Man pages for MatthewHeun/IEATools
Tools for Working with International Energy Agency Data

add_nuclear_industryAdds a nuclear industry
add_psut_matnamesAdd a column of matrix names to tidy data frame
add_row_col_metaAdd row, column, row type, and column type metadata
adjacent_rownumsFind row numbers for adjacent entries
aggregate_colsAggregation columns
aggregate_regionsAggregates IEA regions based on a user-defined aggregation...
aggregation_flowsAggregation flows
aggregation_regionsAggregation regions
all_stagesAll energy conversion chain stages
arrange_iea_fu_allocation_templateArrange the rows and/or columns of a final-to-useful...
augment_iea_dfAugment an IEA data frame
biofuels_and_waste_productsBiofuel and waste products
calc_tidy_iea_df_balancesCalculate balances on a tidy IEA data frame
carnot_efficiencyCalculate Carnot efficiencies from heat types
check_fu_allocation_dataCheck validity of a final-to-useful allocation table
clean_iea_whitespaceClean whitespace from Flow and Product strings
coal_and_coal_productsCoal and coal products
collapse_to_tidy_psutCollapse a tidy data frame of IEA data to a tidy PSUT data...
complete_eta_fu_tableComplete a final-to-useful efficiency table
complete_fu_allocation_tableComplete an FU Allocation table
countriesCountry order
country_concordance_colsCountry concordance table column names
dataData pronoun
default_aggregation_region_table_pathThe path to the default aggregation table
despecify_colRemove specification strings from a column
distribution_industryDistribution industry name
do_fixPerforms fixes to IEA data
eiou_flowsEnergy industry own use (EIOU) flows
elec_heat_outputElectricity and heat output names
electricity_productsElectricity products
energy_typesEnergy type order
eta_fu_table_completedTell whether a final-to-useful efficiency table has been...
eta_fu_templateFinal-to-useful efficiency template
extend_to_usefulMove an ECC from final to useful as its last stage
extend_to_useful_helperA helper function for extending to the useful energy/exergy...
extract_S_units_from_tidyExtract a unit summation matrix from a tidy data frame
extract_TKExtract temperatures (in Kelvin) from heat types
fap_flowsIEA order for combined flow aggregation point and flow
fd_sectorsFinal demand sectors
finaldemand_aggregatesFinal demand aggregate energy from IEA tables
find_eiou_endFind the point where Energy industry own use ends
find_eiou_startFind the point where Energy industry own use starts
find_supply_consumption_splitFind the split point between Supply and Consumption
find_transformation_endFind the point where Transformation processes end
find_transformation_startFind the point where Transformation processes begin
fix_AUS_bfgFix Australia Blast furnace gas for 2010-2020
fix_COL_WRLD_electricityImprove COL electricity generation in the IEA's WEEB.
Fixed_AUS_bfgFixed Australia Blast furnace gas for 2010-2020
Fixed_COL_WRLD_ElectricityFixed Colombia Electricity generation 1971-1977
Fixed_GHA_Industry_ElectricityFixed Ghana Industry Electricity data
Fixed_GHA_PSBFixed Ghana Primary solid biofuels data
Fixed_OAMR_cppFixed Other non-OECD Americas Charcoal production 1971-2010
Fixed_OAMR_gwFixed Other non-OECD Americas Gas works 1971-1976
Fixed_RUSEST_heatFixed Russia and Estonia Heat 1990-1993
fix_GHA_psbImprove Ghana Primary solid biofuels data from 1991 through...
fix_OAMR_cppFix IEA data for Other non-OECD Americas Charcoal production...
fix_OAMR_gwFix IEA data for Other non-OECD Americas Gas works plants
fix_RUSEST_heatFix Russia and Estonia Heat for 1990-1993
fix_tidy_iea_df_balancesFix IEA energy balances
form_C_matsCreate allocation matrices ('C') from an allocation table
form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecsCreate 'eta_fu' and 'phi_u' vectors
fu_allocation_table_completedTell whether a final-to-useful allocation table has been...
fu_allocation_templateCreate a template for analysis of final-to-useful...
fu_analysis_file_infoFinal-to-useful analysis file information
gather_producer_autoproducerGather main activity producer and autoproducer industries
grid_industriesGrid industries names
heat_productsHeat products
iea_colsIEA data frame column names
iea_dfLoad IEA data from an extended energy balances .csv file
iea_file_OKPerform quality assurance on a raw IEA data file
industry_flowsIndustry flows
industry_net_flowsIndustry net flows
insert_afterInsert after an item in a list
interface_industriesInterface industries
last_stagesLast stage order
ledger_sidesIEA order for ledger side
load_electricity_heat_outputExtract a data frame of electricity and heat output...
load_eta_fu_dataLoad final-to-useful machine efficiency data
load_fu_allocation_dataLoad final-to-useful allocation data
load_phi_constants_tableRead a table of constant phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) values...
