Man pages for McDowellLab/loadflex
Models and Tools for Watershed Flux Estimates

aggregateSoluteAggregate loads by the time periods specified by the user a metadata object to a 1-row data.frame
checkRloadestStatusActions & checks for when the user [indirectly] calls...
compModel-class#### compModel class #### The engine of a loadInterp model.
convertToEGRETConvert loadflex to EGRET object
convertToEGRETDailyConvert estimation and load prediction data into the EGRET...
convertToEGRETInfoConvert a loadflex metadata object into the EGRET INFO...
convertToEGRETSampleConvert the interpolation data.frame into the EGRET Sample...
convertUnitsProduce conversion factor to multiply old.units by to get...
correlationsCorrelation functions in 'loadflex'
correlations-1DGet the assumed correlation between residuals or predictions...
correlations-2DFunctions that each produce an autocorrelation matrix with a...
dimInfoReturn a data.frame describing each dimension of the units (1...
eg_loadflexExample datasets and objects for the 'loadflex' package
equals.metadataBasic equality test for two metadata objects.
estimateMSEEstimate model uncertainty algorithmically.
estimateMSE.loadCompEstimate uncertainty in a composite model.
estimateMSE.loadInterpEstimate uncertainty in an interpolation using leave-one-out...
estimateRhoEstimate the autocorrelation of a mid- to high-resolution...
expandFlowForEGRETConvert a date and discharge data.frame into EGRET format
flowconcToFluxConversionProvide the conversion factor which, when multiplied by flow...
formatPredsformatPreds raw to final predictions
genericDistanceWeightedInterpolationA parameterizable distance-weighted interpolation function.
genericSmoothSplineInterpolationA parameterizable smoothing spline function.
genericTriangularInterpolationA parameterizable triangular interpolation function.
getCormatCustomTurn an autocorrelation function into a function that...
getCormatFirstOrderget rho matrix first order
getCormatTaoBandSame idea as getCormatCustom(rho1DayBand, dates) but runs...
getCorrectionFractionThe fraction of prediction that is due to a correction.
getDistanceWeightedInterpolationGenerate a distance-weighted interpolation function with the...
getFittedModelRetrieve the fitted model, if appropriate, from a loadModel...
getFittedModel.loadModelRetrieve the fitted model, if appropriate, from a loadModel...
getFittingDataExtract the data originally used to fit a load model.
getFittingData.loadModelRetrieve the data used to fit the model
getFittingFunctionGet a function that can be used to refit the load.model with...
getFittingFunction.loadModelRetrieve a fitting function from a loadModel load model
getMetadataExtract metadata from a load model.
getMetadata.loadModelRetrieve metadata from a loadModel load model
getMetadata.loadRegExtracts and imports metadata from an rloadest loadReg model...
getPred_baseflowCreate a vector of baseflow rates.
getPred_isBaseflowCreate a logical vector indicating whether flow at each time...
getResidualsgetResiduals return the residuals of the load.model
getRhoFirstOrderFunProduces a function that uses a first-order autocorrelation...
getSmoothSplineInterpolationGenerate a smoothing spline function with the parameters of...
getTriangularInterpolationGenerate a triangular interpolation function with the...
interpModel-classloadInterp is a class of load models that hold interpolation...
interpolationsInterpolation functions
isTimestepRegularCheck a time series for evenly spaced dates.
loadCompCreate a fitted loadComp object.
loadComp-classA load model class implementing the composite method for flux...
loadflexModels and Tools for Watershed Flux Estimates
loadflex-deprecatedDeprecated functions in the 'loadflex' package
loadflex-deprecated-dataRenamed or deprecated datasets for the 'loadflex' package
loadflex-deprecated-internalDeprecated internal functions in the 'loadflex' package
loadInterpCreate a fitted loadInterp object.
loadInterp-classA load model class specific to interpolations for flux...
loadLmCreate a fitted loadLm object.
loadLm-classA load model class specific to simple linear models ('lm's)...
loadModelCreate a fitted loadModel object.
loadModel-classA generic load model class.
loadModelInterfaceFunctions implemented by any 'loadflex'-compatible load...
loadReg2Create a fitted loadReg2 object.
loadReg2-classA load model class specific to loadReg objects produced by...
lognormal-momentsTranslate means and standard errors/deviations of lognormal...
match.arg.loadflexRequire an argument to match the loadflex conventions for...
meltDatesHelper function for plotting: melt dates from wide to long...
metadataCreate or modify the metadata for a load model.
metadata-classStore metadata relevant to a load model.
metadata-gettersAccess information about a load model.
observeSoluteobserveSolute - instantaneous loads or concentrations
onBuildOn package load, create a private environment in the...
plotCMCreate plots for examining the results from the composite...
plotConcCMPlot composite method results for concentrations.
plotConcResidualsCMPlot concentration residuals.
plotEGRETCreate an EGRET-style plot
plotLoadResidualsCMPlot flux residuals.
plotLoadsCMPlot composite method results for fluxes.
plotObservationsCMPlot observations relevant to the composite method.
plotResidualsCMPlot concentration or flux residuals.
predictSoluteMake flux or concentration predictions from a load model.
predictSolute.loadCompMake flux or concentration predictions from a loadComp model.
predictSolute.loadInterpMake flux or concentration predictions from a loadInterp...
predictSolute.loadLmMake flux or concentration predictions from a loadLm model.
predictSolute.loadModelMake flux or concentration predictions from a loadModel...
predictSolute.loadReg2Make flux or concentration predictions from a loadReg2 model.
resampleCoefficients.lmResample the coefficients of a linear model (lm)
resampleCoefficients.loadRegResample the coefficients from a loadReg model.
residDurbinWatsonTest for autocorrelation of residuals
reSpaceReplace any space or spaces with a single character...
rlmetricPPCCCompute the probability plot correlation coefficient of a...
rlmetricPValCompute the p-value of a loadReg fit
rlmetricRsqCompute the [generalized] R squared of a loadReg fit
sentenceCaseCapitalize first letter of words.
show.loadModelDisplay a loadModel object
show.metadataDisplay a metadata object
simulateSoluteSimulate solute concentrations based on the model and model...
simulateSolute.loadLmProduce a set of predictions that reflect the coefficient...
simulateSolute.loadModelProduce a set of predictions that reflect the coefficient...
simulateSolute.loadReg2Produce a set of predictions that reflect the coefficient...
summarizeInputsSummarize the site and input data
summarizeModelExtract model summary statistics
summarizeModel.loadCompExtract model summary statistics from a loadComp model
summarizeModel.loadInterpExtract model summary statistics from a loadInterp model
summarizeModel.loadLmExtract model summary statistics from a loadLm model
summarizeModel.loadModelExtract model summary statistics from a loadModel model
summarizeModel.loadRegExtract model summary statistics from an...
summarizeModel.loadReg2Extract model summary statistics from a loadReg2 model
summarizeTimeseriesGet summary statistics for a single input data.frame
transformDatesHelper function for plotting: transform dates from something...
translateFreeformToUnittedConvert units from a greater variety of forms, including...
units_loadflexUnits-related datasets for the 'loadflex' package
unitTypeReturn the unit.type of a unit string
validDimDetermine whether a 1D dimension string is known and of the...
validLoadModelInterfaceTest whether a class implements the loadModelInterface
validMetadataUnitsCheck whether these units are acceptable (without...
McDowellLab/loadflex documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:48 a.m.