
Defines functions cr_deploy_plumber cr_deploy_html cr_deploy_run

Documented in cr_deploy_html cr_deploy_plumber cr_deploy_run

#' Deploy to Cloud Run
#' Deploy R api plumber scripts, HTML files or other images create the Docker image, add the build to Cloud Build and deploy to Cloud Run
#' @param local A folder containing the scripts and Dockerfile to deploy to Cloud Run
#' @param remote The folder on Google Cloud Storage, and the name of the service on Cloud Run
#' @param dockerfile An optional Dockerfile built to support the script.  Not needed if 'Dockerfile' exists in folder.  If supplied will be copied into deployment folder and called "Dockerfile"
#' @param image_name The gcr.io image name that will be deployed and/or built
#' @param projectId The projectId where it all gets deployed to
#' @param region The Cloud Run endpoint set by CR_REGION env arg
#' @param bucket The Cloud Storage bucket that will hold the code
#' @param pre_steps Other \link{cr_buildstep} to run before the docker build
#' @param post_steps Other \link{cr_buildstep} to run after the docker build
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep_run}
#' @inheritDotParams cr_buildstep_run
#' @inheritParams cr_buildstep_docker
#' @inheritParams cr_build
#' @family Deployment functions
#' @details
#' These deploy containers to Cloud Run, a scale 0-to-millions container-as-a-service on Google Cloud Platform.
#' @seealso For scheduling Cloud Run apps \link{cr_run_schedule_http}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_region_set("europe-west1")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' cr_deploy_run(system.file("example/", package = "googleCloudRunner"))
#' }
cr_deploy_run <- function(local,
                          remote = basename(local),
                          dockerfile = NULL,
                          image_name = remote,
                          tag = "$BUILD_ID",
                          region = cr_region_get(),
                          bucket = cr_bucket_get(),
                          projectId = cr_project_get(),
                          launch_browser = interactive(),
                          timeout = 600L,
                          kaniko_cache = TRUE,
                          pre_steps = NULL,
                          post_steps = NULL,
                          ...) {

  myMessage("Uploading", local, "folder for Cloud Run", level = 3)

  image_name <- make_image_name(image_name, projectId)

  built <- cr_deploy_docker(local,
    image_name = image_name,
    dockerfile = dockerfile,
    remote = remote,
    tag = tag,
    bucket = bucket,
    projectId = projectId,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    timeout = timeout,
    kaniko_cache = kaniko_cache,
    pre_steps = pre_steps,
    post_steps = post_steps

  if (built$status != "SUCCESS") {
    myMessage("Error building Dockerfile", level = 3)

  built_image <- paste0(image_name, ":", built$id)

  if (is.null(built_image)) {
    stop("Could not find image name in built response", call. = FALSE)
  myMessage("Built Docker image: ", built_image, level = 3)

    name = lower_alpha_dash(remote),
    region = region,
    projectId = projectId,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    timeout = timeout,

#' @param html_folder the folder containing all the html
#' @inheritParams cr_deploy_run
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_deploy_run} and eventually \link{cr_buildstep_run}
#' @section cr_deploy_html:
#' Deploy html files to a nginx server on Cloud Run.
#' Supply the html folder to host it on Cloud Run.  Builds the dockerfile with the html within it, then deploys to Cloud Run
#' Will add a \code{default.template} file to the html folder that holds the nginx configuration
#' @seealso \link{cr_deploy_run_website} which has more features like rending Rmd files and deploying upon each git commit
#' @export
#' @import assertthat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_region_set("europe-west1")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' cr_deploy_html("my_folder")
#' }
#' @rdname cr_deploy_run
cr_deploy_html <- function(html_folder,
                           remote = basename(html_folder),
                           image_name = remote,
                           tag = "$BUILD_ID",
                           region = cr_region_get(),
                           bucket = cr_bucket_get(),
                           projectId = cr_project_get(),
                           launch_browser = interactive(),
                           timeout = 600L,
                           ...) {
    from = system.file("docker", "nginx", "default.template",
      package = "googleCloudRunner"
    to = file.path(html_folder, "default.template"),
    overwrite = TRUE

    local = html_folder,
    remote = remote,
    dockerfile = system.file("docker", "nginx", "Dockerfile",
      package = "googleCloudRunner"
    image_name = image_name,
    tag = tag,
    region = region,
    bucket = bucket,
    projectId = projectId,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    timeout = timeout,

#' Deploy a plumber API
#' @rdname cr_deploy_run
#' @param api A folder containing the R script using plumber called api.R and all its dependencies
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_deploy_run} and eventually \link{cr_buildstep_run}
#' @section cr_deploy_plumber:
#' The entrypoint for CloudRun will be via a plumber script called api.R - this should be included in your local folder to deploy.
#' From that api.R you can source or call other resources in the same folder, using relative paths.
#' The function will create a local folder called "deploy" and a tar.gz of that folder which is what is being uploaded to Google Cloud Storage
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_region_set("europe-west1")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' cr_deploy_plumber(system.file("example/", package = "googleCloudRunner"))
#' }
cr_deploy_plumber <- function(api,
                              remote = basename(api),
                              dockerfile = NULL,
                              image_name = remote,
                              tag = "$BUILD_ID",
                              region = cr_region_get(),
                              bucket = cr_bucket_get(),
                              projectId = cr_project_get(),
                              launch_browser = interactive(),
                              timeout = 600L,
                              ...) {
  local <- api
  local_files <- list.files(local)
  if (!"api.R" %in% local_files) {
    stop("Must include api.R in local deployment folder
         with library(plumber) implementation
         for Cloud Run deployments", call. = FALSE)

    local = local,
    remote = remote,
    dockerfile = dockerfile,
    image_name = image_name,
    tag = tag,
    region = region,
    bucket = bucket,
    projectId = projectId,
    launch_browser = launch_browser,
    timeout = timeout,
MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 5:45 p.m.