
Defines functions remove_default_params

#' Given a list of parameters and aes for a ggplot2 geom,
#' remove elements of the list if they are identical to the geom defaults
#' @param geom_as_string ggplot2 geom as a string, as in "geom_text"
#' @param params list of parameters and/or aesthetics, as in
#' list(colour = "black", foo = "bar")
#' @return A list of parameters + aesthetics in which none of the values
#' correspond to the geom defaults
#' @noRd

remove_default_params <- function(geom_as_string, params) {
  get_param_defaults <- function(geom_as_string) {
    geom <- call(geom_as_string)
    geom <- eval(geom)
    c(geom$geom_params, geom$geom$default_aes)

  default_params <- get_param_defaults(geom_as_string)

  param_names <- names(params)

  for (param in param_names) {
    # Note: using all.equal() rather than identical() because we want to
    # treat integers and doubles as being equal
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(params[[param]], default_params[[param]]))) {
      params[[param]] <- NULL

MattCowgill/ggannotate documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 11:03 p.m.