DGVMTools v1.1.0 release (2023-12-15)

The primary purpose of this release is to ditch the dependencies on removed or deprecated functionality from other packages. In particular dropping maps, maptools and mapdata packages and replacing them with rnaturalearth and rnaturalearthdata. There are other bugfixes and changes, see below.


Breaking changes

Other improvements


DGVMTools v1.0.0 release (2022-02-25)

"Version 1.0 release" - no major features, but many refinements and improvements. Some potentially breaking changes, see below.

Improvements and Refinements

Breaking Changes

Quick Read Functionality in getField() and getScheme()

For various reasons the old behaviour for saving and rereading processed Fields (with the 'write' and 'read.full' arguments) was becoming restrictive and not safe against unexpected behaviour. However, it is still extremely advantageous to be able to conveniently save Fields after they have been read and processed for quicker rereading later. To facilitate this, new functionality has been implemented and behaves as follows:

  1. As before, no automatic saving and reading of processed files is done. Unless the functionality is explicitly enabled, the raw data is reread every time.
  2. To enable the functionality, the (character string) must be specified. The extension ".RData" will be automatically added.
  3. The specifies the name of the file to be written and re-read. Note that since this is under the user's control they are responsible for making sure it is specified appropriately.
  4. If is set to TRUE then one of two things will happen. If a file with a matching nameexists on disk it will be read and checked, and it will be used if the layers and dimensions match. If it doesn't exist, or the layers and dimensions don't match, the raw data will be read and the result saved as 1.The argument can be set to TRUE to delete any existing file with name, thus ensuring that the sata will be read (and saved) afresh.


DGVMTools v0.10.0 (2021-04-09)

Feature release, and a good one! A new flexible netCDF file reader is now included! This completely supersedes the previous "DGVMData"" Format (which has been removed), please now use the "NetCDF"" Format instead (it should also read any old DGVMData files without problems). For further details of this and other features and bugfixes, see below.

Main Feature

Minor features/improvements

Breaking changes

Bug fixes

Under the hood

Thank you to everyone for your bug reports and feature requests! Keep 'em coming :-)

DGVMTools v0.9.0 (2020-08-04)

This is a feature release! Main features are aDGVM1 support, the inclusion of plotTemporalComparison() and the change from PFT objects to the more flexible Layer objects. However there have been many other bug-fixes and tweaks.

Main features

Minor features/improvements

Breaking changes

Under the hood

DGVMTools v0.8.2 (2019-10-04)

This is a bug-fix and "feature tweaking" release - i.e. there is no new major functionality but enhanced useability and other tweaks.

Feature tweaks

Potential breaks

Bug fixes


DGVMTools v0.8.1 (2019-04-30)

A few new features in this release.

Feature improvements:

Potential breaks:

Bug fixes:

Behind the scenes:

DGVMTools v0.8.0 (2019-03-18)

This release has a couple of new features, few minor bug fixes and some tidying and cleaning. See also new repository for example scripts at

Feature improvements:

Potential breaks:

Bug fixes:

Behind the scenes:

DGVMTools v0.7.1 (2019-02-27)

Bug fix due to a small regression in listPFTs(). Also took the opportunity to include examples for listPFTs, unit tests for listPFTs, and changed the 'print' functions to 'show' functions as is appropriate for S4 methods (but this does not effect users).

DGVMTools v0.7.0 (2019-02-27)

Changes are mostly bug fixes and behind the scenes improvements. However there have been a couple of user-facing changes which could break stuff (hence the minor version number increment from 0.6 to 0.7):

Potential breaks:

Feature improvements:

Bug fixes:

Behind the scenes:

Also, from now on the master branch will be consider stable and usable. Bug fixes and small feature improvements will be pulled directly into master. For developers, there will be a dev-v0.8 branch to collect larger features and potentially breaking changes.

DGVMTools v0.6.2 (2018-10-29)

Removed dependency on external gzip on windows machines for better portability.

DGVMTools v0.6.1 (2018-10-26)

Featuring aggregation and time series plotting of daily data, use of gzip for compressed DGVMData (also on windows systems), extended vignette and bug fixes.

DGVMTools v0.6.0 (2018-10-23)

For FireMIP workshop.

DGVMTools v0.5.2 (2018-10-12)

For visiting collaborators. Release v0.6 still planned in the next two weeks.

DGVMTools v0.5.0 (2018-10-01)

DGVMTools is now publicly available! Whilst package is pretty much fully featured, there may be bugs, so it should be considered in the late-beta phase. New v0.6 release to come this month.

MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.