
#' #' @export
#' #' @title Load Current Airsis Data
#' #' @param lookbackDays number of days prior to now considered to be "current"
#' #' @param providers vector of data providers
#' #' @param usernames vector of usernames corresponding to \code{providers}
#' #' @param passwords vector of passwords corresponding to \code{providers}
#' #' @description Creates a ws_monitor object with data from AIRSIS monitors active within the last \code{lookbackDays} days.
#' #' @return \code{ws_monitor} object
#' #' 
#' airsis_currentData <- function(lookbackDays=7, providers=c("usfs","apcd","arb2","epa"), usernames, passwords) {
#'   # get combined currentStatus table
#'   currentStatusList <- list()
#'   for ( i in 1:length(providers) ) {
#'     logger.debug(paste0("Generating currentStatus table for: ", providers[i]))
#'     currentStatusList[[providers[i]]] <- airsis_currentStatus(providers[i], usernames[i], passwords[i])
#'   }
#'   currentStatus <- dplyr::bind_rows(currentStatusList)
#'   # filter currentStatus to monitors updated within last lookbackDays days
#'   periodStart <- lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC") - lubridate::days(lookbackDays)
#'   currentStatus <- currentStatus[currentStatus$lastUpdateTime >= periodStart,]
#'   currentStatus <- currentStatus[!is.na(currentStatus$lastUpdateTime),]
#'   # arguments for airsis_createMonitorObject
#'   # NOTE: may wish to have different start date from date corresponding to lookbackDays
#'   startdate <- format(periodStart, "%Y%m%d")
#'   enddate <- format(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC")+lubridate::days(1), "%Y%m%d")
#'   # get monitor objects for each monitor in currentStatus
#'   monitorList <- list()
#'   for ( rowID in 1:nrow(currentStatus) ) {
#'     provider <- currentStatus$provider[rowID]
#'     unitID <- currentStatus$unitID[rowID]
#'     logger.debug(paste0("Creating ws_monitor object for ", provider, " ", unitID))
#'     ws_monitorTemp <- try(airsis_createMonitorObject(startdate, enddate, provider, unitID), silent = TRUE)
#'     if ( !( "try-error" %in% class(ws_monitorTemp))) {
#'       monitorList[[paste0(provider, "_", unitID)]] <- ws_monitorTemp
#'     }
#'   }
#'   ws_monitor <- monitor_combine(monitorList)
#'   return(ws_monitor)
#' }
MazamaScience/PWFSLSmoke documentation built on July 3, 2023, 11:03 a.m.