knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

R Markdown

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When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:


data.raw.study2 <- durante %>%
    Abortion = abs(7 - Abortion) + 1,
    StemCell = abs(7 - StemCell) + 1,
    Marijuana = abs(7 - Marijuana) + 1,
    RichTax = abs(7 - RichTax) + 1,
    StLiving = abs(7 - StLiving) + 1,
    Profit = abs(7 - Profit) + 1,
    FiscConsComp = FreeMarket + PrivSocialSec + RichTax + StLiving + Profit,
    SocConsComp = Marriage + RestrictAbortion + Abortion + StemCell + Marijuana

M = multiverse()

```{multiverse default-m-1, inside = M} df <- data.raw.study2 %>% mutate( ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast ) %>% filter( branch(cycle_length, "cl_option1" ~ TRUE, "cl_option2" ~ ComputedCycleLength > 25 & ComputedCycleLength < 35, "cl_option3" ~ ReportedCycleLength > 25 & ReportedCycleLength < 35 )) %>% filter( branch(certainty, "cer_option1" ~ TRUE, "cer_option2" ~ Sure1 > 6 | Sure2 > 6 )) %>% mutate(NextMenstrualOnset = branch(menstrual_calculation, "mc_option1" %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option3") ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength, "mc_option2" %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option2") ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ReportedCycleLength, "mc_option3" ~ StartDateNext) ) %>% mutate( CycleDay = 28 - (NextMenstrualOnset - DateTesting), CycleDay = ifelse(WorkerID == 15, 11, ifelse(WorkerID == 16, 18, CycleDay)), CycleDay = ifelse(CycleDay > 1 & CycleDay < 28, CycleDay, ifelse(CycleDay < 1, 1, 28)) ) %>% mutate( Fertility = branch( fertile, "fer_option1" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 7 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", NA)) ), "fer_option2" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 6 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 27, "low", NA)) ), "fer_option3" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 9 & CycleDay <= 17, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 18 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", NA)) ), "fer_option4" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 8 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", "low") ), "fer_option5" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 8 & CycleDay <= 17, "high", "low") ) )) %>% mutate(RelationshipStatus = branch(relationship_status, "rs_option1" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1 | Relationship==2, 'Single', 'Relationship')), "rs_option2" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1, 'Single', 'Relationship')), "rs_option3" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1, 'Single', ifelse(Relationship==3 | Relationship==4, 'Relationship', NA))) ) )

### Model #2: Effect of Fertility and Relationship status on Religiosity
The authors compute a composite score of Religiosity by calculating the average of the three Religiosity items.

```{multiverse default-m-4, inside = M, echo = FALSE}
df <- df %>%
  mutate( RelComp = round((Rel1 + Rel2 + Rel3)/3, 2))

The authors perform an ANOVA to study the effect of Fertility, Relationship and their interaction term, on the composite Religiosity score. We fit the linear model using the call: lm( RelComp ~ Fertility * RelationshipStatus, data = df ) inside our multiverse and save the result to a variable called fit_RelComp.

```{multiverse default-m-5, inside = M, echo = FALSE} fit_RelComp <- lm( RelComp ~ Fertility * RelationshipStatus, data = df )

To extract the results from the analysis, we first create a tidy data-frame of the results of the model, using `broom::tidy`. 

```{multiverse default-m-6, inside = M, echo = FALSE}
summary_RelComp <- fit_RelComp %>% 
    broom::tidy( = TRUE )
export_code_json(M, "../../multiverse-vis/static/data/code.json")
expand(M) %>%
  extract_variables(summary_RelComp) %>%
  select(-.code, -.results, -.errors) %>%
  rename(results = summary_RelComp) %>%
  unnest(results) %>%
    term = ifelse(term == "(Intercept)", 'Intercept', term),
    min = estimate - 5*std.error,
    max = estimate + 5*std.error
  ) %>%
  group_by(term) %>%
  mutate(min = min(min), max = max(max)) %>%
    cdf.x = pmap(list(min, max, estimate, std.error), ~ seq(..1, ..2, length.out = 101)),
    cdf.y = pmap(list(cdf.x, estimate, std.error), ~ pnorm(..1, ..2, ..3))
  ) %>%
  # filter(.universe == 1) %>%
  # unnest(c(cdf.x, cdf.y))
  nest(results = c(term:cdf.y)) %>%
  write_json('../../multiverse-vis/static/data/data2.json', pretty = TRUE)
M = multiverse()

inside(M, {
  df <- data.raw.study2 %>%
    mutate( ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast )  %>%
    dplyr::filter( branch(cycle_length,
        "cl_option1" ~ TRUE,
        "cl_option2" ~ ComputedCycleLength > 25 & ComputedCycleLength < 35,
        "cl_option3" ~ ReportedCycleLength > 25 & ReportedCycleLength < 35

inside(M, {
  df = df %>%
    dplyr::filter( branch(certainty,
        "cer_option1" ~ TRUE,
        "cer_option2" ~ Sure1 > 6 | Sure2 > 6
    )) %>%
    mutate(NextMenstrualOnset = branch(menstrual_calculation,
        "mc_option1" %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option3") ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength,
        "mc_option2" %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option2") ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ReportedCycleLength,
        "mc_option3" ~ StartDateNext)
    )  %>%
      CycleDay = 28 - (NextMenstrualOnset - DateTesting),
      CycleDay = ifelse(WorkerID == 15, 11, ifelse(WorkerID == 16, 18, CycleDay)),
      CycleDay = ifelse(CycleDay > 1 & CycleDay < 28, CycleDay, ifelse(CycleDay < 1, 1, 28))
export_code_json(M, "../../multiverse-vis/static/data/code.json")

unlist(lapply(unname(code(M, FALSE)), extract_parameters), recursive = FALSE)

MUCollective/multidy documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 9:52 a.m.