
Defines functions wtd_lg_rate wtd_mean wtd_median wtd_SD wtd_quantile wtd_count wtd_NA_count

Documented in wtd_count wtd_lg_rate wtd_mean wtd_median wtd_NA_count wtd_quantile wtd_SD

#' Weighted Logical Rate Calculation
#' Calculate a rate using a logical field, with TRUE as the numerator, and TRUE/FALSE as the
#' denominator. This excludes NA values. When provided, the results of each are multiplied by the
#' cases parameter, which allows us to appropriately scale the calculations for our reduced record
#' data sets that are included in the package'
#' @param logical_column a name of a logical table field name that will be aggregated
#' @param weight_column a value that should be applied to the result in order to simulate
#' @param na.rm a logical indicator of whether NA values should be removed prior to aggregation a
#'   number of records with this result.
#' @return a formula that can be executed in a dplyr summarize statement
#' @export
wtd_lg_rate = function(logical_column, weight_column='cases', na.rm=FALSE) {
        'base::sum(', logical_column,' * ', weight_column, ', na.rm=', na.rm, ')',
        ' / base::sum((!base::is.na(', logical_column,')) * ', weight_column,', na.rm=', na.rm,')'

#' Weighted Aggregate Strings
#' A set of functions that act as a convenience wrapper to generate a formulas for calculating
#' aggregates of a data frame which requires weighting. This formula is intended to be used in a
#' dplyr summarize_ or mutate_ formula. The defaults are intended for use with the births data set,
#' using the 'cases' field as the default weighting value.
#' @param column in the case of aggregates which function on non-numeric columns, this is the column
#'   that is used
#' @param numeric_column in the case of numeric aggregation functions (mean, SD), this is the column
#'   that is used to aggregate
#' @param weight_column the value that each value is weighted by in calculation of the aggregate
#' @param na.rm a logical indicator of whether NA values should be removed prior to aggregation
#' @param q the quantile value that you desire
#' @param .summ a logical control for whether to use already calculated values for Mean and SD in
#'   the data.frame. This is intended for use in a summary function, where quantile values are
#'   calculated alongside a Mean and SD value. This prevents the quantile function from
#'   recalculating the Mean and SD multiple times.
#' @return a formula string that can be executed in a dplyr summarize_ statement
#' @export
wtd_mean = function(numeric_column, weight_column='cases', na.rm=FALSE) {
    paste('matrixStats::weightedMean(',numeric_column,',',weight_column,', na.rm=',na.rm,')')

#' @rdname wtd_mean
#' @export
wtd_median = function(numeric_column, weight_column='cases', na.rm=FALSE) {
    paste('matrixStats::weightedMedian(',numeric_column,',',weight_column,', na.rm=',na.rm,')')

#' @rdname wtd_mean
#' @export
wtd_SD = function(numeric_column, weight_column='cases', na.rm=FALSE) {
    paste('matrixStats::weightedSd(',numeric_column,',',weight_column,', na.rm=',na.rm,')')

#' @rdname wtd_mean
#' @export
wtd_quantile = function(numeric_column, q, weight_column='cases', na.rm=FALSE, .summ=FALSE) {
    if(.summ) {
        paste('stats::qnorm(',q,') * SD + Mean')
    } else {
        paste('stats::qnorm(',q,') * ',
              wtd_SD(numeric_column, weight_column, na.rm), ' + ',
              wtd_mean(numeric_column, weight_column, na.rm)

#' @rdname wtd_mean
#' @export
wtd_count = function(column, weight_column='cases') {

#' @rdname wtd_mean
#' @export
wtd_NA_count = function(column, weight_column='cases') {

#' Numeric Value Summary of Weighted Records
#' Because the \code{\link{births}} data set uses a weighted record strategy (i.e. you have to
#' multiply everything by the cases field), the typical summary function won't return meaningful
#' results. In order to provide some basic descriptive statistics for a numeric column in the data
#' set, this function can be used instead.
#' It makes use of the dplyr format for summarizing results, and therefore integrates nicely with a
#' chain of dplyr functions. Under the hood, it is using \code{\link[dplyr]{summarize_}} and pasting
#' strings together for evaluation, with the actual statistics being handled by the
#' \code{\link{matrixStats}} package, based upon your input.
#' @param data a data frame, presumably the births data set or a derivative
#' @param numeric_column the numeric column that you want to perform summary statistics on
#' @param weight_column the column in the data.frame that contains the weighting value
#' @param na.rm whether to pass a TRUE or FALSE value to the na.rm argument for each underlying
#'   aggregation function.
#' @return A formula that can be executed in a \code{\link{dplyr}} summarize statement
#' @export
numeric_summary = function (data, numeric_column, weight_column='cases', na.rm=FALSE) {
       `Mean`    = wtd_mean(numeric_column=numeric_column, na.rm=na.rm),
       `SD`      = wtd_SD(numeric_column=numeric_column, na.rm=na.rm),
       `Min.`    = paste('base::min(',numeric_column,', na.rm=',na.rm,')'),
       `1st Qu.` = wtd_quantile(numeric_column=numeric_column, 0.25, na.rm=na.rm, .summ=TRUE),
       `Median`  = wtd_median(numeric_column=numeric_column, na.rm=na.rm),
       `3rd Qu.` = wtd_quantile(numeric_column=numeric_column, 0.75, na.rm=na.rm, .summ=TRUE),
       `Max.`    = paste('base::max(',numeric_column,', na.rm=',na.rm,')'),
       `Count`   = wtd_count(column=numeric_column, weight_column=weight_column),
       `NA`      = wtd_NA_count(column=numeric_column, weight_column=weight_column)
Mikuana/vitalstatistics documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:57 p.m.