Man pages for McCartneyAC/mccrr
Personal R Package

anova_effectCalculate D and F family Effect Sizes for a Univariate ANOVA
calcR2IncreaseCalculate the Percent change in R^2
centerCenter a Running Variable
coinflipsFlip a coin a few times
copy_datacopy a dataframe to paste outward
descriptionDescription of All variables in a Dataset
diagnosticsModel Diagnostics
dossierPrint a Dossier
eta_sqCalculate Eta Squared for a Univariate ANOVA
gg_added_varCreate an Added Variable Plot
grapes-notin-grapesNot In Pipe
is_extantCheck if a variable has data extant
is_numericCheck if a variable is Numeric
omega_sqCalculate Omega Squared for a Univariate ANOVA
palprintPrint a palette of colors
paste_dataPaste data from an Excel Spreadsheet
plot_freqPlot Factors by Frequency
plot_modelPlot a simple linear model
regressSummarize a Regression
scale_color_inovaScale Colors as inova healthsystems
scale_fill_inovaScale fill as inova healthsystems
solve_quadraticSolve a Quadratic Equation
stata_browseBrowse a Data Frame
stata_clearClear all memory
stata_dropDrop an object
stata_genGenerate a new variable
stata_regressSummarize a Regression
stata_summarizeSummarize a Data Frame
stata_summaryOutput Regression Summary in Stata Format
stata_tabulateTabulate units by group.
stata_useImport a data set
teacher_payBy State Data on Teacher Pay (and more)
viewview correctly
vlookupVlookup a value
wrapperWrap text in ggplot2
McCartneyAC/mccrr documentation built on March 24, 2024, 5:12 p.m.