
#' `swli` returns lorem ipsum text from Star Wars
#' Based on the forcem javascript library that generates
#' Star Wars text from different episodes. The installed
#' .js file is different to the github version - 
#' \code{window} was replaced with \code{global}.
#' When 0 paragraphs are requested, 5 are returned as per 
#' the code in the JS library.
#' @param paragraphs How many paragraphs should be returned
#' @param type Provide the episode (3 - 6) or proper noun type
#' @param src Change default value to pull from github
#' @return swli Star Wars lorem ipsum vector
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' swli(paragraphs = 1)
#' swli(type = "places")
swli  <- function(paragraphs=3, type=c("e4",  "e5",  "e6",  "places", "people"), src="installed"){
            , is.character(type)
            , is.character(src)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  jsLib <- ifelse(src == "installed"
                  , system.file("js", "forcem.js",  package = "swli")
                  , "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scottyg/ForcemJS/master/forcem.js")

    ct <- V8::new_context()
  swli <- ct$call("forcem", type, paragraphs)
MangoTheCat/swli documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:23 p.m.