
#' Drake cache target names
#' A string list containing names of drake targets.
#' Items in the list provide default values for function arguments
#' throughout the `PFUWorkflow` package.
#' @format A string list with `r length(target_names)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{countries}{The string name of the countries target in the drake cache, giving the countries to be analyzed.}
#' \item{alloc_and_eff_couns}{The string name of the allocation and efficiency countries target in the drake cache, giving the countries from which final-to-useful allocations and efficiencies can be drawn for final-to-useful analyses. This is a superset of countries.}
#' \item{max_year}{The integer representing the maximum year to be analyzed.}
#' \item{iea_data_path}{A string representing the path to the file containing IEA extended energy balance data.}
#' \item{ceda_data_folder}{A string representing the path to the file containing CEDA data.}
#' \item{machine_data_path}{A string representing the path to the folder containing machine data excel files.}
#' \item{exemplar_table_path}{A string representing the path to the exemplar table.}
#' \item{fu_analysis_folder}{A string representing the folder containing final-to-useful analyses for various countries.}
#' \item{report_source_folders}{A string vector representing folders containing reports to be run as the last step of the workflow.}
#' \item{report_dest_folder}{A string representing the folder containing reports from the workflow.}
#' \item{CountryConcordanceTable}{A data frame containing concordance information which maps full country names to custom 3 letter codes.}
#' \item{AllIEAData}{The name of a data frame containing all IEA data read from `iea_data_path`.}
#' \item{IEAData}{A filtered version of `AllIEAData` containing information for only `countries`.}
#' \item{CEDAData}{The name of the data frame containing all CEDA temperature data read from `ceda_data_folder`.}
#' \item{AllMachineData}{A data frame containing Eta.fu values read through functions in `machine_functions.R`.}
#' \item{MachineData}{A filtered version of `AllMachineData` containing information for only `alloc_and_eff_couns`.}
#' \item{balanced_before}{A boolean indicating whether the `IEAData` are balanced before any further analysis. They usually are not, so this value is typically `FALSE`.}
#' \item{BalancedIEAData}{A balanced version of `IEAData`.}
#' \item{balanced_after}{Same as `balanced_before`, only for after balancing. This should be `TRUE`.}
#' \item{Specified}{A data frame containing specified IEA data.}
#' \item{PSUT_final}{A data frame containing `Specified` in a PSUT format.}
#' \item{IncompleteAllocationTables}{A data frame of final-to-useful allocation tables, one for each country. These allocation tables may be incomplete.}
#' \item{TidyIncompleteAllocationTables}{A tidy data frame of final-to-useful allocation tables, one for each country. These allocation tables may be incomplete.}
#' \item{ExemplarLists}{A data frame of lists of exemplar countries for each country in `countries`, and maybe more.}
#' \item{CompletedAllocationTables}{A data frame of completed final-to-useful allocation tables.}
#' \item{CompletedEfficiencyTables}{A data frame of completed final-to-useful efficiency tables.}
#' \item{CompletedPhiuTables}{A data frame of completed useful-stage exergy-to-energy ratios.}
#' \item{Cmats}{A data frame containing `CompletedAllocationTables` in matrix form.}
#' \item{EtafuPhiuvecs}{A data frame containing final-to-useful efficiency vectors and useful exergy-to-energy ratios.}
#' \item{Etafuvecs}{A data frame containing final-to-useful efficiency vectors.}
#' \item{Phiuvecs}{A data frame containing useful exergy-to-energy ratio vectors.}
#' \item{Phipfvecs}{A data frame containing primary and final exergy-to-energy ratio vectors.}
#' \item{Phivecs}{A data frame containing exergy-to-energy ratio vectors.}
#' \item{PSUT_useful}{A data frame containing PSUT matrices up to the useful stage.}
#' \item{FinalDemandSectors}{A list containing  the final demand sectors desired for analysis.}
#' \item{PrimaryIndustryPrefixes}{A list containing the prefixes of primary industries desired for analysis.}
#' \item{AggregatePrimaryData}{A data frame containing aggregate primary energy and exergy values by total, product, and flow.}
#' \item{AggregateFinalUsefulData}{A data frame containing aggregate final and useful energy and exergy values by total, product, and sector.}
#' \item{SocioEconData}{A data frame containing socioeconomic data, supplied by the `get_L_K_GDP_data` function.}
#' \item{AllocationGraphs}{A data frame containing final-to-useful allocation graphs.}
#' \item{NonStationaryAllocationGraphs}{A data frame containing final-to-useful allocation graphs, for non-stationary data only.}
#' \item{EfficiencyGraphs}{A data frame containing final-to-useful efficiency graphs.}
#' \item{ExergyEnergyGraphs}{A data frame containing exergy-to-energy ratio graphs.}
#' \item{report_source_paths}{A string vector containing paths to report files. These strings provide a detailed view of all the reports that `drake` will generate and should be all report files in `report_source_folders`.}
#' \item{report_dest_paths}{A string for the path to a folder into which reports will written.}
#' \item{reports_complete}{A boolean indicating success (`TRUE`) or failure (`FALSE`) of report generation.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' target_names

