knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5)


This tutorial demonstrates how to create a multi-month archive of PurpleAir timeseries data that can be loaded from a local archiveBaseDir. Target audiences include grad students, researchers and any member of the public concerned about air quality and comfortable working with R and RStudio.


The goal in this tutorial is to explain the file naming protocol and directory structure required for data to be loaded using the pas_load(), pat_load()andsensor_load()` functions. We will build a multi-month archive for SCAQMD and demonstrate accessing that data.

Directory Structure

The AirSensor package has a variety of "load" functions, all of which assume that pre-generated data files will be found in specific locations underneath an archive directory. The base of this directory is specified by setArchiveBaseUrl() if the archive is web based or setArchiveBaseDir() if the archive is local.

For a multi-year archive, the overall structure beneath the archiveBaseDir will look something like this, depending on how many years of data you have:

├── airsensor
│   ├── 2022
│   ├── 2023
│   └── latest
├── pas
│   ├── 2022
│   └── 2023
├── pat
│   ├── 2022
│   │   ├── 01
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── 12
│   ├── 2023
│   │   ├── 01
│   │   ├── 02
│   │   └── 03
│   └── latest

File Naming Protocol

The protocol for creating pre-generatededata files depends on the type of object being created.


NOTE: <collectionName> is an arbitrary character string defined by the user.



_load() Functions

When loading data, package ~_load() functions look for any local archive specified with setArchiveBaseDir(). If no local archive is found, a web based archive is searched at the URL specified with setArchiveBaseUrl().

Package functions that load pre-generated data files include:

To avoid internet latency, specification of archiveBaseDir will always take precedence over specification of archiveBaseUrl. For this reason, if you previously set archiveBaseDir and you then want to load data from some archiveBaseUrl, you will have to first: setArchiveBaseDir(NULL).

R script

The following R script will take several minutes to run and will create an archive of 'pat' and 'airsensor' data files on your computer. Once these files have been created, loading them will be very fast.

After running the script, a final section will demonstrate how to load and work with these local data files.

This R script can be used as a starting point for anyone interested in creating small collections of data for other communities and other dates.

# SCAQMD local data archive: Setup

library(sf)                 # Helper for spatial data
library(MazamaCoreUtils)    # Logging and time handling
library(MazamaSpatialUtils) # Spatial metadata assignment

# Set API keys
source("./global_vars.R") # See "Working with PurpleAir API Keys"

# ----- Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Have log messages sent to the console

# Use the default archiveDir unless it is already defined
if ( !exists("archiveDir") ) {
  archiveDir <- file.path("~/Data/SCAQMD")

# Set the package archiveBaseDir so we can load pat objects with `pat_load()`

# Create datestamps
timezone <- "UTC"
datestamp <- strftime(lubridate::now(tzone = timezone), "%Y%m%d", tz = timezone)
monthstamp <- stringr::str_sub(datestamp, 1, 6)
yearstamp <- stringr::str_sub(datestamp, 1, 4)

# ----- Create PAS object ------------------------------------------------------

# Set up MazamaSpatialUtils

# Create the archiveDir/pas/YYYY directory
  file.path(archiveDir, "pas", yearstamp), 
  showWarnings = FALSE,
  recursive = TRUE

pas <-
    api_key = PURPLE_AIR_API_READ_KEY,
    countryCode = "US",
    stateCode = "CA",
    show_only = "143602,22727,23241",       # Change to your list of sensor indices
    lookbackDays = 1,
    location_type = 0

# Save the "latest" version
filename <- paste0("scaqmd_", datestamp, ".rda")
filepath <- file.path(archiveDir, "pas", yearstamp, filename)"Writing PAS data to %s", filename)
save(list = "pas", file = filepath)

# ----- Prepare PAT info -------------------------------------------------------

# Get the sensor index values
scaqmd_ids <- pas_getDeviceDeploymentIDs(pas)

# Set up months
timezone <- "America/Los_Angeles"
monthStamps <- c(202301, 202302, 202303)

# Loop over months
for ( monthStamp in monthStamps ) {

  logger.debug("Working on monthStamp %s ---------- ...", monthStamp) 

  # Get POSXct startdate
  startdate <- MazamaCoreUtils::parseDatetime(monthStamp, timezone = timezone)

  # Guarantee that the enddate is the first of the next month
  enddate <- lubridate::floor_date(
    startdate + lubridate::ddays(40),
    unit = "month"

  # Get YYYY and MM strings
  YYYY <- strftime(startdate, "%Y")
  MM <- strftime(startdate, "%m")

  # Initialize counters
  idCount <- length(scaqmd_ids)
  count <- 0 
  successCount <- 0

  # ----- Create PAT objects ---------------------------------------------------

  # Create the archiveDir/pat/YYYY/MM/ directory
    file.path(archiveDir, "pat", YYYY, MM), 
    showWarnings = FALSE,
    recursive = TRUE

