
Defines functions nameStim countFuncClosure repPosNegInd editNonANStr editStr convTimePoint compToFullName removeNonANEntries changeCytOrder replaceCytPosIndicator convProtNameToInteger convVaccNameToInteger

#' Convert vaccine name to assigned integer.
#' \code{convVaccNameToInteger} converts the names of the vaccines
#' each individual was given, as per the source file, to assigned
#' integers (stored as characters).
#' The conversion table is as follows.
#' \tabular{cc}{
#' Original name \tab Converted name \cr
#' 402 \tab 1 \cr
#' H56 \tab 2 \cr
#' GSK.M72 \tab 3 \cr
#' MVA85A \tab 4 \cr
#' H1 \tab 5 \cr
#' BCG \tab 6 \cr
#' }
#' @param vaccVec character vector. Vector containing vaccine names.
#' @return character vector.
#' @export

convVaccNameToInteger = function( vaccVec ){

  for (i in 1 : length( vaccVec ) ){
    currVac = vaccVec[i]
    if (currVac == '402'){
      vaccVec[i] = 1
    } else if (currVac == 'H56'){
      vaccVec[i] = 2
    } else if (currVac == 'GSK.M72'){
      vaccVec[i] = 3
    } else if (currVac == 'MVA85A'){
      vaccVec[i] = 4
    } else if (currVac == 'H1'){
      vaccVec[i] = 5
    } else if (currVac == 'BCG'){
      vaccVec[i] = 6
    } else {
      stop('Unknown vaccine in Main table')

  ### OUTPUT
  return( vaccVec )

#' Convert protocol name to assigned integer.
#' \code{convProtNameToInteger} converts the names of the
#' trial protocols
#' each individual was given, as per the source file, to assigned
#' integers (stored as characters).
#' The conversion table is as follows.
#' \tabular{cc}{
#' Original name \tab Converted name \cr
#' 402.003 \tab 1 \cr
#' 402.032 \tab 2 \cr
#' GSK.010 \tab 3 \cr
#' GSK.012 \tab 4 \cr
#' MVA.008 \tab 5 \cr
#' MVA.011 \tab 6 \cr
#' THYB-04 \tab 7 \cr
#' #' TBRU \tab 8 \cr
#' }
#' @param protVec character vector. Vector containing protocol names.
#' @return character vector.
#' @export

convProtNameToInteger = function( protVec ){

  for (i in 1 : length( protVec ) ){ #loop over observations
    currProt = protVec[i] #current protocol
    if (currProt == '402.003'){
      protVec[i] = 1
    } else if (currProt == '402.032'){
      protVec[i] = 2
    } else if (currProt == 'GSK.010'){
      protVec[i] = 3
    } else if (currProt == 'GSK.012'){
      protVec[i] = 4
    } else if (currProt == 'MVA.008'){
      protVec[i] = 5
    } else if (currProt == 'MVA.011'){
      protVec[i] = 6
    } else if (currProt == 'THYB-04'){
      protVec[i] = 7
    } else if (currProt == 'TBRU'){
      protVec[i] = 8
    } else {
      stop('Unknown protocol in Main table')

  return( protVec )

#' Replace cytokine combination positivity indicator.
#' \code{replaceCytPosIndicator} replaces whatever the original
#' indicators were for cytokine positivity and negativity in
#' the cytokine combination shorthand labels with selected
#' replacements (such as 'p' and 'n').
#' @param dataTibble dataframe. A dataframe with the last columns
#' only being the names of cytokine combinations.
#' @param firstMultCytIndex integer. The column index of the first
#' column for frequencies for a cytokine combination.
#' @param posPattern,negPattern character. The original indicators for positivity
#' and negativity.
#' @param posRep,negRep character. The replacement indicators for
#' positivity and negativity.
#' @param alphaNumericOrigSign logical. If TRUE, then posPattern and
#' negPattern are alphanumeric.
#' @param signLocVec integer vector. Specifies the character positions of
#' posPattern and negPattern.
#' @return A dataframe with cytokine combination labels formatted to
#' having the chosen cytokine positivity indicators.
#' @export