load_tidy_iea_dfLoad IEA extended energy balance data into tidy format
main_act_plantsMain activity producer plants
manufacturing_flowsManufacturing flows
mat_meta_colsPSUT matrix formation meta information column names
memo_aggregation_flow_prefixesMemo and aggregation flow prefixes
memo_aggregation_product_prefixesMemo and aggregation product prefixes
memo_non_energy_flowsMemo Non-energy flows
meta_colsFind metadata columns
methodsMethod order
non_energy_flowsNon-energy flows
nonenergy_productsNon-energy products
non_specified_flowsIEA non-specified flows
nuclear_productsNuclear products
oil_and_oil_productsOil and oil products
other_flowsOther flows
override_iso_codes_dfCountry code overrides
peat_and_peat_productsPeat and peat products
phi_constants_namesConstant phi table names
pipePipe operator
prep_psutPrepare for PSUT analysis
prim_agg_flowsPrimary aggregates flows
primary_aggregatesTotal primary aggregate energy from IEA tables
primary_coal_productsPrimary coal products
primary_gas_productsPrimary gas products
primary_oil_productsPrimary oil products
primary_peat_productsPrimary peat products
prod_tp_eiou_energy_carriersIdentify all energy types supplied or consumed by Production,...
productsIEA order for products
psut_colsPhysical Supply-Use Table (PSUT) data frame column names
read_aggregation_region_tableLoads region aggregation table
remove_agg_memo_flowsRemove aggregation and memo rows from data frames of IEA data
remove_agg_regionsRemove aggregation regions from an IEA data frame
remove_suffix_specificationsRemove specification suffixes from a column
rename_iea_df_colsRename columns of an IEA data frame
renewable_industriesRenewable energy industries names
renewable_productsRenewable products
replace_join'full_join' with replacement
replace_null_RUVFill missing *R*, *U*, and *V* matrices
route_non_specified_eiouRoutes non specified EIOU flows to existing industries
route_non_specified_flowsRoutes non specified flows
route_non_specified_tpRoutes non-specified transformation processes flows to...
route_own_use_elect_chp_heatRoutes own use in electricity, chp, and heat plants EIOU flow...
route_pumped_storageRoute pumped storage to Main activity electricity producer...
row_col_typesPSUT matrix row and column types
sample_eta_fu_table_pathThe path to a filled final-to-useful efficiency table
sample_fu_allocation_table_pathThe path to a filled final-to-useful allocation table
sample_iea_data_pathThe path to a sample IEA extended energy balances data file...
sample_phi_constants_pathGives a file path to a sample phi constants table
secondary_coal_productsSecondary coal products
secondary_oil_productsSecondary oil products
secondary_peat_productsSecondary peat products
slurp_iea_to_raw_dfSlurp an IEA extended energy balance data file
sort_iea_dfSort an IEA data frame in IEA row order
specify_allSpecify all industries
specify_bunkersChange bunker flow names to reflect their purpose
specify_distribution_lossesSpecifies distribution industries
specify_electricity_gridSpecifies electricity grid
specify_interface_industriesSpecify interface industries
specify_non_energy_useSpecify Non-energy use when possible
specify_primary_productionSpecify primary production industries
specify_production_to_resourcesConvert Production Flows to Resource Flows
specify_renewable_plantsSpecifies renewable electricity and heat
specify_tp_eiouSpecify destinations for energy industry own use flows into...
split_oil_gas_extraction_eiouSeparates EIOU flows of oil and gas extraction
stack_final_useful_dfClean and pivot useful data frame
starts_with_any_ofTell if a string starts with any of a vector of strings
sut_meta_colsPSUT matrix meta information column names
switch-notationChange specification notation
template_colsFinal-to-useful template column names
tfc_compare_flowsTotal final consumption comparison flows
tfc_flowsTotal final consumption flows
tidy_eta_fu_tableTidy a final-to-useful efficiency table
tidy_fu_allocation_tableTidy a final-to-useful allocation table
tidy_iea_dfCreates a tidy IEA data frame
tidy_iea_df_balancedTell whether _all_ rows of a tidy IEA data frame are balanced
tpes_flowsTotal primary energy supply flows
tp_sinks_sourcesFind transformation sinks and sources
tp_sinks_to_nonenergyReassign Transformation process sinks to Non-energy use
transformation_processesTransformation processes
transport_domestic_flowsTransport domestic flows
transport_flowsTransport flows
use_iso_countriesReplace country names with 3-letter ISO abbreviations
valid_iea_release_yearsIEA release years supported by this package
write_eta_fu_templateWrite a final-to-useful machine efficiencies template to a...
write_fu_allocation_templateWrite blank final-to-useful templates
year_colsFind year columns
MatthewHeun/IEATools documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 12:08 a.m.