starts_with_any_of: Tell if a string starts with any of a vector of strings

View source: R/utilities.R

starts_with_any_ofR Documentation

Tell if a string starts with any of a vector of strings


This function returns TRUE if x starts with any of the strings in target and FALSE otherwise.


starts_with_any_of(x, target)



a string (or vector or list of strings)


a vector or list of strings


This function is vectorized. If x is a vector or list of strings, the return value has the same length as x and contains the result of applying the test (does x start with any of target) for each item in x.

target can be either a vector or a list. To allow target to be a list, target is unlist()ed before use.


TRUE if x starts with any of the strings in target, FALSE otherwise. If x is a vector or list of strings, the return value is a vector of the same length as x containing the result of applying the test to each item in x.


starts_with_any_of(x = "prefix - suffix", target = c("a", "b", "prefix"))
starts_with_any_of(x = "prefix - suffix", target = c("a", "b", "c"))
starts_with_any_of(x = "prefix - suffix", target = "suffix")
starts_with_any_of(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG",
                         "Exports - Oil", "Exports - Crude"),
                   target = c("Production", "Imports"))

MatthewHeun/IEATools documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 12:08 a.m.