knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5)
# NOTE: Use example PAS and PAT data for vignettes to avoid long wait-times
pas <- AirSensor::example_pas
pat <- AirSensor::example_pat

Time series data provides a minute-by-minute database structure for transforming and analyzing PurpleAir sensor data. This vignette demonstrates an example analysis of an individual monitor located in Seattle, Washington over a two-month duration in which the Pacific Northwest experienced hazardous air-quality conditions caused by wildfires in British Columbia, Canada.

Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that you read vignettes/pas_introduction.Rmd before beginning this tutorial.

Loading PurpleAir Timeseries data

PurpleAir sensor readings are uploaded to the cloud every 120 seconds where they are stored for download and display on the PurpleAir website. After every interval, the synoptic data is refreshed and the outdated synoptic data is then stored in a ThingSpeak database. In order to access the ThingSpeak channel API we must first load the synoptic database, but for the purposes of this example, we are going to use the example_pas associated with the AirSensor package.


# Define PURPLE_AIR_API_READ_KEY in a .gitignore protected file

# Use an existing 'pas' object
pas <- AirSensor::example_pas

# Create a new 'pat' object
pat <-
    api_key = PURPLE_AIR_API_READ_KEY,
    pas = pas,
    sensor_index = "3515",
    startdate = "2022-07-01",
    enddate = "2022-07-08",
    timezone = "UTC",
    verbose = TRUE

Notice that when passing our synoptic dataframe "pas" to pat_createNew(), we also supply a senor_index and a date-interval. In this case, our monitor-of-interest (MOI) has sensor_index "3515" and our dates-of-interest are 2022-07-01 to 2022-07-08.

The PurpleAirTimeseries ("pat") Data Model

Let's begin by exploring the attributes of the dataframe returned by the pat_createNew() function.

pat %>%

pat contains two dataframes, meta and data.

The meta dataframe contains metadata of the selected PurpleAir sensor -- this includes non-time series data such as location information, labels, etc. The data dataframe contains datestamped sensor readings of PM2.5, temperature, humidity, and other pertinent sensor data.

We'll start by plotting PurpleAir's raw sensor data. We can quickly display the time series data by using pat_multiPlot() and passing in our raw pat and desired plot type ("all" sensor data).

pat %>%
  pat_multiPlot(plottype = "all")

Exploring Time Series Data

Our pat dataframe spans two months. While this provides a great overview of PM2.5, it is unwieldy to analyze if we are only interested in anomalous air quality. We can use pat_filterDate() to subset our pat dates. In this case, we'll reduce our time range to 2022-07-02 - 2022-07-05.

pat_august <- 
  pat %>% 
  pat_filterDate(startdate = 20220702, enddate = 20220705)

pat_august %>%
  pat_multiPlot(plottype = "pm25_over")

We can look for correlations in the raw data with pat_scatterPlotMatrix(). When a sensor is properly functioning, the only correlations will be a strong positive one between between the A and B channels (pm25_A:pm25_B) and a strong negative one between temperature and humidity.

  pat_august %>%

Outlier Detection

Our pat_august "pat" object displays some intermittent sensor errors that appear as spikes in the data. In order to identify and remove PM2.5 outliers like these we can use pat_outliers(). By default, this function will create a plot of the raw data with outliers marked with a red asterisk. It can also be used to replace outliers with window median values.

pat_august_filtered <- 
  pat_august %>%
  pat_outliers(replace = TRUE, showPlot = TRUE)

A/B Channel Comparison

Now that we have a filtered dataset we can subset the data further and examine it in more detail. The pat_internalFit() function will compare PM2.5 data from the A and B channels to verify that the sensor is functioning properly.

three_days <- 
  pat_august %>% 
  pat_filterDate(startdate = 20220704, days = 3)

# Channel A/B comparison
three_days %>% 

The high R^2^ value indicates that the two channels are highly correlated while a slope of ~0.9 suggests a slight relative bias in the measurements. (Perfect alignment would have a slope of 1.0.)

Comparison with Federal Monitors

For locations near federal monitors that are part of the USFS Monitoring site, we can also compare the sensor data with hourly data from a federal monitor

# Sensor/Monitor comparison
three_days %>% 

Overall, this is an excellent fit with the PurpleAir sensor capturing the temporal evolution of the wildfire smoke event impacting Seattle. The sensor data is biased a little high relative to the monitoring data but the much higher temporal resolution of the sensor provides a rich dataset to work with.

This package contains many additional functions for working with PurpleAir data and users are encouraged to review the reference documentation.

Happy Exploring!

Mazama Science

MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.