replaceCytPosIndicator = function( dataTibble, firstMultCytIndex, posPattern,
  negPattern, posRep, negRep, alphaNumericOrigSign = FALSE,
  signLocVec = NULL ){

  nCol = ncol( dataTibble )
  origCytNameVec = tbl_vars( dataTibble )[ firstMultCytIndex : nCol  ]
  cytNameVec = tbl_vars( dataTibble )[ firstMultCytIndex : nCol  ]

  if ( alphaNumericOrigSign == FALSE ){

    cytNameVec = str_replace_all( cytNameVec, pattern = posPattern, replacement = posRep )
    cytNameVec = str_replace_all( cytNameVec, pattern = negPattern, replacement = negRep )

  } else if ( alphaNumericOrigSign == TRUE ){

    for ( i in 1: length( origCytNameVec ) ){

      # current cytCombo
      currCyt = origCytNameVec[ i ]


      currSignVec = str_sub( currCyt, signLocVec,signLocVec )

      for ( j in 1 : length( currSignVec ) ){
        if ( currSignVec[ j ] == posPattern ){
          str_sub( currCyt, signLocVec[ j ], signLocVec[ j ] ) = posRep
        } else if ( currSignVec[ j ] == negPattern ){
          str_sub( currCyt, signLocVec[ j ], signLocVec[ j ] ) = negRep

      # save current cytName
      cytNameVec[i] = currCyt


  renameText = str_sub( str_c( "`", cytNameVec, "` = `", origCytNameVec, "`, ", sep = "", collapse = "" ), end = -3L )
  parseText = str_c( "dataTibble %<>% rename(", renameText, ")")
  eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

  ### OUTPUT

  return( dataTibble )

#' Change order of cytokines in cytokine combination labels.
#' \code{changeCytOrder} changes the order of cytokine combinations
#' in a dataframe.
#' @param dataTibble dataframe. A dataframe with the cytokine
#' combination frequency response variables the last (right-most)
#' variables.
#' @param firstCytColIndex integer. The index of the first column
#' containing cytokine combination response data.
#' @param firstCytNameLoc integer. The first position in the string
#' of the cytokine combination label that specifies a cytokine.
#' This helps avoid prefixes like 'CD4' or 'CD8'.
#' @param signLocVec integer vector. The positions of the positivity
#' indicators for each cytokine.
#' @param orderLocVec integer vector. The i-th entry denotes the desired
#' order of the cytokine combination that originally appeared
#' i-th.
#' @param cdPresent logical. If TRUE, then the cytokine combination
#' originally is taken to be prefixed with CD4 or CD8, and
#' the cluster of differentiation is then stored as a
#' character vector. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A dataframe with the order of the cytokines
#' in the cytokine combinations changed.
#' @export

changeCytOrder = function( dataTibble, firstCytColIndex, firstCytNameLoc, signLocVec,
  orderLocVec, cdPresent = TRUE ){

  nCol = ncol( dataTibble )
  cytNameVec = tbl_vars( dataTibble )[ firstCytColIndex:nCol ]
  origCytNameVec = tbl_vars( dataTibble )[ firstCytColIndex:nCol ]


  if ( cdPresent == TRUE ){
    origPreCytStoreVec = str_sub( cytNameVec, end = firstCytNameLoc - 1)
    cdTypeVec = ifelse( str_detect( origPreCytStoreVec, '4' ) == TRUE, 4, 8 )
    cytNameVec = str_sub( cytNameVec, start = firstCytNameLoc )
    signLocVec = signLocVec - firstCytNameLoc + 1

