add_nuclear_industry | Adds a nuclear industry |
add_psut_matnames | Add a column of matrix names to tidy data frame |
add_row_col_meta | Add row, column, row type, and column type metadata |
adjacent_rownums | Find row numbers for adjacent entries |
aggregate_cols | Aggregation columns |
aggregate_regions | Aggregates IEA regions based on a user-defined aggregation... |
aggregation_flows | Aggregation flows |
aggregation_regions | Aggregation regions |
all_stages | All energy conversion chain stages |
arrange_iea_fu_allocation_template | Arrange the rows and/or columns of a final-to-useful... |
augment_iea_df | Augment an IEA data frame |
biofuels_and_waste_products | Biofuel and waste products |
calc_tidy_iea_df_balances | Calculate balances on a tidy IEA data frame |
carnot_efficiency | Calculate Carnot efficiencies from heat types |
check_fu_allocation_data | Check validity of a final-to-useful allocation table |
clean_iea_whitespace | Clean whitespace from Flow and Product strings |
coal_and_coal_products | Coal and coal products |
collapse_to_tidy_psut | Collapse a tidy data frame of IEA data to a tidy PSUT data... |
complete_eta_fu_table | Complete a final-to-useful efficiency table |
complete_fu_allocation_table | Complete an FU Allocation table |
countries | Country order |
country_concordance_cols | Country concordance table column names |
data | Data pronoun |
default_aggregation_region_table_path | The path to the default aggregation table |
despecify_col | Remove specification strings from a column |
distribution_industry | Distribution industry name |
do_fix | Performs fixes to IEA data |
eiou_flows | Energy industry own use (EIOU) flows |
elec_heat_output | Electricity and heat output names |
electricity_products | Electricity products |
energy_types | Energy type order |
eta_fu_table_completed | Tell whether a final-to-useful efficiency table has been... |
eta_fu_template | Final-to-useful efficiency template |
extend_to_useful | Move an ECC from final to useful as its last stage |
extend_to_useful_helper | A helper function for extending to the useful energy/exergy... |
extract_S_units_from_tidy | Extract a unit summation matrix from a tidy data frame |
extract_TK | Extract temperatures (in Kelvin) from heat types |
fap_flows | IEA order for combined flow aggregation point and flow |
fd_sectors | Final demand sectors |
finaldemand_aggregates | Final demand aggregate energy from IEA tables |
find_eiou_end | Find the point where Energy industry own use ends |
find_eiou_start | Find the point where Energy industry own use starts |
find_supply_consumption_split | Find the split point between Supply and Consumption |
find_transformation_end | Find the point where Transformation processes end |
find_transformation_start | Find the point where Transformation processes begin |
fix_AUS_bfg | Fix Australia Blast furnace gas for 2010-2020 |
fix_COL_WRLD_electricity | Improve COL electricity generation in the IEA's WEEB. |
Fixed_AUS_bfg | Fixed Australia Blast furnace gas for 2010-2020 |
Fixed_COL_WRLD_Electricity | Fixed Colombia Electricity generation 1971-1977 |
Fixed_GHA_Industry_Electricity | Fixed Ghana Industry Electricity data |
Fixed_GHA_PSB | Fixed Ghana Primary solid biofuels data |
Fixed_OAMR_cpp | Fixed Other non-OECD Americas Charcoal production 1971-2010 |
Fixed_OAMR_gw | Fixed Other non-OECD Americas Gas works 1971-1976 |
Fixed_RUSEST_heat | Fixed Russia and Estonia Heat 1990-1993 |
fix_GHA_psb | Improve Ghana Primary solid biofuels data from 1991 through... |
fix_OAMR_cpp | Fix IEA data for Other non-OECD Americas Charcoal production... |
fix_OAMR_gw | Fix IEA data for Other non-OECD Americas Gas works plants |
fix_RUSEST_heat | Fix Russia and Estonia Heat for 1990-1993 |
fix_tidy_iea_df_balances | Fix IEA energy balances |
form_C_mats | Create allocation matrices ('C') from an allocation table |
form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs | Create 'eta_fu' and 'phi_u' vectors |
fu_allocation_table_completed | Tell whether a final-to-useful allocation table has been... |
fu_allocation_template | Create a template for analysis of final-to-useful... |
fu_analysis_file_info | Final-to-useful analysis file information |
gather_producer_autoproducer | Gather main activity producer and autoproducer industries |
grid_industries | Grid industries names |
heat_products | Heat products |
iea_cols | IEA data frame column names |
iea_df | Load IEA data from an extended energy balances .csv file |
iea_file_OK | Perform quality assurance on a raw IEA data file |
industry_flows | Industry flows |
industry_net_flows | Industry net flows |
insert_after | Insert after an item in a list |
interface_industries | Interface industries |
last_stages | Last stage order |
ledger_sides | IEA order for ledger side |
load_electricity_heat_output | Extract a data frame of electricity and heat output... |
load_eta_fu_data | Load final-to-useful machine efficiency data |
load_fu_allocation_data | Load final-to-useful allocation data |
load_phi_constants_table | Read a table of constant phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) values... |
load_tidy_iea_df | Load IEA extended energy balance data into tidy format |
