Layer-class: Class to hold the metadata for a "Layer"

Layer-classR Documentation

Class to hold the metadata for a "Layer"


This is a class to hold meta-data about a Layer. A Layer is a component of a Field, for example a Field might have a Layer for each PFT, or each soil carbon pool. As detailed in the 'Slots' section below, this includes an id (should be unique) and a name, a default plot colour and a list of properties. It is this list of properties that allows DGVMTools to automatically select groups of layer for aggregating or other operations. These are defined in lists for the default Layers for supported model format (see 'Usage' below).






An S4 class object with the slots as defined below.

An S4 class object with the slots as defined below.

An S4 class object with the slots as defined below.


The Layer-class is only meta-data and does not need to be defined for every layer. However is very useful as it allows users to conveniently aggregate or process the data corresponding to, for example, all trees with simple command. The standard Layers for some models are included (see above), but if you have other Layers then you simply need define them (see function XXXXX). You then combine the existing Layers into an R list and then provide them as the 'default.layers' argument to the defineSource call and bingo! you are using your custom Layers.



A unique character string to identify this particular Layer. This should match the column names in the @data slot of the appropriate Field object. It might correspond to, for example, the abbreviation used for a PFT.


A character string to describe the Layer. Used for building plot labels, not file names, so doesn't need to be alphanumeric and can so can be prettier.


A string defining a preferred R colour to plot this PFT (for line graphs etc)


A list with named items containing metadata describing the Layer. These are used with the whichLayers and layerOp functions to automagically select layers. There is a lot of flexibility here, but it is recommended that the list includes at least an element called "type", and then ideally all the properties required to describe the layer. An example for a broadleaved summergreen tree PFT could look like:
properties = list(type = "PFT", growth.form = "Tree", phenology = "Summergreen").
A slow litter soil carbon pool could look like:

properties = list(type = "CPool", speed = "Slow", zone = "Soil", comprises = "Litter").


Matthew Forrest

MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.