  # convert posPattern to posRep and negPattern to negRep

  for ( i in 1: length( cytNameVec ) ){

    # current cytCombo
    currCyt = cytNameVec[ i ]


    currCytStoreVec = rep( 'a', length( signLocVec ) )
    currCytStoreVec[ 1 ] = str_sub( currCyt, start = 1, end = signLocVec[ 1 ] )

    for ( j in 2:length( signLocVec ) ){
      currCytStoreVec[j] = str_sub( currCyt, start = signLocVec[ j - 1 ] + 1, end = signLocVec[ j ] )

    newCytName = ""

    for ( j in 1:length( signLocVec ) ){
      newAddindex = which( orderLocVec == j )
      newCytName = str_c( newCytName, currCytStoreVec[ newAddindex ] )


    cytNameVec[i] = str_c( "CD", cdTypeVec[i], newCytName, sep = "")



  midText = str_sub( str_c( "`", cytNameVec, "` = `", origCytNameVec, "`, ", sep = "", collapse = "" ), end = -3L )
  parseText = str_c( "dataTibble %<>% rename(", midText, ")")
  eval( parse( text = parseText ) )


#' Remove the non-alphanumeric entries in specified columns.
#' \code{removeNonANEntries} removes the non-alphanumeric entries in
#' columns specified by \code{columnNameVec} in \code{dataTibble}.
#' @param dataTibble dataframe. A dataframe containing the
#' columns in columnNameVec.
#' @param columnNameVec character vector. A character vector
#' of the columns in \code{dataTibble} for which the
#' non-alphanumeric entries must be removed.
#' @export

removeNonANEntries = function( dataTibble, columnNameVec ){

  for( i in 1:length( columnNameVec ) ){

    currentColumnName = columnNameVec[ i ]
    parseText = str_c( "currentString = dataTibble$", currentColumnName)
    eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

    upperLettersSearchVec = str_to_upper( letters )
    lettersIndexVec = as.character( 1:26 )
    numbersSearchVec = as.character( 0: 9 )
    numbersIndexVec = as.character( 1:10 )

    upperList = str_locate_all( currentString , upperLettersSearchVec )
    midText = str_sub( str_c( "upperList[[ ", lettersIndexVec, " ]][ , 1 ], ", collapse = "" ), end = -3L )
    parseText = str_c( "lettersLocVec = c( ", midText, " )")
    eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

    numberList = str_locate_all( currentString, numbersSearchVec )
    midText = str_sub( str_c( "numberList[[ ", numbersIndexVec, " ]][ , 1 ], ", collapse = "" ), end = -3L )
    parseText = str_c( "numbersLocVec = c( ", midText, " )")
    eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

    anLocVec = as.numeric( sort( c( lettersLocVec, numbersLocVec ) ) )
    replacementString = str_c( str_sub( currentString, start = anLocVec, end = anLocVec ), sep = "", collapse = "" )

    parseText = str_c( "dataTibble$", currentColumnName, " = replacementString" )
    eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

  return( dataTibble )

#' Compare expected to actual column entries for BCG source data.
#' \code{compToFullName} provides a list of rows for which the
#' expected data, as per \code{mainColumnName}, is not found in
#' \code{compColumnName}.
#' @param dataTibble dataframe. A dataframe containing columns with
#' names as per \code{mainColumnName} and \code{compColumnName}.
#' @param mainColumnName,compColumnName character. Strings denoting the
#' actual (\code{mainColumnName}) and expected (\code{compColumnName})
#' entries in a row of \code{dataTibble}.
#' @return A list of the differing entries in \code{mainColumnName} and
#' \code{compColumnName}.
#' @export

compToFullName = function( dataTibble, compColumnName, mainColumnName ){


  compVec = eval( parse( text = str_c( 'dataTibble$', compColumnName ) ) ) #comparison vector
  mainVec = eval( parse( text = str_c( 'dataTibble$', mainColumnName ) ) ) #comparison vector

