
An interactive graphical web application for clinical assessment of sequence coverage at base-pair level

This is a web application for clinical assessment of sequence coverage. unCOVERApp allows:


All unCOVERApp functionalities are based on the availability of a bed file containing tab-separated specification of genomic coordinates (chromosome, start position, end position), coverage value and reference: alternate allele counts read for each position. In the first page Preprocessing, users prepare the bed file providing input files containing a list of genes and a list of bam files, respectively:

Below is an example of genes list.


While all inputs are loading, a progress bar appears during processing phase. unCOVERApp input file generation fails if incorrect gene names are specified. An unrecognized gene name(s) table is displayed if such a case occurs.

Below is a snippet of bed file output of Preprocessing unCOVERApp.

chr15   89859516        89859516        68      A:68
chr15   89859517        89859517        70      T:70
chr15   89859518        89859518        73      A:2;G:71
chr15   89859519        89859519        73      A:73
chr15   89859520        89859520        74      C:74
chr15   89859521        89859521        75      C:1;T:74

The preprocessing time depends on the size of the BAM file(s) and on the number of genes to investigate. In general, if many (e.g. > 50) genes are to be analyzed, we would recommend using buildInput function and run it in R console before launching the app.

Alternatively, other tools do a similar job and can be used to generate the unCOVERApp input file ( for instance: bedtools, samtools, gatk).

In this case, users can load the file directly on Coverage Analysis page in Select input file box.

Once bed file is ready, users can move to Coverage Analysis page for own analysis and push load prepared input file button.

To assess sequence coverage the following input parameters must be specified in the sidebar of the Coverage Analysis section:

Other input sections, as Chromosome, Transcript ID, START genomic position, END genomic position and Region coordinate, are dynamically filled.

unCOVERApp generates the following outputs :

Manuelaio/uncoverappLib documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 12:52 a.m.