Function Overview

This document has been updated to reflect functions in AirSensor version 0.6.x.

Synoptic Data

Purple Air Synoptic (PAS) data provides a view of their sensor network with location metadata and an instantaneous view of measured values. Within the AirSensor package, this data is available as a pas object. All functions beginning with pas_ are designed for creating or working with this data. The following functions are the most common end-user functions:

| function | params | |:------|:-----| | Creating a pas | | | pas_createNew() | countryCodes, includePWFSL, lookbackDays, baseUrl | | Loading a pas | | | pas_load() | datestamp, retries, timezone, archival | | Obtaining information from a pas | | | pas_getColumn() | pas, name, pattern, isOutside, isParent | | pas_getDeviceDeploymentIDs() | pas, pattern, isOutside, isParent | | pas_getIDs() | pas, pattern, isOutside, isParent | | pas_getLabels() | pas, pattern, isOutside, isParent | | Manipulating a pas | | | pas_filter() | pas, ... | | pas_filterArea() | pas, w, e, s, n | | pas_filterNear() | pas, longitude, latitude, radius | | Plotting a pas | | | pas_leaflet() | pas, parameter, paletteName, ... | | pas_staticMap() | pas, parameter, paletteName, ... |

Timeseries Data

PurpleAir Timeseries (PAT) data is available on a per-sensor basis. Within the AirSensor package, this data is available as a pat object. All functions beginning with pat_ are designed for creating or working with this data. The following functions are the most common end-user functions:

| function | params | |:------|:-----| | Creating a pat | | | pat_createNew() | id, label, pas, startdate, enddate, timezone, baseUrl | | Loading a pat | | | pat_load() | id, label, pas, startdate, enddate, days, timezone | | pat_loadLatest() | id, label, pas | | pat_loadMonth() | id, label, pas, datestamp, timezone | | Manipulating a pat | | | pat_filter() | pat, ... | | pat_filterDate() | pat, startdate, enddate, ... | | pat_filterDatetime() | pat, startdate, enddate, ... | | pat_join() | pat, pat, ... | | pat_outliers() | pat, windowSize, thresholdMin, replace, showPlot, ... | | pat_qc() | pat, ... | | pat_sample() | pat, sampleSize | | Plotting a pat | | | pat_dygraph() | pat, parameter, sampleSize, ... | | pat_multiPlot() | pat, plottype, sampleSize, ... | | pat_scatterPlotMatrix() | pat, parameters, sampleSize, ... | | State-of-Health functions | | | pat_dailySoH() | pat, Soh_functions | | pat_dailySoHIndex_Plot_00() | pat, minPctReporting, breaks | | pat_dailySoHIndexPlot() | pat, minPctReporting, breaks, SoHIndex_FUN | | pat_dailySoHPlot() | pat, ncol | | Other functions | | | pat_aggregate() | pat, FUN, ... | | pat_aggregateOutliserCounts() | pat, period, windowSize, thresholdMin | | pat_externalFit() | pat, ... | | pat_internalFit() | pat, ... | | pat_monitorComparison() | pat, ... |

Hourly Aggregated Data

Hourly Aggregated data can be generated from pat objects with the pat_createAirSensor() function. Within the AirSensor package, this data is available as an airsensor object. All functions beginning with sensor_ are designed for obtaining or working with this data. The following functions are the most common end-user functions:

| function | params | |:------|:-----| | Creating an airsensor | | | pat_createAirSensor() | pat, parameter, FUN, ... | | Loading an airsensor | | | sensor_load() | collection, startdate, enddate, days, timezone | | sensor_loadLatest() | collection, days | | sensor_loadMonth() | collection, datestamp, timezone | | sensor_loadYear() | collection, datestamp, timezone | | Manipulating an airsensor | | | sensor_filter() | sensor, ... | | sensor_filterMeta() | sensor, ... | | sensor_filterDate() | sensor, startdate, enddate, days, ... | | sensor_filterDate() | sensor, startdate, enddate, timezone | | Plotting an airsensor | | | sensor_polarPlot() | sensor, windData, statistic, ... | | sensor_pollutionRose() | sensor, windData, statistic, ... | | sensor_calendarPlot() | sensor, ... |

Note that each airsensor object is also a ws_monitor object and can be manipulated and plotted with functions from the PWFSLSmoke package.

MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.