#' Exemplar table names
#' A string list containing named names of columns and tabs for exemplar tables.
#' Items in the list provide default values for column name function arguments
#' throughout the `PFUWorkflow` package.
#' @format A string list with `r length(exemplar_names)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{exemplar_tab_name}{The string name of the tab in the Excel file containing the exemplar table.}
#' \item{prev_names}{The name of a column of previous names used for the country.}
#' \item{exemplars}{The name of a column of exemplar countries.}
#' \item{exemplar_country}{The name of an exemplar country column.}
#' \item{exemplar_countries}{The name of an exemplar countries column.}
#' \item{exemplar_tables}{The name of a column containing exemplar tables.}
#' \item{iea_data}{The name of a column containing IEA extended energy balance data.}
#' \item{alloc_data}{The name of a column containing final-to-useful allocation data.}
#' \item{incomplete_alloc_table}{The name of a column containing incomplete final-to-useful allocation tables.}
#' \item{complete_alloc_table}{The name of a column containing completed final-to-useful allocation tables.}
#' \item{incomplete_eta_table}{The name of a column containing incomplete final-to-useful efficiency tables.}
#' \item{complete_eta_table}{The name of a column containing completed final-to-useful efficiency tables.}
#' \item{region_code}{The name of the region code column.}
#' \item{country_name}{The name of the column containing the long name of a country.}
#' \item{world}{The name of the world region.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' exemplar_names

#' PFUWorkflow data frame column names
#' A string list containing named names of columns in PFUWorkflow data frames.
#' The data frames can be
#' tidy (with one row for each data point) or
#' wide (with years spread to the right).
#' Items in the list act to compliment the column names in `IEATools::iea_cols`.
#' @format A string list with `r length(sea_cols)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{stage_colname}{The name of a metadata column containing the stage of the energy conversion chain, usually "Primary", "Final", or "Useful".}
#' \item{gross_net_colname}{The name of a metadata column containing information as to whether aggregated data at the final and useful stage is in "Gross" or "Net" terms, see `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates()` and `Recca::primary_aggregates()`.}
#' \item{e_product}{The name of a metadata column containing the names of energy products.}
#' \item{sector_colname}{The name of a metadata column containing the names of final demand sectors.}
#' \item{flow_colname}{The name of a metadata column containing the names of primary flows.}
#' \item{agg_by_colname}{The name of a column containing the variable by which data was aggregated. Usually using `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates()` and `Recca::primary_aggregates()`, and usually one of "Flow", "Sector", "Product", or "Total".}
#' \item{fd_sectors_colname}{The name of a column containing the list of final demand sectors desired for analysis. Usually created by `PFUWorkflow::get_fd_sectors()` and `PFUWorkflow::create_fd_sectors_list()`.}
#' \item{p_ind_comp_colname}{The name of a column containing lists of primary industries desired for analysis. Usually created by using `Recca::find_p_industry_names()`.}
#' \item{p_ind_prefix_colname}{The name of a column containing the list of primary industry prefixes desired for analysis. Usually supplied to `Recca::find_p_industry_names()` to return `p_ind_comp`.}
#' \item{ex_colname}{The name of a column containing energy or exergy data.}
#' \item{ex_p_colname}{The name of a column containing energy or exergy data at the primary stage. Usually produced by `Recca::primary_aggregates()`.}
#' \item{ex_net_colname}{The name of a column containing energy or exergy data at the final and/or useful stage and in net terms. Usually produced by `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates()`.}
#' \item{ex_gross_colname}{The name of a column containing energy or exergy data at the final and/or useful stage and in gross terms. Usually produced by `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates()`.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' sea_cols

#' Aggregation groups metadata information
#' A string list containing values to be supplied to the metadata columns `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$e_product_colname`,
#' `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$agg_by_colname`, `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$sector_colname`, and `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$flow_colname`.
#' @format A string list with `r length(agg_metadata)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{total_value}{The string "Total" indicating that data has been aggregated across all products and sectors/flows. Supplied to `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$agg_by_colname`.}
#' \item{all_value}{The string "All" indicating that data has been aggregated across one or more of: "Product", "Flow", or "Sector". Supplied to one or more of `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$e_product_colname`, `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$sector_colname`, and `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$flow_colname` depending on the aggregation.}
#' \item{product_value}{The string "Product" indicating that data has been aggregated by product. Supplied to `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$agg_by_colname`.}
#' \item{sector_value}{The string "Sector" indicating that data has been aggregated by sector. Supplied to `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$agg_by_colname`.}
#' \item{flow_value}{The string "Flow" indicating that data has been aggregated by flow. Supplied to `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$agg_by_colname`.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' agg_metadata

