view_mvt: View a local vector tileset on a map

View source: R/viewer.R

view_mvtR Documentation

View a local vector tileset on a map


Given a local .mtiles file containing a vector tiles database, this function will start a local development server to serve the tiles and then return a htmlwidget map that displays the tileset.


  get_fill_color = "#FFFFFF70",
  get_line_color = "#ffffffff",
  get_line_width = 2,
  line_width_units = "pixels",
  get_point_radius = 2,
  point_radius_units = "pixels",
  stroked = TRUE,
  tooltip = TRUE,
  pickable = TRUE,
  .serve_mode = "in-memory"



The path to an .mbtiles file.


the fill colour of plotted features.


the line colour of plotted features.


the line width of plotted features (in pixels by default).


the units of the value supplied in get_line_width. "meters" may be preferred in some cases.


the radius of plotted point features (in pixels by default).


the units of the value supplied in get_point_radius. "meters" may be preferred in some cases.


use a line on the borders of polygons or points? TRUE by default.


generate a tooltip for feature attributes? TRUE by default.


allow map to react to features that get mouse hover? Needs to be enabled to view tooltips. TRUE by default.


further arguments forwarded to rdeck::add_mvt_layer().


The way in which the server handles the vector tiles database. "in-memory" is the default and it will read the entire tile database into R as a tibble. "disk" will read tiles from the .mbtiles file as an SQLite database from disk. The default is more performant. Use "disk" only if you have a large vector tileset that would consume too much memory to hold in RAM at once.


The map is powered by the awesome rdeck package, which is highly recommended for making interactive WebGL maps in R.

The graphics options of this function are passed directed to ' rdeck::add_mvt_layer(), and so suppourt rdeck color scales based on attributes. See the rdeck helpfile for more detailed ' descriptions.

The graphics parameters apply only to relvant geometries. For ' example: 'fill color' is not used for line string features.

MilesMcBain/mvtview documentation built on April 9, 2022, 5:15 p.m.