knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

2D Coral Cover

2D Training

  1. Set the working directory to ./r2vr

  2. Open and source new_2D_coral_cover.R

  3. Setup scene:

  4. Enter the full name of the user separated by a hyphen

user <- "Jon-Peppinck"
img1Points = list(
  list(x = 3203, y = 173),
  list(x = 1726, y = 356),
  list(x = 2291, y = 1086)

img2Points = list(
  list(x = 1000, y = 1000),
  list(x = 2000, y = 2000)
img1PointsIsCoral = list(
  list(id = 1, isCoral = 0),
  list(id = 2, isCoral = 0), 
  list(id = 3, isCoral = 0) 

img2PointsIsCoral = list(
  list(id = 1, isCoral = 0),
  list(id = 2, isCoral = 0)
img_paths <- list(
  list(img = "./2dimages/latest/49001074001.jpeg", imgPoints = img1Points, imgPointIsCoral =          img1PointsIsCoral),
  list(img = "./2dimages/latest/49002256001.jpeg", imgPoints = img2Points, imgPointIsCoral =          img2PointsIsCoral)
  1. Start the VR server.


In this experiment, there are 6 2D images in total. To avoid order bias, 3 out of the 6 images have been selected at random.

img_paths <- sample(img_paths, 3, replace=FALSE)

The imageXPoints variable is assigned to always correspond to the random image selected - Where X = 1, 2, 3. E.g. image1Points refers to the image points set at the beggining of Step 3 for whatever the first random image happens to be.

  1. Call the fixed points for the first image


This will render the markers for the user to annotate.

  1. The user can use the VR headset to align the camera focus point with a marker. They can then click a button on the headset to get a pop-up menu where they can select either 'C' for Coral or 'N' for not Coral by hovering over that option

  2. Call the next image to annotate then repeat Step 5 & 6 until all 3 images are annotated





  1. Give feedback to the user by calling check for each image in order




  1. Get feedback from the user by asking them evaluation question/(s)



MilesMcBain/r2vr documentation built on March 29, 2021, 12:03 p.m.