#' Gross or Net metadata information
#' A string list containing values indicating whether the output of the functions `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates`, `PFUWorkflow::calculate_fu_ex_total`,
#' `PFUWorkflow::calculate_fu_ex_product`, `PFUWorkflow::calculate_fu_ex_sector`, and `PFUWorkflow::calculate_finaluseful_ex_data`
#' are in Gross or Net terms. To be supplied to the metadata columns `PFUWorkflow::sea_cols$gross_net_colname`.
#' @format A string list with `r length(gross_net_metadata)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{gross_value}{The string "Gross" indicating that final demand was calculated for both EIOU and non-EIOU sectors. See `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates`.}
#' \item{net_value}{The string "Net" indicating that final demand was calculated for only non-EIOU sectors. See `Recca::finaldemand_aggregates`.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' gross_net_metadata

#' Socioeconomic data column names
#' A string list containing values for the column names of socioeconomic data. See `pwt10::pwt10.0`.
#' @format A string list with `r length(socioecon_cols)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{isocode_colname}{The name of a metadata column containing the 3-letter isocodes of countries.}
#' \item{year_colname}{The name of a metadata column containing values for the year of the observation. Lower case.}
#' \item{rgdpe_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Expenditure-side real GDP at chained PPPs (in million 2017 USD).}
#' \item{rgdpo_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Output-side real GDP at chained PPPs (in million 2017 USD).}
#' \item{rgdpna_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Real GDP at constant 2017 national prices (in million 2017 USD).}
#' \item{emp_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Number of persons engaged (in millions).}
#' \item{avh_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Average annual hours worked by persons engaged.}
#' \item{hc_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Human capital index, based on years of schooling and returns to education; see Human capital in PWT9.}
#' \item{rnna_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Capital stock at constant 2017 national prices (in million 2017 USD).}
#' \item{rkna_colname}{The name of the column containing data for Capital services at constant 2017 national prices (2017 = 1).}
#' \item{K_colname}{A more representative name for `rnna_colname`.}
#' \item{Kserv_colname}{A more representative name for `rkna_colname`.}
#' \item{L_colname}{The name of the column containing data for the total number of hours worked in a given year. See `PFUWorkflow::get_L_K_GDP_data`.}
#' \item{Ladj_colname}{The name of the column containing data for the total number of hours worked adjusted by the human capital index. See `PFUWorkflow::get_L_K_GDP_data`.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' socioecon_cols

#' Information about the machine efficiency files
#' A string list containing information about machine efficiency files.
#' Items in the list provide default values for machine efficiency files,
#' including Excel tab names, etc.
#' @format A string list with `r length(machine_constants)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{efficiency_tab_name}{The default name of the efficiency tabs in machine efficiency excel files.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' machine_constants

#' Cache information
#' A string list containing information about the drake cache.
#' Items in the list provide default values for column name function arguments
#' throughout the `PFUWorkflow` package.
#' @format A string list with `r length(cache_info)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{cache_path}{The default path to the drake cache.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' cache_info

#' Sources for phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) data
#' A string list containing options for the source of phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) data.
#' @format A string list with `r length(phi_sources)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{eta_fu_tables}{Indicates phi values came from final-to-useful efficiency tables.}
#' \item{temperature_data}{Indicates phi values came from national monthly temperature data.}
#' \item{phi_constants}{Indicates phi values came from a phi constants file.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' phi_sources

#' A map for aggregating products
#' A string list containing a map for aggregating energy products.
#' @format A string list with `r length(phi_sources)` entries.
#' \describe{
#' \item{Oil and oil products}{All energy products counted as oil and oil products.}
#' \item{Natural gas}{All energy products counted as natural gas.}
#' \item{Renewables}{All energy products counted as renewables.}
#' \item{Biofuels and waste products}{All energy products counted as biofuels and waste products.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' product_aggregation_map

#' All countries and selected country groups
#' All individual countries and selected country groups from the IEA's World Extended
#' energy balances 2021.
#' @format A string list with `r length(all_countries)` entries.
#' @examples
#' all_countries

#' Double-counted countries
#' Selected individual countries and selected country groups which, if aggregated,
#' would result in double counting.
#' @format A string list with `r length(double_counted_countries)` entries.
#' @examples
#' double_counted_countries

#' Canonical countries
#' Countries and country groups which, if aggregated, cover the entire world
#' (WRLD) without double counting.
#' @format A string list with `r length(canonical_countries)` entries.
#' @examples
#' canonical_countries
MatthewHeun/SEAPSUTWorkflow documentation built on April 22, 2022, 2:21 p.m.