serve_mvt: Serve a .mbtiles database of vectortiles

View source: R/server.R

serve_mvtR Documentation

Serve a .mbtiles database of vectortiles


Starts a web server in a background R session serving vector tiles from a supplied .mbtiles file.


serve_mvt(tiles_path, port = NULL, .serve_mode = "in-memory")



The path to an .mbtiles file.


The port to for the server to serve mbtiles on. Default is a random available port.


The way in which the server handles the vector tiles database. "in-memory" is the default and it will read the entire tile database into R as a tibble. "disk" will read tiles from the .mbtiles file as an SQLite database from disk. The default is more performant. Use "disk" only if you have a large vector tileset that would consume too much memory to hold in RAM at once.

See Also

start_mvt_server for more control of server behaviour.

MilesMcBain/mvtview documentation built on April 9, 2022, 5:15 p.m.