
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5)

# NOTE: Use example PAS data for vignettes to avoid long wait-times
pas <- example_pas

Synoptic data provides a synopsis - a comprehensive view of something at a moment in time. This vignette demonstrates an example workflow for exploring air quality synoptic data using the AirSensor R package and data captured by PurpleAir air quality sensors.

Synoptic Data Basics

Creating Current Synoptic Data (slow)

PurpleAir sensor readings are uploaded to the cloud every 120 seconds. (Every 80 seconds prior to a May 31, 2019 firmware upgrade.) Data are processed by PurpleAir and a version of the data is displayed on the PurpleAir website.

You can generate a current PurpleAir Synoptic (PAS) object (hereafter called a pas) by using the pas_createNew() function. A pas object is just a large dataframe with r ncol(pas) data columns and a record for each PurupleAir sensor channel (2 channels per sensor).

The pas_createNew() function performs the following tasks under the hood:

  1. Download a raw dataset of the entire PurpleAir network that includes both metadata and recent PM2.5 averages for each deployed sensor across the globe. See downloadParseSynopticData() for more info.

  2. Subset and enhance the raw dataset by replacing variables with more consistent, human readable names and adding spatial metadata for each sensor including the nearest official air quality monitor. For a more in depth explanation, see enhanceSynopticData().

To create a new pas object you must first properly initialize the MazamaSpatialUtils package. The following example will create a brand new pas object with up-to-the-minute data:

NOTE: This can take up to a minute to process.


# Define PURPLE_AIR_API_READ_KEY in a .gitignore protected file
setAPIKey("PurpleAir-read", PURPLE_AIR_API_READ_KEY)

# Initialize spatial data processing 

# Create a 'pas' object with current data
pas <- 
    countryCodes = "US", 
    stateCodes = "CA", 
    counties = "Los Angeles"

Loading Pre-generated Synoptic Data (fast)

It is also possible to load pre-generated pas objects from a data archive. These objects are updated regularly throughout each day and are typically used by other package functions primarily for the location metadata they contain. Archived pas objects from previous days will thus have data associated with near midnight of that date.

The archived pas objects can be loaded very quickly with the pas_load() function which obtains pas objects from the archive specified with setArchvieBaseUrl(). When used without specifying the datestamp argument, pas_load() will obtain the most recently processed pas object -- typically less than an hour old.

# Load packages

# Set location of pre-generated data files

# Load the most recent archived 'pas' object
pas <- pas_load()

PAS Data Structure

The pas dataset contains 45 columns, and each row corresponds to different PurpleAir sensors. For the data analysis examples we will focus on the columns labeled stateCode, pm25_*, humidity, pressure, temperature, and pwfsl_closestDistance.

The complete list of columns is given below. Names in ALL_CAPS have been retained from the PurpleAir .json file. Other columns have been renamed for human readability.


Let's take a quick peek at some of the PM2.5 data:

# Extract and round just the PM2.5 data
pm25_data <-
  pas %>% 
  select(starts_with("pm2.5_")) %>% 

# Combine sensor label and pm2.5 data 
bind_cols(label = pas$locationName, pm25_data) %>%
  head(10) %>% 
    col.names = c("location name", "10 min", "30 min", "1 hr", "6 hr", "1 day", "1 wk"),
    caption = "PAS PM2.5 Values"

Mapping pas PM2.5 Data

To visually explore a region, we can use our pas data with the pas_leaflet() function to plot an interactive leaflet map. By default, pas_leaflet() will map the coordinates of each PurpleAir sensor and the hourly PM2.5 data. Clicking on a sensor will show sensor metadata.

pas %>% 
  pas_leaflet(parameter = "pm2.5_60minute")

If we want to narrow our selection, for example to California, we can look at which locations have a moderate to unhealthy 6-hour average air quality rating with the following short script that uses the %>% "pipe" operator:

pas %>% 
  pas_filter(pm2.5_6hour >= 15.0) %>% 
  pas_leaflet(parameter = "pm2.5_6hour")

This code pipes our pas data into pas_filter() where we can set our selection criteria. The stateCode is the ISO 3166-2 state code, which tells pas_filter() to subset for only those station sin California. The pm25_6hr > 25.0 filter selects those records where the 6-hour average is above 25.0. The final function in the pipeline plots the remaining sensors colored by pm25_6hr.

Mapping pas Auxiliary Data

We can also explore and utilize other PurpleAir sensor data. Check the pas_leaflet() documentation for all supported parameters.

Here is an example of humidity data captured from PurpleAir sensors across the state of California.

pas %>% 
  pas_leaflet(parameter = "humidity")

Happy Exploring!

Mazama Science

MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.