  # Loop over all deviceDeploymentIDs
  for ( id in scaqmd_ids ) {

    sensor_index <- 
      pas %>% 
      dplyr::filter(deviceDeploymentID == id) %>%

    # Create PAT canonical file name
    fileName <- paste0("pat_", id, "_", YYYY, MM, ".rda")

    # Create PAT canonical file path
    filePath <- file.path(archiveDir, "pat", YYYY, MM, fileName)

    count <- count + 1
    logger.debug("Working on %s (%d/%d) ...", id, count, idCount)

    # Use a try-block in case you get "no data" errors
    result <- try({

      # Create PAT
      pat <- pat_createNew(
        api_key = PURPLE_AIR_API_READ_KEY,
        pas = pas,
        sensor_index = sensor_index,
        startdate = startdate,
        enddate = enddate,
        timezone = "UTC",
        average = 0,
        verbose = FALSE

      successCount <- successCount + 1
      save(pat, file = filePath)

    }, silent = FALSE)

    if ( "try-error" %in% class(result) ) {


  # ------ Create AirSensor objects --------------------------------------------

  # Create the archiveDir/airsensor/YYYY/ directory
    file.path(archiveDir, "airsensor", YYYY), 
    showWarnings = FALSE,
    recursive = TRUE

  # Assign a collection name that makes sense
  collectionName <- "scaqmd"

  # Init counts
  successCount <- 0
  count <- 0

  dataList <- list()

  # Loop over all ids and aggregate to hourly
  for ( id in scaqmd_ids ) {

    count <- count + 1

    # Debug info
      "%4d/%d Calling pat_createAirSensor('%s')",

    # Load the pat data, convert to an airsensor and add to dataList
    dataList[[id]] <- tryCatch(
      expr = {
        airsensor <- pat_load(
          id = id,
          label = NULL,
          pas = scaqmd,
          startdate = startdate,
          enddate = enddate,
          timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"
        ) %>%
            FUN = AirSensor::PurpleAirQC_hourly_AB_01
      error = function(e) {
        logger.warn('Unable to load PAT data for %s ', id)

      # Keep going in the face of errors

  } # END of deviceDeploymentIDs loop

  # Combine the airsensors into a single airsensor object and save
    expr = {'Combining airsensors...')

      airsensor <- PWFSLSmoke::monitor_combine(dataList)
      class(airsensor) <- c("airsensor", "ws_monitor", "list")'Combined successfully...')

      # Create Airsensor canonical file name
      fileName <- paste0("airsensor_", collectionName, "_", YYYY, MM, ".rda")

      # Create Airsensor canonical file path
      filePath <- file.path(archiveDir, "airsensor", YYYY, fileName)

      save(list = "airsensor", file = filePath)
    error = function(e) {
      msg <- paste("Error creating monthly AirSensor file: ", e)

  # Now proceed to the next month

Loading Local Data

Our local archive of data was created following the directory and file naming protocol. We can now work with this archive by running setArchiveBaseDir().


# Use the tutorial default archiveDir unless it is already defined
if ( !exists("archiveDir") ) {
  archiveDir <- file.path("~/Data/SCAQMD")

# Set your archive base directory and check that is correct

# Load the custom pas file directly
pas <- pas_loadLatest()

# Use the interactive map to quickly get the "deviceDeploymentID" of the sensors
# you want to explore further based on their location. 

# However, data for a specific sensor might not be available for a given month.
# You can make sure to have the expected pat file in your month directory by 
# looking for that file.
list.files(file.path(archiveDir, "pat/2023/04"))

# Load specific days of pat data for Pine Forest
Pine_Forest  <- 
    id = "0cbfeb2ce4c1553c_13661",
    pas = pas, 
    startdate = 20230201,
    enddate = 20230208, 
    timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"

# Basic plot for Pine_Forest 

# Load the all-hourly-data-combined sensor object
all_sensors <- 
    collection = "scaqmd", # collectionName defined by user 
    startdate = 20230201,
    enddate = 20230308,
    timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"

# Plot all hourly values with daily averages
all_sensors %>%
  AirMonitorPlots::ggplot_pm25Timeseries() + 
  ggplot2::ggtitle("SCAQMD Smoke -- March, 2023") +
  AirMonitorPlots::geom_pm25Points(shape = "square", alpha = .1) + 
  AirMonitorPlots::stat_dailyAQCategory(alpha = .5) + 
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 300)) +
  AirMonitorPlots::custom_aqiStackedBar(width = 0.01) 

Best of luck assessing air quality in your community!

MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.