Man pages for MaxLev/CloseEnough
Analyze trajectories within a cellular context

cellmaskA thresholded binary image representing the area covered by...
cellmovieSequence of RGB images illustrating the movement of Panx2...
CloseEnoughCloseEnough: A package using particle trajectories to compute...
coordinatesA data frame containing the trajectory coordinates of the...
frame_imageStores the information of an image into a data frame.
min_distanceCalculates the minimum distance between points of a...
mirror_trajectoryReflect trajectories
mitomaskA stack of thresholded binary images representing the area...
number_of_frameReturns the number of frames
number_of_trajectoryReturns the number of trajectories
outlineA data frame containing the x,y coordinates of the outline of...
pipePipe operator
randomizeRandomizes trajectories within a delimited area.
rotate_trajectoryRotate trajectories
TrajConstructor for the S4 class Traj that represents...
Traj-classAn S4 class to represent trajectories.
TrajEucl-classS4 TrajEucl class
MaxLev/CloseEnough documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:19 a.m.