
# ###########################################################
# context("Report Functions")
# ###########################################################
# test_that("report_source_paths() works as expected", {
#   # Get the reports from the default reports directory that was installed
#   files <- list.files(system.file("reports", package = "PFUWorkflow"), recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
#   # Find which ones end in .Rmd or .Rnw
#   which_files_are_Rnw <- which(endsWith(files, ".Rnw"), arr.ind = TRUE)
#   which_files_are_Rmd <- which(endsWith(files, ".Rmd"), arr.ind = TRUE)
#   report_indices <- append(which_files_are_Rmd, which_files_are_Rnw) %>%
#     unlist()
#   reports <- files[report_indices]
#   paths <- report_source_paths()
#   expect_equal(length(reports), 0)
#   expect_equal(length(setdiff(paths, reports)), 0)
# })
# test_that("report_dest_paths() works as expected", {
#   rsps <- report_source_paths()
#   out_paths <- report_dest_paths(report_source_files = rsps, report_dest_folder = "dest_folder")
#   # Verify that all paths start with dest_folder
#   expect_true(all(startsWith(out_paths, "dest_folder")))
#   # Verify that all paths end in .pdf
#   expect_true(all(endsWith(out_paths, ".pdf")))
#   # Verify that all corresponding base names are same
#   rsps_base <- basename(rsps) %>%
#     tools::file_path_sans_ext()
#   out_paths_base <- basename(out_paths) %>%
#     tools::file_path_sans_ext()
#   expect_equal(out_paths_base, rsps_base)
# })

# test_that("generate_reports() works as intended", {
#   # This is a bogus test for the time being.
#   # Replace with something better when the code is written.
#   expect_true(generate_reports())
# })

# tryCatch({
#   report_folder <- tempdir(check = TRUE)
#   # Now try to generate reports.
#   expect_true(generate_reports(report_source_files = paths, report_dest_folder = report_folder))
# },
# finally = {
#   unlink(report_folder)
# })
# test_that("generate_reports() works as intended", {
#   # This is a bogus test for the time being.
#   # Replace with something better when the code is written.
#   expect_true(generate_reports())
# })
MatthewHeun/SEAPSUTWorkflow documentation built on April 22, 2022, 2:21 p.m.