
#' Dataset on well being
#' @description This is a data set on well being collected with ambulatory assessment. For more information see the paper by Crayen et al. (2012).
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(MoodRegulation)
#' @format The dataset is in a long format, where every observation of one person at one moment is in a row. Hence, multiple rows contain information of the same person on different timepoints.
#' @references Claudia Crayen, Michael Eid, Tanja Lischetzke, Delphine Courvoisier and Jeroen K. Vermunt (2012).
#' Exploring Dynamics in Mood Regulation-Mixture Latent Markov Modeling of Ambulatory Assessment Data. Psychosomatic Medicine: 74(4), 366-376.
#' (\href{http://journals.lww.com/psychosomaticmedicine/Abstract/2012/05000/Exploring_Dynamics_in_Mood_Regulation_Mixture.6.aspx}{Psychosomatic Medicine})
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