
Defines functions SOleg

Documented in SOleg

#' SOleg creating rounded legends for SOmap
#' @param x
#' Object to plot (currently not used)
#' @param position
#' Where you want the legend ("topleft","topright", "bottomright")
#' @param col
#' Color pattern to use.
#' @param ticks
#' Number of ticks to include on the legend.
#' @param tlabs
#' Tick labels.
#' @param Trim
#' Trim that was used to create the SOmap.
#' @param label
#' Legend label.
#' @return
#' Creates rounded legends
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SOleg(position="topleft",
#'       col=heat.colors(80),
#'       ticks=4,
#'       tlabs = c("1","10","100","1000"),
#'       Trim=-45,
#'       label="Heat")
#' }

                col= grDevices::heat.colors(80),

    ## data
    Bathy <- NULL
    data("Bathy", package = "SOmap", envir = environment())

  bleg<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(275,355, by=1),lats = c(Trim+3,Trim+5), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))

  btick <- graticule::graticule(lats=c(Trim+4,Trim+7), lons = seq(275,355, by=80/(ticks-1)), proj=raster::projection(Bathy), tiles=F)

  k<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(274,356, by=1),lats = c(Trim+10,Trim+6.75), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))
  j<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(274,356, by=1),lats = c(Trim+15,Trim+2), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))
  df2 <- data.frame(a = tlabs,
                    lon = seq(275,355, by=80/(ticks-1)),
                    lat=rep(Trim+9, ticks))
  sp::coordinates(df2) <- c("lon", "lat")
  raster::projection(df2) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
  lab_pos2 <- sp::spTransform(df2, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))
  df3 <- data.frame(a = label,
                    lon = 315,
  sp::coordinates(df3) <- c("lon", "lat")
  raster::projection(df3) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
  lab_pos3 <- sp::spTransform(df3, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))


  bleg<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(5,85, by=1),lats = c(Trim+3,Trim+5), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))

  btick <- graticule::graticule(lats=c(Trim+4,Trim+7), lons = seq(5,85, by=80/(ticks-1)), proj=raster::projection(Bathy), tiles=F)

  k<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(4,86, by=1),lats = c(Trim+10,Trim+6.75), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))
  j<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(4,86, by=1),lats = c(Trim+15,Trim+2), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))
  df2 <- data.frame(a = tlabs,
                    lon = seq(5,85, by=80/(ticks-1)),
                    lat=rep(Trim+9, ticks))
  sp::coordinates(df2) <- c("lon", "lat")
  raster::projection(df2) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
  lab_pos2 <- sp::spTransform(df2, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))
  df3 <- data.frame(a = label,
                    lon = 45,
  sp::coordinates(df3) <- c("lon", "lat")
  raster::projection(df3) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
  lab_pos3 <- sp::spTransform(df3, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))

  bleg<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(95,175, by=1),lats = c(Trim+3,Trim+5), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))

  btick <- graticule::graticule(lats=c(Trim+4,Trim+7), lons = seq(95,175, by=80/(ticks-1)), proj=raster::projection(Bathy), tiles=F)

  k<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(94,176, by=1),lats = c(Trim+10,Trim+6.75), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))
  j<-graticule::graticule(lons = seq(94,176, by=1),lats = c(Trim+15,Trim+2.1), tiles = TRUE, proj = raster::projection(Bathy))
  df2 <- data.frame(a = tlabs,
                    lon = seq(95,175, by=80/(ticks-1)),
                    lat=rep(Trim+9, ticks))
  sp::coordinates(df2) <- c("lon", "lat")
  raster::projection(df2) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
  lab_pos2 <- sp::spTransform(df2, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))
  df3 <- data.frame(a = label,
                    lon = 135,
  sp::coordinates(df3) <- c("lon", "lat")
  raster::projection(df3) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
  lab_pos3 <- sp::spTransform(df3, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))


  ## Plot the legend
raster::plot(j, border=F,col="white", add=T) #White mask
  raster::plot(btick, add=T, col=1)
  raster::plot(bleg, lwd=2, add=T)
  raster::plot(bleg, border=F,  col=col, add=T)
  raster::plot(k, border=F,col="white", add=T)
  text(lab_pos2, labels=lab_pos2$a, cex= 0.75, adj=0.5)
  text(lab_pos3, labels=lab_pos3$a, cex= 1, adj=0.5,srt =SRT)## Need to set SRT during the position if statements.

# SRT<--40
# label="Heat"
# SOmap::SOmap()
# ##For bathymetry label
# SRT<--45
# label="Bathymetry"
# df3 <- data.frame(a = label,
#                   lon = 230,
#                   lat=rep(Trim+12.5))
# sp::coordinates(df3) <- c("lon", "lat")
# raster::projection(df3) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
# lab_pos3 <- sp::spTransform(df3, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))
# text(lab_pos3, labels=lab_pos3$a, cex= 1, adj=0.5,srt =SRT)
##Testing SOleg
# library(ghibli)
# MononokeMedium <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#05141E", "#762B19", "#3D507A", "#657062", "#D14E3E", "#E78A40", "#EBD799"))
# mononoke<-MononokeMedium(80)
# totoroMedium <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#1C1A1F", "#2D2A25", "#593B2D", "#534C53", "#42668D", "#AF8058", "#BCA78F"))
# totoro<-totoroMedium(80)
# spiritedMedium <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#4D4140", "#596F7E", "#168B98", "#ED5B67", "#E27766", "#DAAD50", "#EAC3A6"))
# spirited<-spiritedMedium(80)

# png(paste(Dat.Dir,'/SOMAP_Layers_6.png', sep=''), width=22, height=20, units='cm', res=300)
# SOmap::SOmap()
# # #SOleg(position="topleft",
# #       col=mononoke,
# #       ticks=4,
# #       tlabs = c("1","10","100","1000"),
# #       Trim=-45,
# #       label="Mononoke")
# SOleg(position="topright",
#       col=spirited,
#       ticks=6,
#       tlabs = c("0","20","40","60","80","100"),
#       Trim=-45,
#       label="Sea Ice")
# plot(ice, col=spirited, add=T,legend=FALSE, alpha=0.95)
# # SOleg(position="bottomright",
# #       col=totoro,
# #       ticks=6,
# #       tlabs = c("1","10","100","1000","10000","100000"),
# #       Trim=-45,
# #       label="Totoro")
# SRT<--45
# label="Bathymetry"
# df3 <- data.frame(a = label,
#                   lon = 230,
#                   lat=rep(Trim+12.5))
# sp::coordinates(df3) <- c("lon", "lat")
# raster::projection(df3) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
# lab_pos3 <- sp::spTransform(df3, raster::crs(raster::projection(Bathy)))
# text(lab_pos3, labels=lab_pos3$a, cex= 1, adj=0.5,srt =SRT)
# dev.off()
# # ## Things to do:
# # 1. add plot of dataset.
# # 2. ability to extract tick labels from datasets.
# #
# # 4. possibility of curved text labels?
Maschette/SOmap documentation built on May 26, 2019, 3:30 a.m.