Man pages for MPCary/DEXICA
Functions for predicting and validating gene modules

ann.partitionWrapper function for ANN partitioning
ann.partition.model.1Data: ANN model for use in component partitioning
checkModulesEvaluate a set of modules using gene annotations
countJobsCount the number of jobs defined in a DexBatch object
DexBatch-classAn S4 class for testing multiple compendia and/or parameters
dexFastICARun the fastICA algorithm without matrix preprocessing
fixed.partitionWrapper function for fixed threshold partitioning
getAllParamSetsGet all parameter sets defined in a ParameterSet object
getOneParamSetGet a single parameter set defined in a ParameterSet object
getParamSetCountGet the number of parameter sets defined in a ParameterSet...
GPL200.50.miniData: A small compendium of _C. elegans_ microarray data
GPL200.GO.miniData: A binary matrix associating probesets with Gene...
ParameterSet-classAn S4 class for defining DexBatch parameter ranges
partitionPartition a component matrix
predictModulesPredict gene modules using ICA
preprocessMatrixPreprocess a data matrix
reseedParamSetsReset the random seeds in a ParameterSet object
runJobRun a single job defined in a DexBatch object
splitMatrixSplit matrix
MPCary/DEXICA documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:35 p.m.