifiers
  6. Check for data quality issues
  7. Save the result

The sections that follow describe package functionality for each step and offer some guidance.

Read returns


Column type problems often arise when reading returns from delimited text (e.g., CSV) files. We also may encounter column names that are duplicated, missing, or contain special characters. Base R’s read.csv doesn’t handle these situations as safely as fread from data.table and read_csv from readr.

fread and read_csv produce warnings on parser errors that we can resolve by setting column types explicitly via the colClasses argument for fread or col_types for read_*. Other than the two functions’ return types, data.table and tibble, the most relevant difference in implementation for us is that the read_ family infers column types from the first guess_max rows, whereas fread uses a sample.

We’d ideally read returns from a delimited-text format only once, and for any intermediate writes to the disk during processing use a binary format that preserves types, e.g. an R data format. But we haven’t always done this, and in the 2016 returns there are a lot of intermediate CSVs.

Read these intermediate CSVs with the read_legacy_csv function. It promotes parser warnings to errors, and can read expected columns with the appropriate types if use_types = TRUE.


We deal with quite a few Excel files. Some can be handled with the readxl package. It works well when spreadsheets already look like sane tabular data, with a single header row followed by observations whose identifiers are in columns.

This isn’t always so. Consider an excerpt:

Excel Example

The top of the sheet has three headers, which give:

But there’s also an interstitial header spanning A6:I6 (“ADA”). This is a jurisdiction, and describes all the rows below it until the next such header. (Which happens to be “ADA (Continued)” in A31:I31). These headers appear about every 25 rows. Otherwise, A gives precinct numbers.

At a high level, we want to do the following:

  1. Associate each office, party and candidate in B:I with the votes in its column;
  2. Associate each jurisdiction in A with all the votes below it, until the next interstitial header;
  3. Associate each precinct in A with all the votes in its row;
  4. Avoid including total rows (not shown above).

The desired result would start like this:

                    office party              candidate jurisdiction precinct votes
1: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT   IND      Darrell L. Castle          ADA     1401     4
2: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT   DEM Hillary Rodham Clinton          ADA     1401   206
3: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT   CON         Scott Copeland          ADA     1401     0
4: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT   IND     Rocky De La Fuente          ADA     1401     0
5: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT   LIB           Gary Johnson          ADA     1401    35
6: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT   IND          Evan McMullin          ADA     1401    63

The package includes functionality for arriving at such a result with reasonable speed and safely. See the vignette on Excel-file processing for more details.

Shuffle data

Each row in released precinct data gives the votes cast via some mode (e.g., by mail) for a candidate running for an office either on a party line or as a writein, in a particular precinct within an election jurisdiction. So, observations should be unique by jurisdiction, precinct, candidate, office, party, writein and mode.

We wrangle the raw data into these columns. For most states this requires at minimum splitting a single raw column between jurisdiction and precinct, and another between office and district.

For readable and maintainable code, we recommend using the stringr package for this, in combination with either dplyr or data.table. There is some syntactic sugar in the package for text-value wrangling with regular expressions.

These infix operators are vectorized over a left-hand-side character vector and apply a pattern from their right-hand side (ignoring case). They correspond with functions in stringr:

| function | stringr verb | | :------: | :----------- | | %=% | detect | | %-% | remove_all | | %e% | extract |

These functions operate on specified columns of a data.table:

| function | operation | | :------: | :------------------ | | move | extract then remove |

Standardize values

We standardize certain values of office and candidate. For example, in MEDSL data, all presidential candidates run for the office of US President; to achieve this consistency we replace alternative references to the presidency.


The standardized values of office are US President, US Senate, US House, State Senate, State House, and Governor. Other values are left as they appear in the raw data. In the future, this might change. See the normalize_office function.

d = data.frame(
  office = 'President and Vice President of the United States',
  candidate = 'Write-ins')
##          office candidate
## 1: US President Write-ins


We standardize presidential candidate names. Typically this is a one-liner using normalize_presidential_candidates, which searches for known candidate last names where office is US President and assigns the standardized form.

