
#' @export

convertEvent <- function(Probability.Table, event = "1", threshold.vector = NULL, marginals = NULL){
  # Warning: Not to be used when variables have distinct events.
  if (is.list(Probability.Table)){
    stop("Probability.Table is a list. Beware of the members.")

  if (is.character(threshold.vector) && threshold.vector == "climatologic" && !is.null(marginals)){
    threshold.vector <- 1 - marginals[event, ]
  } else if ( is.character(threshold.vector) && threshold.vector == "marginal" &&
    threshold.vector <- marginals[event, ]
  else if (!is.null(threshold.vector) && threshold.vector == "random"){
    events <- names(Probability.Table[1, ,1])
    t(apply(Probability.Table, MARGIN = 1, function(obs, events) {
                                           apply(obs, MARGIN = 2, function(st, events){
                                                                    return(sample(events, size = 1,
                                                                                  prob = st)
                                                 events = events
          events = events
  else if (is.null(threshold.vector)){
    threshold.vector <- rep(0.5, dim(Probability.Table)[length(dim(Probability.Table))])

  prediction.event <- t(apply(Probability.Table, is.mostLikelyEvent,  MARGIN = 1,  event = event,
                              threshold.vector = threshold.vector)
  colnames(prediction.event) <- colnames(Probability.Table[1,,])
  return( prediction.event )
MNLR/downscaleR.BN documentation built on June 12, 2019, 5:39 p.m.