  compValVec = unique( compVec ) #unique values of comparison vector

  nameText = str_sub( str_c( compValVec, " = NULL, ", collapse = "" ), end = -3L )
  parseText = str_c( "nonMatchingRowsList = list( ", nameText, " )")
  eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

  for( i in 1:length( compValVec ) ){

    currVal = compValVec[ i ]
    vec1 = str_detect( compVec, c( currVal ) )  * 1
    vec2 = str_detect( mainVec, c( currVal ) ) * 1
    nonMatchingRowsVec = which( vec1 != vec2 )

    if( length( nonMatchingRowsVec ) > 0 ){
      midText = str_sub( str_c( nonMatchingRowsVec, ", ", sep = "", collapse = "" ), end = -3L )
      parseText = str_c( "nonMatchingRowsList$", currVal, " = c( ", midText, " )" )
      eval( parse( text = parseText ) )

  return( nonMatchingRowsList )

#' Converts the original timepoints in TBRU to days.
#' \code{convTimePoint} converts the codes for timepoints in the
#' original TBRU dataset to days.
#' The conversions were done as follows.
#' \tabular{cc}{
#' Original value \tab Converted value \cr
#' V08 \tab 0 \cr
#' V13 \tab 21 \cr
#' V15 \tab 35 \cr
#' V28 \tab 365 \cr
#' }
#' @param studyDayVector character vector. The character vector
#' based on the column in the original full data table that contains
#' the timepoint information.
#' @export

convTimePoint = function( studyDayVector ){

  nObs = length( studyDayVector )
  timePointVec = rep( -1, length( studyDayVector) )

  for (i in 1:nObs ){


    currStudyDay = studyDayVector[i]


    if ( currStudyDay == 'V08' ){
      timePointVec[i] = 0
    } else if ( currStudyDay == 'V13'){
      timePointVec[i] = 21
    } else if ( currStudyDay == 'V15' ){
      timePointVec[i] = 35
    } else if ( currStudyDay == 'V28'){
      timePointVec[i] = 365



  return( timePointVec )

#' String convenience functions
#' Wrapper functions around str_ functions.
#' @param str1 character.
#' @param startLoc,endLoc integer.
#' @name strConv

#' @rdname strConv
#' @export
editStr = function( str1, startLoc, endLoc ){
  strStart = str_sub( str1, startLoc, endLoc - 1 )
  strEnd =  str_sub( str1, endLoc, endLoc ) %>% str_to_lower()
  strOut = str_c( strStart, strEnd )
  return( strOut )

#' @rdname strConv
#' @export
editNonANStr = function( str1, startLoc, endLoc ){
  strStart = str_sub( str1, startLoc, endLoc - 1 )
  strEnd =  str_sub( str1, endLoc, endLoc ) %>% repPosNegInd()
  strOut = str_c( strStart, strEnd )
  return( strOut )

#' @rdname strConv
#' @export
repPosNegInd = function( str1 ){
  if( str1 == "+" ) return( "p" )
  if( str1 == "-" ) return( "n" )

#' A functional operator that returns a counting function.
#' Returns a function that returns an integer
#' one larger than the last integer it returned, starting
#' from one. In other words, the first time the
#' outputted function is run, it returns one, the second
#' time two, the third time three, and so on.
#' @return A function as described in the description.
#' @export

countFuncClosure = function(){
  k = 0
    k <<- k + 1

#' Give stims for each vaccine
#' Given a vector of vaccine number references, it
#' returns the stim for that vaccine. Designed
#' for the lOrigMainTbl.
#' @export
nameStim = function( x ){
  x  = as.character( x )
   laply( x, function( x ){
     if( x == "1" ) return( "ag85b" )
     if( x == "2" ) return( "NA" )
     if( x == "3" ) return( "m72ppl" )
     if( x == "4" ) return ( "ag85a" )
     if( x == "5" ) return( "NA" )
     if( x == "6" ) return( "NA" )
   } )
MiguelRodo/VaccCompData documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 10:16 a.m.