

unCOVERApp is a suite of graphical and statistical tools to support the assessment and annotation of low sequence coverage positions in genomic data.

This application was built using Shiny and R. The code is available on github.

Data that users upload onto unCOVERApp are removed once each session is closed. We recommend to follow our instructions for preparation of unCOVERApp input files and not to submit any personal information of uploaded samples. Developers and mantainers are not responsible for the confidentiality, availability, security, loss, misuse or misappropriation of any data submitted to uncoverApp.

contact us

Please report a bug or suggest a new feature visit the GitHub issue tracker.

The app is released under a MIT license

about us

This application was build by Tommaso Pippucci (Medical Genetics Unit, Polyclinic Sant'Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital - Bologna) and Emanuela Iovino (Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna .

Manuelaio/uncoverappLib documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 12:52 a.m.