main_act_plants | Main activity producer plants |
manufacturing_flows | Manufacturing flows |
mat_meta_cols | PSUT matrix formation meta information column names |
memo_aggregation_flow_prefixes | Memo and aggregation flow prefixes |
memo_aggregation_product_prefixes | Memo and aggregation product prefixes |
memo_non_energy_flows | Memo Non-energy flows |
meta_cols | Find metadata columns |
methods | Method order |
non_energy_flows | Non-energy flows |
nonenergy_products | Non-energy products |
non_specified_flows | IEA non-specified flows |
nuclear_products | Nuclear products |
oil_and_oil_products | Oil and oil products |
other_flows | Other flows |
override_iso_codes_df | Country code overrides |
peat_and_peat_products | Peat and peat products |
phi_constants_names | Constant phi table names |
pipe | Pipe operator |
prep_psut | Prepare for PSUT analysis |
prim_agg_flows | Primary aggregates flows |
primary_aggregates | Total primary aggregate energy from IEA tables |
primary_coal_products | Primary coal products |
primary_gas_products | Primary gas products |
primary_oil_products | Primary oil products |
primary_peat_products | Primary peat products |
prod_tp_eiou_energy_carriers | Identify all energy types supplied or consumed by Production,... |
products | IEA order for products |
psut_cols | Physical Supply-Use Table (PSUT) data frame column names |
quasi-quote-assign | Assignment |
read_aggregation_region_table | Loads region aggregation table |
remove_agg_memo_flows | Remove aggregation and memo rows from data frames of IEA data |
remove_agg_regions | Remove aggregation regions from an IEA data frame |
remove_suffix_specifications | Remove specification suffixes from a column |
rename_iea_df_cols | Rename columns of an IEA data frame |
renewable_industries | Renewable energy industries names |
renewable_products | Renewable products |
replace_join | 'full_join' with replacement |
replace_null_RUV | Fill missing *R*, *U*, and *V* matrices |
route_non_specified_eiou | Routes non specified EIOU flows to existing industries |
route_non_specified_flows | Routes non specified flows |
route_non_specified_tp | Routes non-specified transformation processes flows to... |
route_own_use_elect_chp_heat | Routes own use in electricity, chp, and heat plants EIOU flow... |
route_pumped_storage | Route pumped storage to Main activity electricity producer... |
row_col_types | PSUT matrix row and column types |
sample_eta_fu_table_path | The path to a filled final-to-useful efficiency table |
sample_fu_allocation_table_path | The path to a filled final-to-useful allocation table |
sample_iea_data_path | The path to a sample IEA extended energy balances data file... |
sample_phi_constants_path | Gives a file path to a sample phi constants table |
secondary_coal_products | Secondary coal products |
secondary_oil_products | Secondary oil products |
secondary_peat_products | Secondary peat products |
slurp_iea_to_raw_df | Slurp an IEA extended energy balance data file |
sort_iea_df | Sort an IEA data frame in IEA row order |
specify_all | Specify all industries |
specify_bunkers | Change bunker flow names to reflect their purpose |
specify_distribution_losses | Specifies distribution industries |
specify_electricity_grid | Specifies electricity grid |
specify_interface_industries | Specify interface industries |
specify_non_energy_use | Specify Non-energy use when possible |
specify_primary_production | Specify primary production industries |
specify_production_to_resources | Convert Production Flows to Resource Flows |
specify_renewable_plants | Specifies renewable electricity and heat |
specify_tp_eiou | Specify destinations for energy industry own use flows into... |
split_oil_gas_extraction_eiou | Separates EIOU flows of oil and gas extraction |
stack_final_useful_df | Clean and pivot useful data frame |
starts_with_any_of | Tell if a string starts with any of a vector of strings |
sut_meta_cols | PSUT matrix meta information column names |
switch-notation | Change specification notation |
template_cols | Final-to-useful template column names |
tfc_compare_flows | Total final consumption comparison flows |
tfc_flows | Total final consumption flows |
tidy_eta_fu_table | Tidy a final-to-useful efficiency table |
tidy_fu_allocation_table | Tidy a final-to-useful allocation table |
tidy_iea_df | Creates a tidy IEA data frame |
tidy_iea_df_balanced | Tell whether _all_ rows of a tidy IEA data frame are balanced |
tpes_flows | Total primary energy supply flows |
tp_sinks_sources | Find transformation sinks and sources |
tp_sinks_to_nonenergy | Reassign Transformation process sinks to Non-energy use |
transformation_processes | Transformation processes |
transport_domestic_flows | Transport domestic flows |
transport_flows | Transport flows |
use_iso_countries | Replace country names with 3-letter ISO abbreviations |
valid_iea_release_years | IEA release years supported by this package |
write_eta_fu_template | Write a final-to-useful machine efficiencies template to a... |
write_fu_allocation_template | Write blank final-to-useful templates |
year_cols | Find year columns |
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