
# ###########################################################
# context("Small example")
# ###########################################################
# test_that("small example works as expected", {
#   Industry_meta <- data.frame(
#     Industry = c("Stock changes", "p_ind_1", "pf_ind_1", "fd_ind_1", "p_ind_2", "p_ind_3", "Bunker"),
#     Stage = c("Storage", "Primary industry", "Primary --> Final", "Final demand",
#               "Primary industry", "Primary industry", "Storage"),
#     Group = c(NA, "Oil", NA, NA, "Oil", "Coal", NA),
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   Product_meta <- data.frame(
#     Product = c("p_prod_1", "f_prod_1"),
#     Stage = c("Primary product", "Final product"),
#     Group = c(NA, "Oil"),
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   Edge_list <- do.call(rbind, list(
#     data.frame(from = "p_ind_1", to = "p_prod_1", weight = 10),
#     data.frame(from = "p_ind_2", to = "p_prod_1", weight = 12),
#     data.frame(from = "p_ind_3", to = "p_prod_1", weight = 14),
#     data.frame(from = "p_prod_1", to = "pf_ind_1", weight = 14),
#     data.frame(from = "pf_ind_1", to = "f_prod_1", weight = 14),
#     data.frame(from = "f_prod_1", to = "fd_ind_1", weight = 14),
#     data.frame(from = "Stock changes", to = "p_prod_1", weight = 6),
#     data.frame(from = "f_prod_1", to = "Bunker", weight = 14)
#   ))
#   layout <- ecc_layout(Industries = Industry_meta,
#                        Products = Product_meta,
#                        g = qgraph(Edge_list, DoNotPlot = TRUE))
#   layout_df <- data.frame(layout)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_ind_1", "x"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_ind_2", "x"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_ind_3", "x"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_prod_1", "x"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["pf_ind_1", "x"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["f_prod_1", "x"], 4)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["fd_ind_1", "x"], 5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_ind_1", "y"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_ind_2", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_ind_3", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["p_prod_1", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["pf_ind_1", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["f_prod_1", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["fd_ind_1", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Stock changes", "x"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Bunker", "x"], 3.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Stock changes", "y"], 4)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Bunker", "y"], 4)
#   # Make a qgraph network plot.
#   # qgraph(Edge_list, layout = layout, edge.labels = TRUE)
# })
# test_that("second small example works as expected", {
#   # In this small example, we have an Industries data frame that doesn't have hyphenated
#   # industry names, but we have an industry name that is hyphenated.
#   # The test assesses whether this situation is handled appropriately.
#   # Industry hyphenation is of the form "Industry - Product",
#   # where product is one of the Products made by Industry.
#   Industries <- data.frame(Industry = c("Production - Coal", "Power plants", "Households"),
#                            Stage = c("Primary industry", "P-->F industry", "Final demand"))
#   Products <- data.frame(Product = c("Coal", "Electricity"),
#                          Stage = c("Primary product", "Final product"))
#   # Now make an edgelist for these industries.
#   # Note that "Production - Coal" is a hyphenated industry.
#   # ecc_layout needs to handle that correctly.
#   Edge_list <- do.call(rbind, list(
#     data.frame(from = "Production - Coal", to = "Coal", weight = 10),
#     data.frame(from = "Coal", to = "Power plants", weight = 12),
#     data.frame(from = "Power plants", to = "Electricity", weight = 14),
#     data.frame(from = "Electricity", to = "Households", weight = 14)
#   ))
#   layout <- ecc_layout(Industries = Industries,
#                        Products = Products,
#                        g = qgraph(Edge_list, DoNotPlot = TRUE))
#   layout_df <- as.data.frame(layout)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Production - Coal", "x"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Coal", "x"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Power plants", "x"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Electricity", "x"], 4)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Households", "x"], 5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Production - Coal", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Coal", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Power plants", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Electricity", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Households", "y"], 1)
#   # Make a qgraph
#   # qgraph(Edge_list, layout = layout)
# })
# ###########################################################
# context("Layout for UKEnergy2000mats")
# ###########################################################
# test_that("UKEnergy2000 works as expected", {
#   # Use a subset of the UKEnergy2000mats data from this package as an example.
#   bigmat <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#     spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
