processYearlyNCAxis: processYearlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which...

View source: R/read-netcdf-utility-functions.R

processYearlyNCAxisR Documentation

processYearlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which is assumed to be yearly It compares the time axis to the years requested and return the start and count values for reading up the netCDF file and the actual years corresponding to this selection.


processYearlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which is assumed to be yearly It compares the time axis to the years requested and return the start and count values for reading up the netCDF file and the actual years corresponding to this selection.


processYearlyNCAxis(axis.values, start.year, target.STAInfo, year.offset)

MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.