
####======= Solve =================================================

#' Solve Symbolic Equations
#' Solve system of symbolic equations or solve a polynomial equation.
#' Depending on types of arguments, it supports different modes.
#' See Details and Examples.
#' \code{solve} is a generic function dispatched on the class of the first argument.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{
#'     If \code{a} is a (square) DenseMatrix, it solves the equation
#'     \code{a \%*\% x = b} for \code{x}. (similar to \code{solve.default()})
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     If \code{a} is a DenseMatrix and \code{b} is missing, \code{b} is
#'     taken to be an identity matrix and \code{solve} will return the
#'     inverse of \code{a}. (similar to \code{solve.default()})
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     If \code{a} is a VecBasic, it solves the system of linear equations
#'     represented by \code{a} with regards to symbols represented in \code{b}.
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     If \code{a} is a Basic, it solves the polynomial equation represented by
#'     a with regards to the symbol represented in \code{b}.
#'   }
#' }
#' @param a,b Objects, see details.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A \code{VecBasic} or \code{DenseMatrix} S4 object.
#' @rdname solve
#' @exportMethod solve
#' @examples
#' ## Inverse of a symbolic matrix
#' mat <- Matrix(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), 2)
#' solve(mat)
#' ## Solve a %*% x == b
#' a <- Matrix(c("a11", "a21", "a12", "a22"), 2) # a is a 2x2 matrix
#' b <- Vector("b1", "b2")                       # b is a length 2 vector
#' solve(a, b)                                   # Solution of x (2x1 matrix)
#' ## Solve the system of linear equations represented by a with regards to
#' ## symbols in b
#' a <- Vector(~ -2*x + y - 4,  # A system of linear equations
#'             ~  3*x + y - 9)
#' b <- Vector(~x, ~y)          # Symbols to solve (x and y)
#' solve(a, b)                  # Solution of x and y

#' @rdname solve
setMethod("solve", c(a = "DenseMatrix"),
    function(a, b, ...) {
        if (!missing(...))
            warning("Extra arguments are ignored")
        if (missing(b))
        s4DenseMat_LU_solve(a, Matrix(b))

#' @rdname solve
setMethod("solve", c(a = "VecBasic"),
    function(a, b, ...) {
        if (!missing(...))
            warning("Extra arguments are ignored")
        s4binding_solve_lin(a, b)

#' @rdname solve
setMethod("solve", c(a = "Basic"),
    function(a, b, ...) {
        if (!missing(...))
            warning("Extra arguments are ignored")
        if (missing(b)) {
            a <- s4basic_parse(a)
            free_vars <- s4basic_free_symbols(a)
            if (length(free_vars) != 1L)
                stop("Number of free symbols in 'a' is not one when 'b' is missing")
            b <- free_vars[[1L]]
        s4binding_solve_poly(a, b)
Marlin-Na/symengine.R documentation built on May 1, 2022, 9:43 a.m.