
# preprocess individual methylation call files
# chr1 Cg 3014928 3 3 1.000 0.444
# chr1 Cg 3037802 13 13 1.000 0.135
# chromosome, dinucleotide, position, methylated counts, total counts, methylation frequency, 95% confidence interval for methylation frequency

# just needed, position, methylated counts, total counts
horvath <- list.files("/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/Horvath2018/Liver",
                      pattern = "txt.gz", full.names = T) # mm10 

id <- purrr::map_chr(horvath, ~strsplit(.x, split = "_|/")[[1]][10])
data <- read_meth(
  files = horvath,
  chr_idx = 1,
  pos_idx = 3,
  met_idx = 4, 
  coverage_idx = 5,
  id = id,
  deduplicate = F,
  header = F,
  sep = " "

saveRDS(data, file = "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/processed/mouse_liver/Horvath2018.rds")

# Hahn2017 dataset
# 4       3050345 3050345 100     1       0
# 4       3050346 3050346 33.3333333333333        2       4
# BS-seq: The Bismark CpG coverage report is tab-delimited, uses 1-based genomic coordinates for every covered cytosine position in the experiment and is in the following format: <chromosome> <start position> <end position> <methylation percentage> <count methylated> <count non-methylated>
hahn <- list.files("/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/Hahn2017/",
                   pattern = "txt.gz", full.names = T)
id <- purrr::map_chr(hahn, ~strsplit(.x, split = "_|/")[[1]][10])
data <- read_meth(
  files = hahn,
  chr_idx = 1,
  pos_idx = 2,
  met_idx = 5, 
  unmet_idx = 6, 
  id = id,
  deduplicate = F,
  header = F
saveRDS(data, file = "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/processed/mouse_liver/Hahn2017.rds")

# Cole2017 dataset
# chr1	3000573	1	0
# chr1	3000574	1	0
# chr <tab> position <tab> methylated reads <tab> unmethylated reads)
cole <- list.files("/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/Cole2017",
                   pattern = "txt.gz", full.names = T)
id <- purrr::map_chr(cole, ~strsplit(.x, split = "_|/")[[1]][9])
data <- read_meth(
  files = cole,
  chr_idx = 1,
  pos_idx = 2,
  met_idx = 3, 
  unmet_idx = 4, 
  id = id,
  deduplicate = F,
  header = F

data <- purrr::map(data, ~map_coord(.x, chain_file = "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/liftOver_chain/mm9ToMm10.over.chain"))

saveRDS(data, file = "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/processed/mouse_liver/Cole2017.rds")

# Zhou2016 dataset
# IGV_Link	Chr	pos	Strand	methylC	totalC	Ratio	dbSNP128	dbSNP128Alleles	Gene	Transcript	Strand	InExon	TssDistance	InCpGIslandEntrez_id	Gene_title
# =Hyperlink("http://localhost:60151/goto?locus=chr1:3010876","chr1:3010876")	chr13010876	R	0	8	0.000	-	-	-	-	-	0	-0	-	-
#   =Hyperlink("http://localhost:60151/goto?locus=chr1:3010896","chr1:3010896")	chr13010896	R	16	16	1.000	-	-	-	-	-	0	-0	-	-

zhou <- list.files("/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/Zhou2016",
                   pattern = "txt.gz", full.names = T)
id <- purrr::map_chr(zhou, ~strsplit(.x, split = "_|/")[[1]][9])
data <- read_meth(
  files = zhou,
  chr_idx = 2,
  pos_idx = 3,
  met_idx = 5, 
  coverage_idx = 6, 
  id = id,
  deduplicate = F,
  header = T

data <- purrr::map(data, ~map_coord(.x, "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/liftOver_chain/mm9ToMm10.over.chain"))

saveRDS(data, file = "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/processed/mouse_liver/Zhou2016.rds")

# Stubbs 2017
# 5       3002664 3002664 100     1       0
# 5       3002665 3002665 100     1       0
# The Bismark CpG coverage report is tab-delimited, uses 1-based genomic coordinates for every covered cytosine position in the experiment and is in the following format: <chromosome> <start position> <end position> <methylation percentage> <count methylated> <count non-methylated>
stubbs <- list.files("/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/public/Stubbs2017/Liver",
                   pattern = "txt.gz", full.names = T)
id <- purrr::map_chr(stubbs, ~strsplit(.x, split = "_|/")[[1]][10])
data <- read_meth(
  files = stubbs,
  chr_idx = 1,
  pos_idx = 2,
  met_idx = 5, 
  unmet_idx = 6, 
  id = id,
  deduplicate = T,
  header = F

saveRDS(data, file = "/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/processed/mouse_liver/Stubbs2017.rds")

# summary statistics on all datasets
summary_stats <- data.frame(dataset = c("Zhou2016", "Hahn2017", "Cole2017", "Stubbs2017", "Horvath2018"),
           type = c("RRBS", "WGBS", "WGBS", "RRBS", "RRBS"),
           genome_build = c("mm9", "mm10", "mm9", "mm10", "mm10"),
           n = c(29, 18, 32, 15, 60),
           all_sites = c(9465, 42342101, NA, 9104421, 2521587))

kableExtra::kable(summary_stats) %>%

# convert the dataset into a methylation level matrix
mm10 <- readRDS("/gpfs/ysm/project/mw957/data/processed/mouse_liver/mm10/Hahn2017_Horvath2018_Stubbs2017_outer_joined.rds")
mm10 %>%
Mamie/scDNAmClock documentation built on Aug. 20, 2019, 7 p.m.