
# shinyUI(fluidPage(
#   titlePanel(fluidRow(column(12,"Fog Detection from Camera Images"))),
#   sidebarLayout(
#     sidebarPanel(
#       fileInput(inputId = 'file', 
#                 label = 'Select an Image',
#                 multiple = TRUE,
#                 accept=c('image/png', 'image/jpeg')),
#      h5(strong("Analyze the image selected")),
#       actionButton("goButton", "Analyze the image")
#       #look here fr enable/disable buttons
#       #
#     ),
#     mainPanel(
#       h4("The app works as follows..."),
#       tableOutput('files'),
#       uiOutput('images')
#     )
#   )   
# ))


  dashboardHeader(title = "Fog Detection from Camera Images", titleWidth = 500),
  dashboardSidebar(width = 500,  h4("The goal of this app is to illustrate 
                                    the detection of fog conditions from camera images DataLab project."),
                   h5("Select a file in the upload menu below and then click \"Analyze the image\" 
                      to have an automatic answer of the presence of fog." ),
      #sess <- getSession(),
      #id <- sess$ns(id),
    res<-fileInput(inputId = 'file', 
              label = 'Select an Image',
              multiple = TRUE,
              accept=c('image/png', 'image/jpeg'))
    #look here fr enable/disable buttons
  h5(strong("Analyze the image selected")),
  actionButton("goButton", "Analyze the image"),
  h6("The fog condion is considered when the visibility is less than 250m according to the reference measurement of the MOR 
     horizontal scatterometer."))
  #enable this text once the image is selected
    # Boxes need to be put in a row (or column)
      tags$style(type='text/css', "#FOG { margin-top: 300px; text-align: center; font-size: 80px; font-family: Comic Sans MS, cursive, sans-serif;}"),
      tabPanel("Approach description", 
               h4("The analysis to determine the presence of fog is done using a supervised machine learning approach. In such approach first a set of", 
                  strong("features"), "are identified that are used to discriminate a foggy situation.", 
                  p("In this case typical element of an image are used as features:"),
                 HTML("<li>Mean Edges: for finding the boundaries of objects within images. It works by detecting discontinuities in the image (e.g., foreground and background elements).</li>
<li>Mean Brightness: perception of a source of radiating/reflecting light.</li>
<li>Mean Saturation: is a measure of the purity of the color. The purest (most saturated) color is achieved by using just one wavelength, less pure come from a combination at different wavelengths.</li>
<li>Mean HUE: perception of a source of being similar to one of the perceived colors: red, yellow, green, and blue, or to a combination of two of them.</li>
<li>Fractal Dimension: self similarity in filling space.</li>
<li>Transmission smoothness: transmission of the darkchannel of the image (smoothed indicator).</li>
<li>Transmission changepoint: horizontal point where the transmission of the dark channel is subject to change.</li>"),
                 p(HTML("Once the features are extracted from the images, a Random Forest classifier is trained using as 
                   labels for the fog/no fog classification the observations of the meteorological optical range 
                   through a  forward scatterometer. <strong>The label fog is assigned when the visibility is less than 250m, 
                   whereas the label no-fog is assigned otherwise. </strong>")
                 p("For this applicaiton the Random Forest method is applied to train the model on the data from 2016 of the De Bilt 
                   camera (+23000 pictures). To test the model, the pictures provided in the analysis directory
                   are a subset of the pictures of 2015.")

# fluidPage(
#   title = "Diamonds Explorer",
#   plotOutput('plot'),
#   hr(),
#   fluidRow(
#     column(3,
#            h4("Diamonds Explorer"),
#            sliderInput('sampleSize', 'Sample Size', 
#                        min=1, max=nrow(dataset), value=min(1000, nrow(dataset)), 
#                        step=500, round=0),
#            br(),
#            checkboxInput('jitter', 'Jitter'),
#            checkboxInput('smooth', 'Smooth')
#     ),
#     column(4, offset = 1,
#            selectInput('x', 'X', names(dataset)),
#            selectInput('y', 'Y', names(dataset), names(dataset)[[2]]),
#            selectInput('color', 'Color', c('None', names(dataset)))
#     ),
#     column(4,
#            selectInput('facet_row', 'Facet Row', c(None='.', names(dataset))),
#            selectInput('facet_col', 'Facet Column', c(None='.', names(dataset)))
#     )
#   )
# )
MartinRoth/fogDec documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:38 p.m.