New implementation in GPcounts package

Note: some of the R-packages that DEtime relies on are no longer supported. The model has been re-implemented in the GPcounts python package and can be used with a Gaussian or counts (negative binomial) likelihood. See for an example application there to single-cell pseudotime branching. If using the DEtime kernel in GPcounts then please cite the GPcounts paper as well as the original DEtime paper


DEtime is an R package for two-sample time series analysis using Gaussian process methods. This package implements the Gaussian regression framework for perturbation time point inferrence in a two sample case.

The paper describing this package is available at DOI: and arXiv: Please refer to the Jupyter notebook DEtime_illustration.ipynb for R codes about how to run the package.


There are two ways to install DEtime: * use devtools package: + Install and load the devtools package to be able to directly install R packages hosted on github :

R install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) + To install DEtime type:

R install_github("ManchesterBioinference/DEtime")

Getting Started

The package contains two main functions: DEtime_infer and DEtime_rank.

The user is required to provide times, ControlData, PerturbedData etc to use these two functions. For explanation of these arguments, please refer to the vignettes asscoiated with this package.



### inport simulated dataset

### go on with the perturbation time point inference
res <- DEtime_infer(ControlTimes = ControlTimes, ControlData = ControlData, PerturbedTimes = PerturbedTimes, PerturbedData = PerturbedData)

### Print a summary of the results
### plot results for all the genes

### inport simulated dataset

### calculating the loglikelihood ratio for these tested genes. the result is saved into DEtime_rank.txt

res_rank <- DEtime_rank(ControlTimes = ControlTimes, ControlData = ControlData, PerturbedTimes, PerturbedData=PerturbedData, savefile=TRUE)

### get the index of these data with loglikelihood ratio larger than 1
idx <- which(res_rank[,2]>1)

### go on with the perturbation time inference if some of the data has passed the threshould test 
if (length(idx)>0){
     res <- DEtime_infer(ControlTimes = ControlTimes, ControlData = ControlData[idx,], PerturbedTimes = PerturbedTimes, PerturbedData=PerturbedData[idx,])
     ### Print a summary of the results
     ### plot results for all the genes

ManchesterBioinference/DEtime documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 12:10 p.m.