Generally, we want to standardize candidates’ names across all the jurisdictions in which they appear on the ballot. In practice, candidate names appear consistently at least within jurisdictions, and usually within states.

d = data.frame(
  office = c('US President'),
  candidate = c('TRUMP', 'CLINTON'))
##          office       candidate
## 1: US President    Donald Trump
## 2: US President Hillary Clinton


We standardize the names of parties where it seems useful. Exactly how could change in the future, but we use expand_party_abbr().

d = data.frame(party = c('DEM', 'REP'))
## [1] "democratic" "republican"

Assign dataverses

The dataverse variable takes one of these values: president, senate, house, state, local, and all. These values determine the dataverse into which we’ll release the data.

To assign standardized offices to their dataverses use assign_fixed. If office is US President, dataverse will be set to president, and so forth for US Senate, US House, State Senate, and State House.

Then use the dvna function to show the offices not yet assigned to a dataverse. The output also gives the number of jurisdictions in which they appeared on the ballot. Where it’s unclear whether an office is state or local, this can be a useful heuristic.

The ogrep function is similar but only shows offices that match a (regular-expression, case-insensitive) pattern. Develop an ogrep pattern that matches the desired offices, then use this pattern with the assign_match function to assign all rows with matching office values to a given dataverse.

We iterate over these steps until all offices have been assigned to dataverses, and dvna no longer produces an error.

First assign standardized offices:

d = data.frame(office = c('US House', 'County Commissioner'), jurisdiction =
  c('Appleton', 'Racine'))
##                office jurisdiction
## 1            US House     Appleton
## 2 County Commissioner       Racine

d = assign_fixed(d)
##                 office jurisdiction dataverse
## 1:            US House     Appleton     house
## 2: County Commissioner       Racine      <NA>

dvna would now show unassigned offices and stop. To assign them to dataverses:

# We test out a pattern that matches some number of the `office` values
ogrep(d, 'County')
##                 office n_j   dv
## 1: County Commissioner   1 <NA>

# Then assign matching rows a given `dataverse` value, in this case `local`
d = assign_match(d, 'County', 'local')
##                 office jurisdiction dataverse
## 1:            US House     Appleton     house
## 2: County Commissioner       Racine     local

# `dvna` no longer produces an error because all rows have a `dataverse`;
# Leave it in the script here, as confirmation this remains true
## Empty data.table (0 rows) of 1 col: office
## [1] TRUE

Add geo IDs

Before saving the result, we attach state and county identifiers from package datasets. In most states, jurisdiction values are county names, and in some, municipalities (notable exceptions are Alaska and DC). We map jurisdiction values to county or county-equivalent FIPS codes using the EAVS dataset (primarily), the tabular data included with the 2018 Census Partnership Shapefiles of voting districts, and 2017 Census gazetteers.

The function add_jurisdiction_fips() will try to match jurisdictions by name with EAVS data, and if all jurisdictions can be found in the EAVS data, will merge in the corresponding county FIPS codes. In some states, more work is required; see for example the scripts for Vermont or Wisconsin.

Given county FIPS codes, we use add_geo_ids to join other county identifiers from the county_ids dataset in the elections package.

Add candidate IDs

The medslcleaner package includes a candidates dataset with various identifiers for (at this point only) federal candidates, pulled from the FEC and the @unitedstates project. Linking ballot names to these datasets is already done, so merging in the identifiers only requires a call to add_candidate_ids.

If this fails, then the candidates dataset needs to be rebuilt to include new candidates; see the data-ext/candidates directory. In the future this should be more robust.

Save the result

We use write_precincts to write the final result to disk. The important changes that write_precincts makes before writing to disk are to keep only the expected columns and normalize whitespace in character columns. If certain columns with default values are missing (e.g., stage = "gen"), they’ll be created.

MEDSL/medslcleaner documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:39 a.m.