#     select(Country, Year, Energy.type, Last.stage, U, V, Y, r_EIOU, S_units) %>%
#     filter(Country == "GBR", Year == 2000, Energy.type == "E", Last.stage == "Final") %>%
#     mutate(
#       # Delete unneeded columns.
#       Energy.type = NULL,
#       Last.stage = NULL
#     ) %>%
#     # Sum all matrices to make one big matrix with "from" or "source" nodes in rows
#     # and "to" or "destination" nodes in columns
#     mutate(
#       # First, set row and column types so they can be summed.
#       U = U %>% setrowtype("Source") %>% setcoltype("Destination"),
#       V = V %>% setrowtype("Source") %>% setcoltype("Destination"),
#       Y = Y %>% setrowtype("Source") %>% setcoltype("Destination"),
#       # Do the sum.
#       bigsum = sum_byname(U, V) %>% sum_byname(Y)
#     ) %>%
#     # Next 2 lines are like saying .$bigsum[[1]]
#     use_series(bigsum) %>%
#     extract2(1) %>%
#     # If we don't complete_and_sort(), qgraph mis-interprets the data.
#     # qgraph does not work "byname."
#     complete_and_sort()
#   # Make data frames with information about stages and groups.
#   Industries <- data.frame(Industry = c("Resources - NG", "Gas wells & proc.",
#                                         "NG dist.", "Power plants", "Elect. grid",
#                                         "Residential",
#                                         "Resources - Crude", "Oil fields",
#                                         "Crude dist.", "Oil refineries", "Diesel dist.", "Petrol dist.",
#                                         "Transport"),
#                            Stage = c("Resources", "Extraction",
#                                      "Primary dist.", "Primary --> Final", "Final dist.",
#                                      "Final demand",
#                                      "Resources", "Extraction",
#                                      "Primary dist.", "Primary --> Final", "Final dist.", "Final dist.",
#                                      "Final demand"))
#   Products <- data.frame(Product = c("NG", "NG - Wells", "NG - Dist.",
#                                      "Elect", "Elect - Grid",
#                                      "Crude", "Crude - Fields", "Crude - Dist.",
#                                      "Diesel", "Petrol", "Diesel - Dist.", "Petrol - Dist."),
#                          Stage = c("Primary", "Primary extracted", "Primary distributed",
#                                    "Final", "Final distributed",
#                                    "Primary", "Primary extracted", "Primary distributed",
#                                    "Final", "Final", "Final distributed", "Final distributed"))
#   # Create layout for qgraph
#   layout = ecc_layout(Industries = Industries, Products = Products,
#                       g = qgraph(bigmat, DoNotPlot = TRUE))
#   # Convert to a data frame for easier testing
#   layout_df <- as.data.frame(layout)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude", "x"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude - Dist.", "x"], 6)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude - Dist.", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude - Fields", "x"], 4)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude - Fields", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude dist.", "x"], 5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Crude dist.", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Diesel", "x"], 8)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Diesel", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Diesel - Dist.", "x"], 10)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Diesel - Dist.", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Diesel dist.", "x"], 9)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Diesel dist.", "y"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Elect", "x"], 8)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Elect", "y"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Elect - Grid", "x"], 10)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Elect - Grid", "y"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Elect. grid", "x"], 9)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Elect. grid", "y"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Gas wells & proc.", "x"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Gas wells & proc.", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG", "x"], 2)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG - Dist.", "x"], 6)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG - Dist.", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG - Wells", "x"], 4)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG - Wells", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG dist.", "x"], 5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["NG dist.", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Oil fields", "x"], 3)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Oil fields", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Oil refineries", "x"], 7)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Oil refineries", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Petrol", "x"], 8)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Petrol", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Petrol - Dist.", "x"], 10)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Petrol - Dist.", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Petrol dist.", "x"], 9)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Petrol dist.", "y"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Power plants", "x"], 7)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Power plants", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Residential", "x"], 11)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Residential", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Resources - Crude", "x"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Resources - Crude", "y"], 1.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Resources - NG", "x"], 1)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Resources - NG", "y"], 2.5)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Transport", "x"], 11)
#   expect_equal(layout_df["Transport", "y"], 1.5)
#   # Check that the order is correct
#   expect_equal(rownames(layout_df), c("Crude",
#                                    "Crude - Dist.",
#                                    "Crude - Fields",
#                                    "Crude dist.",
#                                    "Diesel",
#                                    "Diesel - Dist.",
#                                    "Diesel dist.",
#                                    "Elect",
#                                    "Elect - Grid",
#                                    "Elect. grid",
#                                    "Gas wells & proc.",
#                                    "NG",
#                                    "NG - Dist.",
#                                    "NG - Wells",
#                                    "NG dist.",
#                                    "Oil fields",
#                                    "Oil refineries",
#                                    "Petrol",
#                                    "Petrol - Dist.",
#                                    "Petrol dist.",
#                                    "Power plants",
#                                    "Residential",
#                                    "Resources - Crude",
#                                    "Resources - NG",
#                                    "Transport"))
#   # Make a qgraph network plot.
#   # qgraph(bigmat, layout = layout, cut = 70, curveAll = TRUE, curve = 1)
# })
# ###########################################################
# context("Identify industry stages")
# ###########################################################
# test_that("identify_industry_stages works as expected", {
#   # Make Industry data frames.
#   GeneralIndustries <- data.frame(G.Industry = c("Production", "Plants", "Cars"),
#                                   Stage = c("Primary industry", "p-->f industry", "f-->u industry"),
#                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   SpecificIndustries <- data.frame(S.Industry = c("Production - Coal", "Production - Hydro",
#                                                   "Plants - Electric", "Plants - refinery",
#                                                   "Cars - Electric", "Cars - Petrol"),
#                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   # Get the matched industries
#   result <- identify_industry_stages(GeneralIndustries = GeneralIndustries,
#                                      SpecificIndustries = SpecificIndustries,
#                                      general_industry_colname = "G.Industry",
#                                      specific_industry_colname = "S.Industry")
#   # Make sure it works.
#   expect_equal(result$Stage, c("Primary industry", "Primary industry",
#                                "p-->f industry", "p-->f industry",
#                                "f-->u industry", "f-->u industry"))
# })
MatthewHeun/Recca documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 6:18 p.m.