
Defines functions raws_toRawsDF

Documented in raws_toRawsDF

#' @export
#' @importFrom utils object.size
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @title Convert a raws_timeseries object to a rawsDF object
#' @param rawsObject \emph{raws_timeseries} object to convert.
#' @param sizeMax Maximum allowable size (in MB) for the resulting dataframe.
#' @return Tidy dataframe containing data and metadata.
#' @description Converts a \emph{raws_timeseries} object to a single, tidy
#' dataframe containing all varaibles from \code{rawsObject$data} along with the
#' following values from \code{rawsObject$meta}:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{nwsID - the nwsID of the station}
#'  \item{wrccID - the wrccID of the station}
#'  \item{locationName - the name of the station}
#'  \item{longitude - longitude coordinate of the station}
#'  \item{latitude - latitude coordinate of the station}
#'  \item{elevation - elevation of the station}
#'  \item{timezone - timezone of the station}
#' }
#' Additionally, this dataframe contains the following parameters of interest:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD):
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item{https://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/sites/default/files/lter/data/studies/ms01/dewpt_vpd_calculations.pdf}
#'    \item{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clausius–Clapeyron_relation#Meteorology_and_climatology}
#'    }
#'   }
#'  \item{Fosberg Fire Weather Index (FFWI):
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item{https://a.atmos.washington.edu/wrfrt/descript/definitions/fosbergindex.html}
#'    }
#'  }
#' }
#' This version of the RAWS data is known as a \emph{rawsDF} object.
#' Replicating this set of variables for every record greatly inflates the size
#' of the data but also makes it much more useful when working with the
#' \pkg{dplyr} and \code{ggplot2} packages.
#' Multiple \emph{rawsDF} objects can be combined with \code{dplyr::bind_rows()}
#' and used to create multi-station plots.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RAWSmet)
#' setRawsDataDir("~/Data/RAWS/")
#' stationMeta <- wrcc_loadMeta(stateCode = "WA")
#' rawsObject <- wrcc_loadYear(
#'   wrccID = "waWENU",
#'   meta = stationMeta,
#'   year = 2020,
#'   password = MY_PASSWORD
#' )
#' rawsDF <- raws_toRawsDF(rawsObject)
#' dplyr::glimpse(rawsDF)
#' }
#' @references \href{https://cefa.dri.edu/raws/}{Program for Climate, Ecosystem and Fire Applications}

raws_toRawsDF <- function(
  rawsObject = NULL,
  sizeMax = 100
) {

  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------


  if ( !raws_isRaws(rawsObject) )
    stop("Parameter 'rawsObject' is not a valid raws_timeseries object.")

  if ( raws_isEmpty(rawsObject) )
    stop("Parameter 'rawsObject' is empty.")

  if ( !is.numeric(sizeMax) )
    stop("Parameter 'sizeMax' must be a numeric value.")

  # ----- Calculate size of added metadata -------------------------------------

  # NOTE:  Use only metadata useful in plotting to avoid unnecessary bloat

  # > names(rawsObject$meta)
  # [1] "nwsID"       "wrccID"      "nessID"      "locationName"    "longitude"
  # [6] "latitude"    "timezone"    "elevation"   "countryCode" "stateCode"
  # [11] "agencyName"

  metaColumns <- c(

  meta <- rawsObject$meta[1, metaColumns]

  tidySize <-
    utils::object.size(meta) * nrow(rawsObject$data) +

  if ( as.numeric(tidySize) > (sizeMax * 1e6) ) {
      "Resulting rawsDF will be %.1f MB.  Adjust 'sizeMax' or consider filtering by datetime.",

  # ----- Create rawsDF --------------------------------------------------------

  rawsDF <-
    rawsObject$data %>%
      nwsID = meta$nwsID,
      wrccID = meta$wrccID,
      ###nessID = meta$nessID,
      locationName = meta$locationName,
      longitude = meta$longitude,
      latitude = meta$latitude,
      timezone = meta$timezone,
      elevation = meta$elevation
      ###countryCode = meta$countryCode,
      ###stateCode = meta$stateCode,
      ###agencyName = meta$agencyName
    ) %>%

  # * Add VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) -----

    VPD = (1 - .data$humidity/100) * 6.1094*exp(17.625 * .data$temperature / (.data$temperature + 243.04))

  # * Add FFWI (Fosberg Fire Weather Index) -----

  # Calculate m (equilibrium moisture content)
  calcM <- function(h, t) {
    if ( !is.numeric(h) || is.na(h) || is.infinite(h) ) {
    } else {
      if (h < 10)
        return(0.03229 + 0.281073*h - 0.000578*h*t)
      else if (h >= 10 && h <= 50)
        return(2.22749 + 0.160107*h - 0.01478*t)
        return(21.0606 + 0.005565*h^2 - 0.00035*h*t - 0.483199*h)

  m <- mapply(calcM, rawsDF$humidity, rawsDF$temperature)

  # Calculate n (moisture damping coefficient)
  n <- 1 - 2*(m / 30) + 1.5*(m / 30)^2 - 0.5*(m / 30)^3

  # Calculate wind speed (in mph)
  windSpeed_mph = 2.23694 * rawsDF$windSpeed

  rawsDF$FFWI <- n * ((1 + windSpeed_mph^2)^(0.5)) / 0.3002

  # ----- Return ---------------------------------------------------------------


MazamaScience/RAWSmet documentation built on May 6, 2023, 6:57 a.m.